Making a release#

Making a release is by now straight forward. Creating a «New Release» on GitHub will trigger all the required things. However, there are still a few things to do beforehand and a few things to check afterwards.

  1. Update CHANGELOG.rst.

  2. Push it to GitHub, create a release tagging it.

  3. Tagging it on GitHub will automatically deploy it to PyPi, which in turn will create a PR for the conda-forge feedstock. The PR will be automatically merged. (Note: if the dependencies change or the minimum Python version or other installation things then the feedstock has to be updated manually!)

  4. After releasing it, check that:

CI automatic and manual bits#


  • Testing on Github Actions includes:

    • Tests using pytest (Linux, MacOS, Windows)

    • Linting / code style with flake8

    • Ensure all http(s)-links work (sphinx -b linkcheck)

  • Line-coverage with pytest-cov on Coveralls

  • Code-quality on Codacy

  • Manual on ReadTheDocs

  • DOI minting on Zenodo


Useful things#

The following info was from the time when we still manually deployed. Now every push to main triggers a test to Test-PyPI, so things can be verified there. However, these hints my still be useful at some point.

  • If there were changes to README, check it with:

    python --long-description | --no-raw > index.html
  • If unsure about something, test it first on testpypi (requires ~/.pypirc):

    ~/anaconda3/bin/twine upload dist/* -r testpypi
  • If unsure, test the test-pypi for conda if the skeleton builds:

    conda skeleton pypi --pypi-url emg3d
  • If it fails, you might have to install python3-setuptools:

    sudo apt install python3-setuptools