Source code for emg3d.fields


:mod:`fields` -- Electric and magnetic fields

Everything related to the multigrid solver that is a field: source field,
electric and magnetic fields, and fields at receivers.

# Copyright 2018-2020 The emg3d Developers.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
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import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from empymod import EMArray
from scipy.constants import mu_0

from emg3d import maps, models

__all__ = ['Field', 'SourceField', 'get_source_field', 'get_receiver',

[docs]class Field(np.ndarray): r"""Create a Field instance with x-, y-, and z-views of the field. A `Field` is an `ndarray` with additional views of the x-, y-, and z-directed fields as attributes, stored as `fx`, `fy`, and `fz`. The default array contains the whole field, which can be the electric field, the source field, or the residual field, in a 1D array. A `Field` instance has additionally the property `ensure_pec` which, if called, ensures Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) boundary condition. It also has the two attributes `amp` and `pha` for the amplitude and phase, as common in frequency-domain CSEM. A `Field` can be initiated in three ways: 1. ``Field(grid, dtype=complex)``: Calling it with a :class:`TensorMesh` instance returns a `Field` instance of correct dimensions initiated with zeroes of data type `dtype`. 2. ``Field(grid, field)``: Calling it with a :class:`TensorMesh` instance and an `ndarray` returns a `Field` instance of the provided `ndarray`, of same data type. 3. ``Field(fx, fy, fz)``: Calling it with three `ndarray`'s which represent the field in x-, y-, and z-direction returns a `Field` instance with these views, of same data type. Sort-order is 'F'. Parameters ---------- fx_or_grid : :class:`TensorMesh` or ndarray Either a TensorMesh instance or an ndarray of shape grid.nEx or grid.vnEx. See explanations above. Only mandatory parameter; if the only one provided, it will initiate a zero-field of `dtype`. fy_or_field : :class:`Field` or ndarray, optional Either a Field instance or an ndarray of shape grid.nEy or grid.vnEy. See explanations above. fz : ndarray, optional An ndarray of shape grid.nEz or grid.vnEz. See explanations above. dtype : dtype, optional Only used if ``fy_or_field=None`` and ``fz=None``; the initiated zero-field for the provided TensorMesh has data type `dtype`. Default: complex. freq : float, optional Source frequency (Hz), used to calculate the Laplace parameter `s`. Either positive or negative: - `freq` > 0: Frequency domain, hence :math:`s = -\mathrm{i}\omega = -2\mathrm{i}\pi f` (complex); - `freq` < 0: Laplace domain, hence :math:`s = f` (real). Just added as info if provided. """ def __new__(cls, fx_or_grid, fy_or_field=None, fz=None, dtype=complex, freq=None): """Initiate a new Field instance.""" # Collect field if fy_or_field is None and fz is None: # Empty Field with new = np.zeros(fx_or_grid.nE, dtype=dtype) # dimension grid.nE. elif fz is None: # grid and field provided new = fy_or_field else: # fx, fy, fz provided new = np.r_[fx_or_grid.ravel('F'), fy_or_field.ravel('F'), fz.ravel('F')] # Store the field as object obj = np.asarray(new).view(cls) # Store relevant numbers for the views. if fy_or_field is not None and fz is not None: # Deduce from arrays obj.nEx = fx_or_grid.size obj.nEy = fy_or_field.size obj.nEz = fz.size obj.vnEx = fx_or_grid.shape obj.vnEy = fy_or_field.shape obj.vnEz = fz.shape else: # If grid is provided attr_list = ['nEx', 'nEy', 'nEz', 'vnEx', 'vnEy', 'vnEz'] for attr in attr_list: setattr(obj, attr, getattr(fx_or_grid, attr)) # Get Laplace parameter. if freq is None and hasattr(fy_or_field, 'freq'): freq = fy_or_field._freq obj._freq = freq if freq is not None: if freq > 0: # Frequency domain; s = iw = 2i*pi*f. obj._sval = np.array(-2j*np.pi*freq) obj._smu0 = np.array(-2j*np.pi*freq*mu_0) elif freq < 0: # Laplace domain; s. obj._sval = np.array(freq) obj._smu0 = np.array(freq*mu_0) else: print("* ERROR :: `freq` must be >0 (frequency domain) " "or <0 (Laplace domain)." f" Provided frequency: {freq} Hz.") raise ValueError("Source error") else: obj._sval = None obj._smu0 = None return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): """Ensure relevant numbers are stored no matter how created.""" if obj is None: return self.nEx = getattr(obj, 'nEx', None) self.nEy = getattr(obj, 'nEy', None) self.nEz = getattr(obj, 'nEz', None) self.vnEx = getattr(obj, 'vnEx', None) self.vnEy = getattr(obj, 'vnEy', None) self.vnEz = getattr(obj, 'vnEz', None) self._freq = getattr(obj, '_freq', None) self._sval = getattr(obj, '_sval', None) self._smu0 = getattr(obj, '_smu0', None) def __reduce__(self): """Customize __reduce__ to make `Field` work with pickle. => """ # Get the parent's __reduce__ tuple. pickled_state = super(Field, self).__reduce__() # Create our own tuple to pass to __setstate__. new_state = pickled_state[2] attr_list = ['nEx', 'nEy', 'nEz', 'vnEx', 'vnEy', 'vnEz', '_freq', '_sval', '_smu0'] for attr in attr_list: new_state += (getattr(self, attr),) # Return tuple that replaces parent's __setstate__ tuple with our own. return (pickled_state[0], pickled_state[1], new_state) def __setstate__(self, state): """Customize __setstate__ to make `Field` work with pickle. => """ # Set the necessary attributes (in reverse order). attr_list = ['nEx', 'nEy', 'nEz', 'vnEx', 'vnEy', 'vnEz', '_freq', '_sval', '_smu0'] attr_list.reverse() for i, name in enumerate(attr_list): i += 1 # We need it 1..#attr instead of 0..#attr-1. setattr(self, name, state[-i]) # Call the parent's __setstate__ with the other tuple elements. super(Field, self).__setstate__(state[0:-i])
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Field.""" return Field.from_dict(self.to_dict(True))
[docs] def to_dict(self, copy=False): """Store the necessary information of the Field in a dict.""" out = {'field': np.array(self.field), 'freq': self._freq, 'vnEx': self.vnEx, 'vnEy': self.vnEy, 'vnEz': self.vnEz, '__class__': self.__class__.__name__} if copy: return deepcopy(out) else: return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into :class:`Field` instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from :func:`Field.to_dict`. The dictionary needs the keys `field`, `freq`, `vnEx`, `vnEy`, and `vnEz`. Returns ------- obj : :class:`Field` instance """ # Create a dummy with the required attributes for the field instance. class Grid: pass grid = Grid() # Check and get the required keys from the input. try: field = inp['field'] freq = inp['freq'] grid.vnEx = inp['vnEx'] grid.vnEy = inp['vnEy'] grid.vnEz = inp['vnEz'] except KeyError as e: print(f"* ERROR :: Variable {e} missing in `inp`.") raise # Calculate missing info. grid.nEx = grid.nEy = grid.nEz = grid.nE = grid.nEx + grid.nEy + grid.nEz # Return Field instance. return cls(fx_or_grid=grid, fy_or_field=field, freq=freq)
@property def field(self): """Entire field, 1D [fx, fy, fz].""" return self.view() @field.setter def field(self, field): """Update field, 1D [fx, fy, fz].""" self.view()[:] = field @property def fx(self): """View of the x-directed field in the x-direction (nCx, nNy, nNz).""" return self.view()[:self.nEx].reshape(self.vnEx, order='F') @fx.setter def fx(self, fx): """Update field in x-direction.""" self.view()[:self.nEx] = fx.ravel('F') @property def fy(self): """View of the field in the y-direction (nNx, nCy, nNz).""" return self.view()[self.nEx:-self.nEz].reshape(self.vnEy, order='F') @fy.setter def fy(self, fy): """Update field in y-direction.""" self.view()[self.nEx:-self.nEz] = fy.ravel('F') @property def fz(self): """View of the field in the z-direction (nNx, nNy, nCz).""" return self.view()[-self.nEz:].reshape(self.vnEz, order='F') @fz.setter def fz(self, fz): """Update electric field in z-direction.""" self.view()[-self.nEz:] = fz.ravel('F')
[docs] def amp(self): """Amplitude of the electromagnetic field.""" return EMArray(self.view()).amp()
[docs] def pha(self, deg=False, unwrap=True, lag=True): """Phase of the electromagnetic field. Parameters ---------- deg : bool If True the returned phase is in degrees, else in radians. Default is False (radians). unwrap : bool If True the returned phase is unwrapped. Default is True (unwrapped). lag : bool If True the returned phase is lag, else lead defined. Default is True (lag defined). """ return EMArray(self.view()).pha(deg, unwrap, lag)
@property def freq(self): """Return frequency.""" if self._freq is None: return None else: return abs(self._freq) @property def smu0(self): """Return s*mu_0; mu_0 = Magn. permeability of free space [H/m].""" return self._smu0 @property def sval(self): """Return s; s=iw in frequency domain; s=freq in Laplace domain.""" return self._sval @property def ensure_pec(self): """Set Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) boundary condition.""" # Apply PEC to fx self.fx[:, 0, :] = 0. self.fx[:, -1, :] = 0. self.fx[:, :, 0] = 0. self.fx[:, :, -1] = 0. # Apply PEC to fy self.fy[0, :, :] = 0. self.fy[-1, :, :] = 0. self.fy[:, :, 0] = 0. self.fy[:, :, -1] = 0. # Apply PEC to fz self.fz[0, :, :] = 0. self.fz[-1, :, :] = 0. self.fz[:, 0, :] = 0. self.fz[:, -1, :] = 0. @property def is_electric(self): """Returns True if Field is electric, False if it is magnetic.""" return self.vnEx[0] < self.vnEy[0]
[docs]class SourceField(Field): r"""Create a Source-Field instance with x-, y-, and z-views of the field. A subclass of :class:`Field`. Additional properties are the real-valued source vector (`vector`, `vx`, `vy`, `vz`), which sum is always one. For a `SourceField` frequency is a mandatory parameter, unlike for a `Field` (recommended also for `Field` though), Parameters ---------- fx_or_grid : :class:`TensorMesh` or ndarray Either a TensorMesh instance or an ndarray of shape grid.nEx or grid.vnEx. See explanations above. Only mandatory parameter; if the only one provided, it will initiate a zero-field of `dtype`. fy_or_field : :class:`Field` or ndarray, optional Either a Field instance or an ndarray of shape grid.nEy or grid.vnEy. See explanations above. fz : ndarray, optional An ndarray of shape grid.nEz or grid.vnEz. See explanations above. dtype : dtype, optional Only used if ``fy_or_field=None`` and ``fz=None``; the initiated zero-field for the provided TensorMesh has data type `dtype`. Default: complex. freq : float Source frequency (Hz), used to calculate the Laplace parameter `s`. Either positive or negative: - `freq` > 0: Frequency domain, hence :math:`s = -\mathrm{i}\omega = -2\mathrm{i}\pi f` (complex); - `freq` < 0: Laplace domain, hence :math:`s = f` (real). In difference to `Field`, the frequency has to be provided for a `SourceField`. """ def __new__(cls, fx_or_grid, fy_or_field=None, fz=None, dtype=complex, freq=None): """Initiate a new Source Field.""" # Ensure frequency is provided. if freq is None: print(f"* ERROR :: SourceField requires the frequency.") raise ValueError("SourceField needs `freq`.") if freq > 0: dtype = complex else: dtype = float return super().__new__(cls, fx_or_grid, fy_or_field=fy_or_field, fz=fz, dtype=dtype, freq=freq)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the SourceField.""" return SourceField.from_dict(self.to_dict(True))
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into :class:`SourceField` instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from :func:`SourceField.to_dict`. The dictionary needs the keys `field`, `freq`, `vnEx`, `vnEy`, and `vnEz`. Returns ------- obj : :class:`SourceField` instance """ # Create a dummy with the required attributes for the field instance. class Grid: pass grid = Grid() # Check and get the required keys from the input. try: field = inp['field'] freq = inp['freq'] grid.vnEx = inp['vnEx'] grid.vnEy = inp['vnEy'] grid.vnEz = inp['vnEz'] except KeyError as e: print(f"* ERROR :: Variable {e} missing in `inp`.") raise # Calculate missing info. grid.nEx = grid.nEy = grid.nEz = grid.nE = grid.nEx + grid.nEy + grid.nEz # Return Field instance. return cls(grid, field, freq=freq)
@property def vector(self): """Entire vector, 1D [vx, vy, vz].""" return np.real(self.field/self.smu0) @property def vx(self): """View of the x-directed vector in the x-direction (nCx, nNy, nNz).""" return np.real(self.field.fx/self.smu0) @property def vy(self): """View of the vector in the y-direction (nNx, nCy, nNz).""" return np.real(self.field.fy/self.smu0) @property def vz(self): """View of the vector in the z-direction (nNx, nNy, nCz).""" return np.real(self.field.fz/self.smu0)
[docs]def get_source_field(grid, src, freq, strength=0): r"""Return the source field. The source field is given in Equation 2 in [Muld06]_, .. math:: s \mu_0 \mathbf{J}_\mathrm{s} , where :math:`s = \mathrm{i} \omega`. Either finite length dipoles or infinitesimal small point dipoles can be defined, whereas the return source field corresponds to a normalized (1 Am) source distributed within the cell(s) it resides (can be changed with the `strength`-parameter). The adjoint of the trilinear interpolation is used to distribute the point(s) to the grid edges, which corresponds to the discretization of a Dirac ([PlDM07]_). Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh Model grid; a :class:`TensorMesh` instance. src : list of floats Source coordinates (m). There are two formats: - Finite length dipole: ``[x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1]``. - Point dipole: ``[x, y, z, azimuth, dip]``. freq : float Source frequency (Hz), used to calculate the Laplace parameter `s`. Either positive or negative: - `freq` > 0: Frequency domain, hence :math:`s = -\mathrm{i}\omega = -2\mathrm{i}\pi f` (complex); - `freq` < 0: Laplace domain, hence :math:`s = f` (real). strength : float or complex, optional Source strength (A): - If 0, output is normalized to a source of 1 m length, and source strength of 1 A. - If != 0, output is returned for given source length and strength. Default is 0. Returns ------- sfield : :func:`SourceField` instance Source field, normalized to 1 A m. """ # Cast some parameters. src = np.asarray(src, dtype=float) strength = np.asarray(strength) # Ensure source is a point or a finite dipole. if len(src) not in [5, 6]: print("* ERROR :: Source is wrong defined. Must be either a point,\n" " [x, y, z, azimuth, dip], or a finite dipole,\n" " [x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2]. Provided source:\n" f" {src}.") raise ValueError("Source error") elif len(src) == 5: finite = False # Infinitesimal small dipole. else: finite = True # Finite length dipole. # Ensure finite length dipole is not a point dipole. if np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(src[1::2]-src[::2]), 0): print("* ERROR :: Provided source is a point dipole, " "use the format [x, y, z, azimuth, dip] instead.") raise ValueError("Source error") # Ensure source is within grid. if finite: ii = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] else: ii = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2] source_in = np.any(src[ii[0]] >= grid.vectorNx[0]) source_in *= np.any(src[ii[1]] <= grid.vectorNx[-1]) source_in *= np.any(src[ii[2]] >= grid.vectorNy[0]) source_in *= np.any(src[ii[3]] <= grid.vectorNy[-1]) source_in *= np.any(src[ii[4]] >= grid.vectorNz[0]) source_in *= np.any(src[ii[5]] <= grid.vectorNz[-1]) if not source_in: print(f"* ERROR :: Provided source outside grid: {src}.") raise ValueError("Source error") # Get source orientation (dxs, dys, dzs) if not finite: # Point dipole: convert azimuth/dip to weights. h = np.cos(np.deg2rad(src[4])) dys = np.sin(np.deg2rad(src[3]))*h dxs = np.cos(np.deg2rad(src[3]))*h dzs = np.sin(np.deg2rad(src[4])) srcdir = np.array([dxs, dys, dzs]) src = src[:3] else: # Finite dipole: get length and normalize. srcdir = np.diff(src.reshape(3, 2)).ravel() # Normalize to one if strength is 0. if strength == 0: srcdir /= np.linalg.norm(srcdir) # Set source strength. if strength == 0: # 1 A m moment = srcdir else: # Multiply source length with source strength moment = strength*srcdir def set_source(grid, moment, finite): """Set the source-field in idir.""" # Initiate zero source field. sfield = SourceField(grid, freq=freq) # Return source-field depending if point or finite dipole. vec1 = (grid.vectorCCx, grid.vectorNy, grid.vectorNz) vec2 = (grid.vectorNx, grid.vectorCCy, grid.vectorNz) vec3 = (grid.vectorNx, grid.vectorNy, grid.vectorCCz) if finite: finite_source(*vec1, src, sfield.fx, 0, grid) finite_source(*vec2, src, sfield.fy, 1, grid) finite_source(*vec3, src, sfield.fz, 2, grid) else: point_source(*vec1, src, sfield.fx) point_source(*vec2, src, sfield.fy) point_source(*vec3, src, sfield.fz) # Multiply by moment*s*mu in per direction. sfield.fx *= moment[0]*sfield.smu0 sfield.fy *= moment[1]*sfield.smu0 sfield.fz *= moment[2]*sfield.smu0 return sfield def point_source(xx, yy, zz, src, s): """Set point dipole source.""" nx, ny, nz = s.shape # Get indices of cells in which source resides. ix = max(0, np.where(src[0] < np.r_[xx, np.infty])[0][0]-1) iy = max(0, np.where(src[1] < np.r_[yy, np.infty])[0][0]-1) iz = max(0, np.where(src[2] < np.r_[zz, np.infty])[0][0]-1) # Indices and field strength in x-direction if ix == nx-1: rx = 1.0 ex = 1.0 ix1 = ix else: ix1 = ix+1 rx = (src[0]-xx[ix])/(xx[ix1]-xx[ix]) ex = 1.0-rx # Indices and field strength in y-direction if iy == ny-1: ry = 1.0 ey = 1.0 iy1 = iy else: iy1 = iy+1 ry = (src[1]-yy[iy])/(yy[iy1]-yy[iy]) ey = 1.0-ry # Indices and field strength in z-direction if iz == nz-1: rz = 1.0 ez = 1.0 iz1 = iz else: iz1 = iz+1 rz = (src[2]-zz[iz])/(zz[iz1]-zz[iz]) ez = 1.0-rz s[ix, iy, iz] = ex*ey*ez s[ix1, iy, iz] = rx*ey*ez s[ix, iy1, iz] = ex*ry*ez s[ix1, iy1, iz] = rx*ry*ez s[ix, iy, iz1] = ex*ey*rz s[ix1, iy, iz1] = rx*ey*rz s[ix, iy1, iz1] = ex*ry*rz s[ix1, iy1, iz1] = rx*ry*rz def finite_source(xx, yy, zz, src, s, idir, grid): """Set finite dipole source. Using adjoint interpolation method, probably not the most efficient implementation. """ # Source lengths in x-, y-, and z-directions. d_xyz = src[1::2]-src[::2] # Inverse source lengths. id_xyz = d_xyz.copy() id_xyz[id_xyz != 0] = 1/id_xyz[id_xyz != 0] # Cell fractions. a1 = (grid.vectorNx-src[0])*id_xyz[0] a2 = (grid.vectorNy-src[2])*id_xyz[1] a3 = (grid.vectorNz-src[4])*id_xyz[2] # Get range of indices of cells in which source resides. def min_max_ind(vector, i): """Return [min, max]-index of cells in which source resides.""" vmin = min(src[2*i:2*i+2]) vmax = max(src[2*i:2*i+2]) return [max(0, np.where(vmin < np.r_[vector, np.infty])[0][0]-1), max(0, np.where(vmax < np.r_[vector, np.infty])[0][0]-1)] rix = min_max_ind(grid.vectorNx, 0) riy = min_max_ind(grid.vectorNy, 1) riz = min_max_ind(grid.vectorNz, 2) # Loop over these indices. for iz in range(riz[0], riz[1]+1): for iy in range(riy[0], riy[1]+1): for ix in range(rix[0], rix[1]+1): # Determine centre of gravity of line segment in cell. aa = np.vstack([[a1[ix], a1[ix+1]], [a2[iy], a2[iy+1]], [a3[iz], a3[iz+1]]]) aa = np.sort(aa[d_xyz != 0, :], 1) al = max(0, aa[:, 0].max()) # Left and right ar = min(1, aa[:, 1].min()) # elements. # Characteristics of this cell. xmin = src[::2]+al*d_xyz xmax = src[::2]+ar*d_xyz x_c = (xmin+xmax)/2.0 slen = np.linalg.norm(src[1::2]-src[::2]) x_len = np.linalg.norm(xmax-xmin)/slen # Contribution to edge (coordinate idir) rx = (x_c[0]-grid.vectorNx[ix])/grid.hx[ix] ex = 1-rx ry = (x_c[1]-grid.vectorNy[iy])/grid.hy[iy] ey = 1-ry rz = (x_c[2]-grid.vectorNz[iz])/grid.hz[iz] ez = 1-rz # Add to field (only if segment inside cell). if min(rx, ry, rz) >= 0 and np.max(np.abs(ar-al)) > 0: if idir == 0: s[ix, iy, iz] += ey*ez*x_len s[ix, iy+1, iz] += ry*ez*x_len s[ix, iy, iz+1] += ey*rz*x_len s[ix, iy+1, iz+1] += ry*rz*x_len if idir == 1: s[ix, iy, iz] += ex*ez*x_len s[ix+1, iy, iz] += rx*ez*x_len s[ix, iy, iz+1] += ex*rz*x_len s[ix+1, iy, iz+1] += rx*rz*x_len if idir == 2: s[ix, iy, iz] += ex*ey*x_len s[ix+1, iy, iz] += rx*ey*x_len s[ix, iy+1, iz] += ex*ry*x_len s[ix+1, iy+1, iz] += rx*ry*x_len # Get the source field. sfield = set_source(grid, moment, finite) # Add src and moment information. sfield.src = src sfield.strength = strength sfield.moment = moment return sfield
[docs]def get_receiver(grid, values, coordinates, method='cubic', extrapolate=False): """Return values corresponding to grid at coordinates. Works for electric fields as well as magnetic fields obtained with :func:`get_h_field`, and for model parameters. Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh Model grid; a :class:`TensorMesh` instance. values : ndarray Field instance, or a particular field (e.g. field.fx); Model parameters. coordinates : tuple (x, y, z) Coordinates (x, y, z) where to interpolate `values`; e.g. receiver locations. method : str, optional The method of interpolation to perform, 'linear' or 'cubic'. Default is 'cubic' (forced to 'linear' if there are less than 3 points in any direction). extrapolate : bool If True, points on `new_grid` which are outside of `grid` are filled by the nearest value (if ``method='cubic'``) or by extrapolation (if ``method='linear'``). If False, points outside are set to zero. Default is False. Returns ------- new_values : ndarray or :class:`empymod.utils.EMArray` Values at `coordinates`. If input was a field it returns an EMArray, which is a subclassed ndarray with ``.pha`` and ``.amp`` attributes. If input was an entire Field instance, output is a tuple (fx, fy, fz). See Also -------- grid2grid : Interpolation of model parameters or fields to a new grid. """ # If values is a Field instance, call it recursively for each field. if hasattr(values, 'field') and values.field.ndim == 1: fx = get_receiver(grid, values.fx, coordinates, method, extrapolate) fy = get_receiver(grid, values.fy, coordinates, method, extrapolate) fz = get_receiver(grid, values.fz, coordinates, method, extrapolate) return fx, fy, fz if len(coordinates) != 3: print("* ERROR :: Coordinates needs to be in the form (x, y, z).") print(f" Length of provided coord.: {len(coordinates)}.") raise ValueError("Coordinates error") # Get the vectors corresponding to input data. Dimensions: # # E-field H-field | Model Parameter # x: [nCx, nNy, nNz] [nNx, nCy, nCz] | # y: [nNx, nCy, nNz] [nCx, nNy, nCz] | [nCx, nCy, nCz] # z: [nNx, nNy, nCz] [nCx, nCy, nNz] | # points = tuple() for i, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']): if values.shape[i] == getattr(grid, 'nN'+coord): pts = (getattr(grid, 'vectorN'+coord), ) else: pts = (getattr(grid, 'vectorCC'+coord), ) # Add to points. points += pts if extrapolate: fill_value = None mode = 'nearest' else: fill_value = 0.0 mode = 'constant' out = maps.interp3d(points, values, coordinates, method, fill_value, mode) # Return an EMArray if input is a field, else simply the values. if values.size == grid.nC: return out else: return EMArray(out)
[docs]def get_h_field(grid, model, field): r"""Return magnetic field corresponding to provided electric field. Retrieve the magnetic field :math:`\mathbf{H}` from the electric field :math:`\mathbf{E}` using Farady's law, given by .. math:: \nabla \times \mathbf{E} = \rm{i}\omega\mu\mathbf{H} . Note that the magnetic field in x-direction is defined in the center of the face defined by the electric field in y- and z-directions, and similar for the other field directions. This means that the provided electric field and the returned magnetic field have different dimensions:: E-field: x: [grid.vectorCCx, grid.vectorNy, grid.vectorNz] y: [ grid.vectorNx, grid.vectorCCy, grid.vectorNz] z: [ grid.vectorNx, grid.vectorNy, grid.vectorCCz] H-field: x: [ grid.vectorNx, grid.vectorCCy, grid.vectorCCz] y: [grid.vectorCCx, grid.vectorNy, grid.vectorCCz] z: [grid.vectorCCx, grid.vectorCCy, grid.vectorNz] Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh Model grid; :class:`TensorMesh` instance. model : Model Model; :class:`Model` instance. field : Field Electric field; :class:`Field` instance. Returns ------- hfield : Field Magnetic field; :class:`Field` instance. """ # Carry out the curl (^ corresponds to differentiation axis): # H_x = (E_z^1 - E_y^2) e3d_hx = (np.diff(field.fz, axis=1)/grid.hy[None, :, None] - np.diff(field.fy, axis=2)/grid.hz[None, None, :]) # H_y = (E_x^2 - E_z^0) e3d_hy = (np.diff(field.fx, axis=2)/grid.hz[None, None, :] - np.diff(field.fz, axis=0)/grid.hx[:, None, None]) # H_z = (E_y^0 - E_x^1) e3d_hz = (np.diff(field.fy, axis=0)/grid.hx[:, None, None] - np.diff(field.fx, axis=1)/grid.hy[None, :, None]) # If relative magnetic permeability is not one, we have to take the volume # into account, as mu_r is volume-averaged. if model._mu_r is not None: # Get volume-averaged values. vmodel = models.VolumeModel(grid, model, field) # Plus and minus indices. ixm = np.r_[0, np.arange(grid.nCx)] ixp = np.r_[np.arange(grid.nCx), grid.nCx-1] iym = np.r_[0, np.arange(grid.nCy)] iyp = np.r_[np.arange(grid.nCy), grid.nCy-1] izm = np.r_[0, np.arange(grid.nCz)] izp = np.r_[np.arange(grid.nCz), grid.nCz-1] # Average mu_r for dual-grid. zeta_x = (vmodel.zeta[ixm, :, :] + vmodel.zeta[ixp, :, :])/2. zeta_y = (vmodel.zeta[:, iym, :] + vmodel.zeta[:, iyp, :])/2. zeta_z = (vmodel.zeta[:, :, izm] + vmodel.zeta[:, :, izp])/2. hvx = grid.hx[:, None, None] hvy = grid.hy[None, :, None] hvz = grid.hz[None, None, :] # Define the widths of the dual grid. dx = (np.r_[0., grid.hx] + np.r_[grid.hx, 0.])/2. dy = (np.r_[0., grid.hy] + np.r_[grid.hy, 0.])/2. dz = (np.r_[0., grid.hz] + np.r_[grid.hz, 0.])/2. # Multiply fields by mu_r. e3d_hx *= zeta_x/(dx[:, None, None]*hvy*hvz) e3d_hy *= zeta_y/(hvx*dy[None, :, None]*hvz) e3d_hz *= zeta_z/(hvx*hvy*dz[None, None, :]) # Create a Field instance and divide by s*mu_0 and return. return -Field(e3d_hx, e3d_hy, e3d_hz)/field.smu0