Source code for emg3d.maps


:mod:`maps` -- Interpolation routines

Interpolation routines mapping grids to grids, grids to fields, and fields to

# Copyright 2018-2020 The emg3d Developers.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# the License.

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate, ndimage

from emg3d import fields

# Numba-settings
_numba_setting = {'nogil': True, 'fastmath': True, 'cache': True}

__all__ = ['grid2grid', 'interp3d']

[docs]def grid2grid(grid, values, new_grid, method='linear', extrapolate=True, log=False): """Interpolate `values` located on `grid` to `new_grid`. **Note 1:** The default method is 'linear', because it works with fields and model parameters. However, recommended are 'volume' for model parameters and 'cubic' for fields. **Note 2:** For model parameters with `method='volume'` the result is quite different if you provide resistivity, conductivity, or the logarithm of any of the two. The recommended way is to provide the logarithm of resistivity or conductivity, in which case the output of one is indeed the inverse of the output of the other. Parameters ---------- grid, new_grid : TensorMesh Input and output model grids; :class:`TensorMesh` instances. values : ndarray Model parameters; :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance, or a particular field (e.g. field.fx). For fields the method cannot be 'volume'. method : {<'linear'>, 'volume', 'cubic'}, optional The method of interpolation to perform. The volume averaging method ensures that the total sum of the property stays constant. Volume averaging is only implemented for model parameters, not for fields. The method 'cubic' requires at least three points in any direction, otherwise it will fall back to 'linear'. Default is 'linear', because it works with fields and model parameters. However, recommended are 'volume' for model parameters and 'cubic' for fields. extrapolate : bool If True, points on `new_grid` which are outside of `grid` are filled by the nearest value (if ``method='cubic'``) or by extrapolation (if ``method='linear'``). If False, points outside are set to zero. For ``method='volume'`` it always uses the nearest value for points outside of `grid`. Default is True. log : bool If True, the interpolation is carried out on a log10-scale; hence the same as ``10**grid2grid(grid, np.log10(values), ...)``. Default is False. Returns ------- new_values : ndarray Values corresponding to `new_grid`. See Also -------- get_receiver : Interpolation of model parameters or fields to (x, y, z). """ # If values is a Field instance, call it recursively for each field. if hasattr(values, 'field') and values.field.ndim == 1: fx = grid2grid(grid, np.asarray(values.fx), new_grid, method, extrapolate, log) fy = grid2grid(grid, np.asarray(values.fy), new_grid, method, extrapolate, log) fz = grid2grid(grid, np.asarray(values.fz), new_grid, method, extrapolate, log) # Return a field instance. return fields.Field(fx, fy, fz) # If values is a particular field, ensure method is not 'volume'. if not np.all(grid.vnC == values.shape) and method == 'volume': print("* ERROR :: ``method='volume'`` not implemented for fields.") raise ValueError("Method not implemented.") if method == 'volume': points = (grid.vectorNx, grid.vectorNy, grid.vectorNz) new_points = (new_grid.vectorNx, new_grid.vectorNy, new_grid.vectorNz) new_values = np.zeros(new_grid.vnC, dtype=values.dtype) vol = new_grid.vol.reshape(new_grid.vnC, order='F') # Get values from `volume_average`. if log: volume_average(*points, np.log10(values), *new_points, new_values, vol) else: volume_average(*points, values, *new_points, new_values, vol) else: # Get the vectors corresponding to input data. points = tuple() new_points = tuple() shape = tuple() for i, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']): if values.shape[i] == getattr(grid, 'nN'+coord): pts = getattr(grid, 'vectorN'+coord) new_pts = getattr(new_grid, 'vectorN'+coord) else: pts = getattr(grid, 'vectorCC'+coord) new_pts = getattr(new_grid, 'vectorCC'+coord) # Add to points. points += (pts, ) new_points += (new_pts, ) shape += (len(new_pts), ) # Format the output points. xx, yy, zz = np.broadcast_arrays( new_points[0][:, None, None], new_points[1][:, None], new_points[2]) new_points = np.r_[xx.ravel('F'), yy.ravel('F'), zz.ravel('F')] new_points = new_points.reshape(-1, 3, order='F') # Get values from `interp3d`. if extrapolate: fill_value = None mode = 'nearest' else: fill_value = 0.0 mode = 'constant' if log: new_values = interp3d(points, np.log10(values), new_points, method, fill_value, mode) else: new_values = interp3d(points, values, new_points, method, fill_value, mode) new_values = new_values.reshape(shape, order='F') if log: return 10**new_values else: return new_values
[docs]def interp3d(points, values, new_points, method, fill_value, mode): """Interpolate values in 3D either linearly or with a cubic spline. Return `values` corresponding to a regular 3D grid defined by `points` on `new_points`. This is a modified version of :func:`scipy.interpolate.interpn`, using :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` if ``method='linear'`` and a custom-wrapped version of :func:`scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` if ``method='cubic'``. If speed is important then choose 'linear', as it can be significantly faster. Parameters ---------- points : tuple of ndarray of float, with shapes ((nx, ), (ny, ) (nz, )) The points defining the regular grid in three dimensions. values : array_like, shape (nx, ny, nz) The data on the regular grid in three dimensions. new_points : tuple (rec_x, rec_y, rec_z) Coordinates (x, y, z) of new points. method : {'cubic', 'linear'}, optional The method of interpolation to perform, 'linear' or 'cubic'. Default is 'cubic' (forced to 'linear' if there are less than 3 points in any direction). fill_value : float or None Passed to :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` if ``method='linear'``: The value to use for points outside of the interpolation domain. If None, values outside the domain are extrapolated. mode : {'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'reflect', 'wrap'} Passed to :func:`scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` if ``method='cubic'``: Determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Returns ------- new_values : ndarray Values corresponding to `new_points`. """ # We need at least 3 points in each direction for cubic spline. This should # never be an issue for a realistic 3D model. for pts in points: if len(pts) < 4: method = 'linear' # Interpolation. if method == "linear": ifn = interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator( points=points, values=values, method="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value) new_values = ifn(xi=new_points) else: # Replicate the same expansion of xi as used in # RegularGridInterpolator, so the input xi can be quite flexible. xi = interpolate.interpnd._ndim_coords_from_arrays(new_points, ndim=3) xi_shape = xi.shape xi = xi.reshape(-1, 3) # map_coordinates uses the indices of the input data (values in this # case) as coordinates. We have therefore to transform our desired # output coordinates to this artificial coordinate system too. coords = np.empty(xi.T.shape) for i in range(3): coords[i] = interpolate.interp1d( points[i], np.arange(len(points[i])), kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate',)(xi[:, i]) # map_coordinates only works for real data; split it up if complex. params3d = {'order': 3, 'mode': mode, 'cval': 0.0} if 'complex' in real = ndimage.map_coordinates(values.real, coords, **params3d) imag = ndimage.map_coordinates(values.imag, coords, **params3d) result = real + 1j*imag else: result = ndimage.map_coordinates(values, coords, **params3d) new_values = result.reshape(xi_shape[:-1]) return new_values
# Volume averaging @nb.njit(**_numba_setting) def volume_average(edges_x, edges_y, edges_z, values, new_edges_x, new_edges_y, new_edges_z, new_values, new_vol): """Interpolation using the volume averaging technique. The result is added to new_values. The original implementation (see ``emg3d v0.7.1``) followed [PlDM07]_. Joe Capriot took that algorithm and made it much faster for implementation in `discretize`. The current implementation is a simplified Numba-version of his Cython version (the `discretize` version works for 1D, 2D, and 3D meshes and can also return a sparse matrix representing the operation). Parameters ---------- edges_[x, y, z] : ndarray The edges in x-, y-, and z-directions for the original grid. values : ndarray Values corresponding to `grid`. new_edges_[x, y, z] : ndarray The edges in x-, y-, and z-directions for the new grid. new_values : ndarray Array where values corresponding to `new_grid` will be added. new_vol : ndarray The volumes of the `new_grid`-cells. """ # Get the weights and indices for each direction. wx, ix_in, ix_out = _volume_avg_weights(edges_x, new_edges_x) wy, iy_in, iy_out = _volume_avg_weights(edges_y, new_edges_y) wz, iz_in, iz_out = _volume_avg_weights(edges_z, new_edges_z) # Loop over the elements and sum up the contributions. for iz, w_z in enumerate(wz): izi = iz_in[iz] izo = iz_out[iz] for iy, w_y in enumerate(wy): iyi = iy_in[iy] iyo = iy_out[iy] w_zy = w_z*w_y for ix, w_x in enumerate(wx): ixi = ix_in[ix] ixo = ix_out[ix] new_values[ixo, iyo, izo] += w_zy*w_x*values[ixi, iyi, izi] # Normalize by new volume. new_values /= new_vol @nb.njit(**_numba_setting) def _volume_avg_weights(x1, x2): """Returns the weights for the volume averaging technique. Parameters ---------- x1, x2 : ndarray The edges in x-, y-, or z-directions for the original (x1) and the new (x2) grids. Returns ------- hs : ndarray Weights for the mapping of x1 to x2. ix1, ix2 : ndarray Indices to map x1 to x2. """ # Fill xs with uniques and truncate. # Corresponds to np.unique(np.concatenate([x1, x2])). n1, n2 = len(x1), len(x2) xs = np.empty(n1 + n2) # Pre-allocate array containing all edges. i1, i2, i = 0, 0, 0 while i1 < n1 or i2 < n2: if i1 < n1 and i2 < n2: if x1[i1] < x2[i2]: xs[i] = x1[i1] i1 += 1 elif x1[i1] > x2[i2]: xs[i] = x2[i2] i2 += 1 else: xs[i] = x1[i1] i1 += 1 i2 += 1 elif i1 < n1 and i2 == n2: xs[i] = x1[i1] i1 += 1 elif i2 < n2 and i1 == n1: xs[i] = x2[i2] i2 += 1 i += 1 # Get weights and indices for the two arrays. # - hs corresponds to np.diff(xs) where x1 and x2 overlap; zero outside. # - x1[ix1] can be mapped to x2[ix2] with the corresponding weight. nh = i-1 hs = np.empty(nh) # Pre-allocate weights. ix1 = np.zeros(nh, dtype=np.int32) # Pre-allocate indices for x1. ix2 = np.zeros(nh, dtype=np.int32) # Pre-allocate indices for x2. center = 0.0 i1, i2, i = 0, 0, 0 for i in range(nh): hs[i] = xs[i+1]-xs[i] center = xs[i]+0.5*hs[i] if center < x2[0]: hs[i] = 0.0 elif center > x2[n2-1]: hs[i] = 0.0 while i1 < n1-1 and center >= x1[i1]: i1 += 1 while i2 < n2-1 and center >= x2[i2]: i2 += 1 ix1[i] = min(max(i1-1, 0), n1-1) ix2[i] = min(max(i2-1, 0), n2-1) return hs, ix1, ix2