
Electromagnetic modeller in the diffusive limit (low frequencies) for 3D media with tri-axial electrical anisotropy. The matrix-free multigrid solver can be used as main solver or as preconditioner for one of the Krylov subspace methods implemented in scipy.sparse.linalg, and the governing equations are discretized on a staggered Yee grid. The code is written completely in Python using the numpy/scipy-stack, where the most time-consuming parts are sped-up through jitted numba-functions.

emg3d.meshes Module

meshes – Discretization

Everything related to meshes appropriate for the multigrid solver.


get_hx_h0(freq, res, domain[, fixed, …]) Return cell widths and origin for given parameters.
get_cell_numbers(max_nr[, max_prime, min_div]) Returns ‘good’ cell numbers for the multigrid method.
get_stretched_h(min_width, domain, nx[, x0, …]) Return cell widths for a stretched grid within the domain.
get_domain([x0, freq, res, limits, …]) Get domain extent and minimum cell width as a function of skin depth.
get_hx(alpha, domain, nx, x0[, resp_domain]) Return cell widths for given input.


TensorMesh(h, x0) A slightly modified discretize.TensorMesh.

emg3d.models Module

models – Earth properties

Everything to create model-properties for the multigrid solver.


Model(grid[, property_x, property_y, …]) Create a model instance.
VolumeModel(grid, model, sfield) Return a volume-averaged version of provided model.

emg3d.fields Module

fields – Electric and magnetic fields

Everything related to the multigrid solver that is a field: source field, electric and magnetic fields, and fields at receivers.


get_source_field(grid, src, freq[, strength]) Return the source field.
get_receiver(grid, values, coordinates[, …]) Return values corresponding to grid at coordinates.
get_receiver_response(grid, field, rec) Return the field (response) at receiver coordinates.
get_h_field(grid, model, field) Return magnetic field corresponding to provided electric field.


Field Create a Field instance with x-, y-, and z-views of the field.
SourceField Create a Source-Field instance with x-, y-, and z-views of the field. Module

io – I/O utilities

Utility functions for writing and reading data.


save(fname[, backend, compression]) Save surveys, meshes, models, fields, and more to disk.
load(fname, **kwargs) Load meshes, models, fields, and other data from disk.

emg3d.surveys Module

survey – Surveys

A survey stores a set of sources, receivers, and the measured data.


Survey(name, sources, receivers, frequencies) Create a survey with sources, receivers, and data.
Dipole(name, coordinates[, electric]) Finite length dipole or point dipole.
PointDipole(name, xco, yco, zco, azm, dip, …) Infinitesimal small electric or magnetic point dipole.

emg3d.simulations Module

simulation – Model a survey

A simulation is the computation (modelling) of electromagnetic responses of a resistivity (conductivity) model for a given survey.

In its heart, emg3d is a multigrid solver for 3D electromagnetic diffusion with tri-axial electrical anisotropy. However, it contains most functionalities to also act as a modeller. The simulation module combines all these things by combining surveys with computational meshes and fields and providing high-level, specialised modelling routines.


Simulation(name, survey, grid, model[, …]) Create a simulation for a given survey on a given model.

emg3d.maps Module

maps – Interpolation routines

Interpolation routines mapping grids to grids, grids to fields, and fields to grids.


grid2grid(grid, values, new_grid[, method, …]) Interpolate values located on grid to new_grid.
interp3d(points, values, new_points, method, …) Interpolate values in 3D either linearly or with a cubic spline.
edges2cellaverages(ex, ey, ez, vol, out_x, …) Interpolate fields defined on edges to volume-averaged cell values.


MapConductivity() Maps σ to computational variable σ (conductivity).
MapLgConductivity() Maps log_10(σ) to computational variable σ (conductivity).
MapLnConductivity() Maps log_e(σ) to computational variable σ (conductivity).
MapResistivity() Maps ρ to computational variable σ (conductivity).
MapLgResistivity() Maps log_10(ρ) to computational variable σ (conductivity).
MapLnResistivity() Maps log_e(ρ) to computational variable σ (conductivity).

emg3d.optimize Module

optimize – Inversion

Functionalities related to optimization (inversion), e.g., misfit function, gradient of the misfit function, or data- and depth-weighting.

Currently it follows the implementation of [PlMu08], using the adjoint-state technique for the gradient.


gradient(simulation) Compute the discrete gradient using the adjoint-state method.
misfit(simulation) Return the misfit function.
data_weighting(simulation) Return weighted residual.

emg3d.utils Module

utils – Utilities

Utility functions for the multigrid solver.


Fourier(time, fmin, fmax[, signal, ft, ftarg]) Time-domain CSEM computation.
Time() Class for timing (now; runtime).
Report([add_pckg, ncol, text_width, sort]) Print date, time, and version information.
EMArray Create an EM-ndarray: add amplitude <amp> and phase <pha> methods.

emg3d.solver Module

solver – Multigrid solver

The actual solver routines. The most computationally intensive parts, however, are in the emg3d.core as numba-jitted functions.


multigrid(grid, model, sfield, efield, var, …) Multigrid solver for 3D controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) data.
smoothing(grid, model, sfield, efield, nu, …) Reducing high-frequency error by smoothing.
restriction(grid, model, sfield, residual, …) Downsampling of grid, model, and fields to a coarser grid.
prolongation(grid, efield, cgrid, cefield, …) Interpolating the electric field from coarse grid to fine grid.
residual(grid, model, sfield, efield[, norm]) Computing the residual.
krylov(grid, model, sfield, efield, var) Krylov Subspace iterative solver for 3D CSEM data.


MGParameters(verb, cycle, sslsolver, …) Collect multigrid solver settings.
RegularGridProlongator(x, y, cxy) Prolongate field from coarse to fine grid.

emg3d.core Module

core – Number crunching

The core functionalities, the most computationally demanding parts, of the emg3d.solver as just-in-time (jit) compiled functions using numba.


amat_x(rx, ry, rz, ex, ey, ez, eta_x, eta_y, …) Residual without or with source term.
blocks_to_amat(amat, bvec, middle, left, …) Insert middle, left, and rhs into main arrays amat and bvec.
gauss_seidel(ex, ey, ez, sx, sy, sz, eta_x, …) Gauss-Seidel method.
gauss_seidel_x(ex, ey, ez, sx, sy, sz, …) Gauss-Seidel method with line relaxation in x-direction.
gauss_seidel_y(ex, ey, ez, sx, sy, sz, …) Gauss-Seidel method with line relaxation in y-direction.
gauss_seidel_z(ex, ey, ez, sx, sy, sz, …) Gauss-Seidel method with line relaxation in z-direction.
restrict(crx, cry, crz, rx, ry, rz, wx, wy, …) Restriction of residual from fine to coarse grid.
restrict_weights(vectorN, vectorCC, h, …) Restriction weights for the coarse-grid correction operator.
solve(amat, bvec) Solve A x = b using a non-standard Cholesky factorisation.