Source code for emg3d.optimize



Functionalities related to optimization (inversion), e.g., misfit function,
gradient of the misfit function, or data- and depth-weighting.

Currently it follows the implementation of [PlMu08]_, using the adjoint-state
technique for the gradient.

# Copyright 2018-2020 The emg3d Developers.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as sl

from emg3d import maps

__all__ = ['gradient', 'misfit', 'data_weighting']

[docs]def misfit(simulation): r"""Return the misfit function. The weighted least-squares functional, often called objective function or misfit function, as implemented in `emg3d`, is given by Equation 1 in [PlMu08]_, .. math:: :label: misfit J(\textbf{p}) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_f\sum_s\sum_r \left\{ \left\lVert W_{s,r,f}^e \Delta^e \right\rVert^2 + \left\lVert W_{s,r,f}^h \Delta^h \right\rVert^2 \right\} + R(\textbf{p}) \ , where :math:`\Delta^{\{e;h\}}` are the residuals between the observed and synthetic data, .. math:: :label: misfit_e \Delta^e = \textbf{e}_{s,r,f}[\sigma(\textbf{p})] -\textbf{e}_{s,r,f}^\text{obs} \ , and .. math:: :label: misfit_h \Delta^h = \textbf{h}_{s,r,f}[\sigma(\textbf{p})] -\textbf{h}_{s,r,f}^\text{obs} \ . Here, :math:`f, s, r` stand for frequency, source, and receiver, respectively; :math:`W^{\{e;h\}}` are the weighting functions for the electric and magnetic data residual, :math:`\{\textbf{e};\textbf{h}\}^\text{obs}` are the observed electric and magnetic data, and :math:`\{\textbf{e};\textbf{h}\}` are the synthetic electric and magnetic data, computed for a given conductivity :math:`\sigma`, which depends on the model parameters :math:`\textbf{p}`. Finally, :math:`R(\textbf{p})` is a regularization term. .. note:: This is an early implementation of the misfit function. Currently not yet implemented are: - Magnetic data; - Regularization term. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`emg3d.simulations.Simulation` The simulation. Returns ------- misfit : float Value of the misfit function. """ # Ensure all fields have been computed. test_efield = sum([1 if simulation._dict_efield[src][freq] is None else 0 for src, freq in simulation._srcfreq]) if test_efield: simulation.compute() # Compute the residual residual = -['residual'] = residual # Get weighted residual. wresidual = data_weighting(simulation)['wresidual'] = wresidual # Compute misfit misfit = ( * return misfit
[docs]def gradient(simulation): r"""Compute the discrete gradient using the adjoint-state method. The discrete gradient for a single source at a single frequency is given by Equation (10) in [PlMu08]_, .. math:: \nabla_p J(\textbf{p}) = -\sum_{k,l,m}\mathbf{\bar{\lambda}}^E_x \frac{\partial S}{\partial \textbf{p}} \textbf{E}_x -\sum_{k,l,m}\mathbf{\bar{\lambda}}^E_y \frac{\partial S}{\partial \textbf{p}} \textbf{E}_y -\sum_{k,l,m}\mathbf{\bar{\lambda}}^E_z \frac{\partial S}{\partial \textbf{p}} \textbf{E}_z \ , where the grid notation (:math:`\{k, l, m\}` and its :math:`\{+1/2\}` equivalents) have been omitted for brevity (except for the sum symbols). .. note:: The gradient is currently implemented only for electric sources and receivers and only for isotropic models. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`emg3d.simulations.Simulation` The simulation. Returns ------- grad : ndarray Adjoint-state gradient (same shape as simulation.model). """ # Check limitation 2: So far only isotropic models. if != 0: raise NotImplementedError( "Gradient only implemented for isotropic models.") # Ensure misfit has been computed (and therefore the electric fields). _ = simulation.misfit # Compute back-propagating electric fields. simulation._bcompute() # Pre-allocate the gradient on the mesh. grad_model = np.zeros(simulation.grid.vnC, order='F') # Loop over source-frequency pairs. for src, freq in simulation._srcfreq: # Multiply forward field with backward field; take real part. efield = -np.real( simulation._dict_bfield[src][freq] * simulation._dict_efield[src][freq] * simulation._dict_efield[src][freq].smu0) # Pre-allocate the gradient for the computational grid. vnC = simulation._dict_grid[src][freq].vnC grad_x = np.zeros(vnC, order='F') grad_y = np.zeros(vnC, order='F') grad_z = np.zeros(vnC, order='F') # => TEST what is faster / more accurate. # # Here, we do # 1. edges2cellaverages (Ex[comp] -> CC[comp]) # 2. grid2grid (CC[comp] -> CC[model]) # # How about the other way around? # 1. grid2grid (Ex[comp] -> Ex[model]) # 1. edges2cellaverages (Ex[model] -> CC[model]) # Map the field to cell centers times volume. vol = simulation._dict_grid[src][freq].vol.reshape(vnC, order='F') maps.edges2cellaverages(ex=efield.fx, ey=efield.fy, ez=efield.fz, vol=vol, out_x=grad_x, out_y=grad_y, out_z=grad_z) grad = grad_x + grad_y + grad_z # Bring the gradient back from the computation grid to the model grid. tgrad = maps.grid2grid( simulation._dict_grid[src][freq], -grad, simulation.grid, method='cubic') # => Frequency-dependent depth-weighting should go here. # Add this src-freq gradient to the total gradient. grad_model += tgrad # => Frequency-independent depth-weighting should go here. # Apply derivative of property-map # (in case the property is something else than conductivity)., simulation.model.property_x) return grad_model
[docs]def data_weighting(simulation): r"""Return weighted residual. Returns the weighted residual as given in Equation 18 of [PlMu08]_, .. math:: :label: data-weighting W(\textbf{x}_s, \textbf{x}_r, \omega) = \frac{\lVert\textbf{x}_s-\textbf{x}_r\rVert^{\gamma_d}} {\omega^{\beta_f} \lVert E^\text{ref}(\textbf{x}_s, \textbf{x}_r, \omega) \rVert^{\beta_d}}\ . Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`emg3d.simulations.Simulation` The simulation. The parameters for data weighting are set in the call to `Simulation` through the parameter `data_weight_opts`. Returns ------- wresidual : DataArray The weighted residual (:math:`W^e \Delta^e`). """ # Get relevant parameters. gamma_d = simulation.data_weight_opts.get('gamma_d', 0.5) beta_d = simulation.data_weight_opts.get('beta_d', 1.0) beta_f = simulation.data_weight_opts.get('beta_f', 0.25) min_off = simulation.data_weight_opts.get('min_off', 1000.0) noise_floor = simulation.data_weight_opts.get('noise_floor', 1e-15) refname = simulation.data_weight_opts.get('reference', 'reference') # (A) MUTING. # Get all small amplitudes. mute = np.abs( < noise_floor # Add all near offsets. offsets = sl.norm( np.array(simulation.survey.rec_coords[:3])[:, None, :] - np.array(simulation.survey.src_coords[:3])[:, :, None], axis=0, check_finite=False, ) mute += (offsets < min_off)[:, :, None] # (B) WEIGHTS. # (B.1) First term: Offset weighting (f-indep.). off_weight = offsets**gamma_d # (B.2) Second term: Frequency weighting (src-freq-indep.). omega = 2*np.pi*simulation.survey.frequencies data_weight = off_weight[:, :, None]/(omega**beta_f)[None, None, :] # (B.3) Third term: Amplitude weighting. if beta_d != 0.0: # Because of the warn-print check if required. ref_data =, None) if ref_data is None: if simulation.verb >= 0: print(f"Reference data '{refname}' not found, " "using 'synthetic'.") ref_data = data_weight /= np.sqrt(np.real(ref_data.conj()*ref_data))**beta_d # (C) APPLY. wresidual = * data_weight[mute] = 0.0 return wresidual