Source code for

Functions that actually call emg3d within the CLI interface.
# Copyright 2018-2021 The emg3d Developers.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

import os
import sys
import json
import time
import logging

import numpy as np

from emg3d import io, utils, simulations
from emg3d.cli import parser

[docs]def simulation(args_dict): """Run `emg3d` invoked by CLI. Run and log `emg3d` given the settings stored in the config file, overruled by settings passed in `args_dict` (which correspond to command-line arguments). Results are saved to files according to provided settings. Parameters ---------- args_dict : dict Arguments from terminal, see :func:`emg3d.cli.main`. Parameters passed in `args_dict` overrule parameters in the `config`. """ # Start timer. runtime = utils.Time() # Parse configuration file. cfg, term = parser.parse_config_file(args_dict) check_files(cfg, term) # Check all files and directories exist. function, verb = term['function'], term['verbosity'] dry_run = term.get('dry_run', False) # Start this task: start timing. logger = initiate_logger(cfg, runtime, verb) # Log start info, python and emg3d version, and python path.":: emg3d CLI {function} START :: {time.asctime()} :: " f"v{utils.__version__}") logger.debug(f"{utils.Report()}") # Dump the configuration. paramdump = json.dumps(cfg, sort_keys=True, indent=4) logger.debug("\n :: CONFIGURATION ::\n") logger.debug(f"{term['config_file']}\n{paramdump}") # Load input."\n :: LOAD SURVEY AND MODEL ::\n") sdata, sinfo = io.load(cfg['files']['survey'], verb=-1) survey = sdata['survey']'\n')[0]) logger.debug(sinfo.split('\n')[1]) model, minfo = io.load(cfg['files']['model'], verb=-1)'\n')[0]) logger.debug(minfo.split('\n')[1]) min_offset = cfg['simulation_options'].pop('min_offset', 0.0) # Select data. data = cfg['data'] if data: survey ='sources', None), receivers=data.get('receivers', None), frequencies=data.get('frequencies', None)) # Create simulation. sim = simulations.Simulation( survey=survey, grid=model['mesh'], model=model['model'], verb=-1, # Only errors. **cfg['simulation_options'] ) # Switch-off tqdm if verbosity is zero. if verb < 1: sim._tqdm_opts['disable'] = True # Print simulation info."\n :: SIMULATION ::")"\n{sim}\n") # Print meshes. logger.debug(" :: MESHES ::\n") logger.debug(sim.print_grid_info(return_info=True)) # Initiate output dict, add configuration. # Ideally, we would add the entire configuration; however, this causes # currently problems for saving h5. We therefore save only the data # selection info, such that we know what data was selected. # output = {'configuration': cfg} output = {'configuration': {'data': cfg.get('data', {})}} # Compute forward model (all calls)." :: FORWARD COMPUTATION ::\n") if dry_run: output['data'] = np.zeros(sim.survey.shape, dtype=complex) else: if function == 'forward': sim.compute(observed=True, min_offset=min_offset) output['data'] = else: sim.compute() output['data'] = # Print Solver Logs. if verb in [0, 1]: sim.print_solver_info('efield', 0) logger.debug(sim.print_solver_info('efield', 1, True)) # Compute the misfit. if function in ['misfit', 'gradient']: if dry_run: output['misfit'] = 0.0 else: output['misfit'] = sim.misfit output['n_observations'] = sim.survey.size # Compute the gradient. if function == 'gradient':"\n :: BACKWARD COMPUTATION ::\n") if dry_run: output['gradient'] = np.zeros(model['mesh'].vnC) else: output['gradient'] = sim.gradient # Print Solver Logs. if verb in [0, 1]: sim.print_solver_info('bfield', 0) logger.debug(sim.print_solver_info('bfield', 1, True)) # Store output to disk." :: SAVE RESULTS ::\n") if cfg['files']['store_simulation']: output['simulation'] = sim oinfo =['files']['output'], **output, verb=-1)'\n')[0]) logger.debug(oinfo.split('\n')[1]) # Goodbye"\n:: emg3d CLI {function} END :: {time.asctime()} :: " f"runtime = {runtime.runtime}")
[docs]def check_files(cfg, term): """Ensure all paths and files exist.""" error = "" # First check if config file exists. fname = term['config_file'] if not os.path.isfile(fname) and fname != '.': # '.' => no config file. error += f"* ERROR :: Config file not found: {fname}\n" # Check Survey and Model. for name in ['Survey', 'Model']: fname = cfg['files'][name.lower()] if not os.path.isfile(fname): error += f"* ERROR :: {name} file not found: {fname}\n" # Finally check output directory. dname = os.path.split(cfg['files']['log'])[0] if not os.path.isdir(dname): error += f"* ERROR :: Output directory does not exist: {dname}\n" # If any was not found, exit with error. if len(error) > 10: sys.exit(error[:-1])
[docs]def initiate_logger(cfg, runtime, verb): """Initiate logger for CLI of emg3d.""" # Get logger of and add handles. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Remove the corresponding handlers if they exist already # (e.g., consecutive runs in IPython). for h in logger.handlers[:]: if in ['emg3d_fh', 'emg3d_ch']: logger.removeHandler(h) h.close() # Create file handler; logs everything. fh = logging.FileHandler(f"{cfg['files']['log']}", mode='w') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh_format = logging.Formatter('{message}', style='{') fh.setFormatter(fh_format) fh.set_name('emg3d_fh') # Add name to easy remove them. logger.addHandler(fh) # Create console handler. ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel([40, 30, 20, 10][verb+1]) ch_format = logging.Formatter('{message}', style='{') ch.setFormatter(ch_format) ch.set_name('emg3d_ch') # Add name to easy remove them. logger.addHandler(ch) # Add handlers to Python Warnings. logging.captureWarnings(True) logger_warnings = logging.getLogger("py.warnings") logger_warnings.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger_warnings.addHandler(ch) logger_warnings.addHandler(fh) return logger