Source code for emg3d.surveys

A survey stores a set of sources, receivers, and the measured data.
# Copyright 2018-2021 The emg3d Developers.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
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# the License.

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np

    import xarray
except ImportError:
    xarray = None

from emg3d import utils

__all__ = ['Survey', 'Dipole', 'PointDipole']

[docs]class Survey: """Create a survey with sources, receivers, and data. A survey contains all the sources with their frequencies, receivers, and corresponding data. Underlying the survey-class is an xarray, which is basically a regular ndarray with axis labels and more. The module `xarray` is a soft dependency, and has to be installed manually to use the `Survey` functionality. This class was developed with a node-based, marine CSEM survey layout in mind. It is therefore optimised for and mostly tested with that setup. This means for a number of receivers which measure for all source positions. The general layout of the data for such a survey is (S, R, F), where `S` is the number of sources, `R` the number of receivers, and `F` the number of frequencies:: f1 Rx1 Rx2 . RxR / f2 ┌───┬───┬───┬───┐ / . Tx1 │ │ │ │ │──┐ / fF ├───┼───┼───┼───┤ │──┐ / Tx2 │ │ │ │ │──┤ │──┐ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤ │──┤ │ . │ │ │ │ │──┤ │──┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤ │──┤ │ TxS │ │ │ │ │──┤ │──┤ └───┴───┴───┴───┘ │──┤ │ └───┴───┴───┴───┘ │──┤ └───┴───┴───┴───┘ │ └───┴───┴───┴───┘ However, the class can also be used for a CSEM streamer-style survey layout (by setting `fixed=True`), where there is a moving source with one or several receivers at a fixed offset. The layout of the data is then also (S, R, F), but here `S` is the number of locations of the only source, `R` is the number of receiver-offsets, and `F` is the number of frequencies:: f1 Offs1 . OffsR / . ┌─────────┬───┬─────────┐ / fF TxPos1 │ Rx1-TP1 │ . │ RxR-TP1 │──┐ / ├─────────┼───┼─────────┤ │──┐ TxPos2 │ Rx1-TP2 │ . │ RxR-TP2 │──┤ │ ├─────────┼───┼─────────┤ │──┤ . │ . │ . │ . │──┤ │ ├─────────┼───┼─────────┤ │──┤ TxPosS │ Rx1-TPS │ . │ RxR-TPS │──┤ │ └─────────┴───┴─────────┘ │──┤ └─────────┴───┴─────────┘ │ └─────────┴───┴─────────┘ This means that even though there is only one source, there are actually `S` source dipoles, as each position is treated as a different dipole. The number of receiver dipoles in this case is `SxR`. This setup can also be used for airborne EM. .. warning:: The Survey class has mainly been used and tested with ``fixed=False``, which is the default. It is very likely that there are things which are not yet implemented for ``fixed=True``. Please do report problems if you encounter them. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the survey sources, receivers : tuple, list, or dict Sources and receivers. - Tuples: Coordinates in one of the two following formats: - `(x, y, z, azimuth, dip)` [m, m, m, °, °]; - `(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1)` [m, m, m, m, m, m]. Dimensions will be expanded (hence, if `n` dipoles, each parameter must have length 1 or `n`). These dipoles will be named sequential with `Tx###` and `Rx###`. The tuple can additionally contain an additional element at the end (after `dip` or `z1`), `electric`, a boolean of length 1 or `n`, that indicates if the dipoles are electric or magnetic. - List: A list of :class:`Dipole`-instances. The names of all dipoles in the list must be unique. - Dictionary: A dict of de-serialized :class:`Dipole`-instances; mainly used for loading from file. frequencies : ndarray Source frequencies (Hz). data : ndarray or None The observed data (dtype=np.complex128); must have shape (nsrc, nrec, nfreq) or, if `fixed=True`, (nsrc, noff, nfreq). If None, it will be initiated with NaN's. fixed : bool Node-based CSEM survey (`fixed=False`; default) or streamer-type CSEM survey (`fixed=True`). In the streamer-type survey, the number of `receivers` supplied must be a multiple of the source positions. In this case, the receivers are grouped into offsets. noise_floor, relative_error : float Noise floor and relative error of the data. Default to None. See :attr:`Survey.standard_deviation` for more info. std : ndarray or None Standard deviation of the data, same shape as data. Default to None. See :attr:`Survey.standard_deviation` for more info. """ # Currently, `` contains an :class:`xarray.Dataset`. As such, # the `Survey`-Class has an xarray-dataset as one of its attributes. # Probably there would be a cleaner way to simply use xarray instead of a # dedicated `Survey`-Class by utilizing, e.g., # :func:`xarray.register_dataset_accessor`. def __init__(self, name, sources, receivers, frequencies, data=None, fixed=0, **kwargs): """Initiate a new Survey instance.""" # Store survey name and fixed. = name self.fixed = fixed # Initiate sources. self._sources = self._dipole_info_to_dict(sources, 'source') # Initiate receivers. self._receivers = self._dipole_info_to_dict(receivers, 'receiver') # Initiate frequencies. self._frequencies = np.array(frequencies, dtype=np.float64, ndmin=1) # Initialize xarray dataset. self._initiate_dataset(data) # Get the optional keywords related to standard deviation. self.noise_floor = kwargs.pop('noise_floor', None) self.relative_error = kwargs.pop('relative_error', None) self.standard_deviation = kwargs.pop('std', None) # Ensure no kwargs left. if kwargs: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected **kwargs: {list(kwargs.keys())}") @utils._requires('xarray') def _initiate_dataset(self, data): """Initiate Dataset; wrapped in fct to check if xarray is installed.""" # Initialize NaN-data if not provided. if data is None: data = np.ones((len(self._sources), len(self._receivers), self._frequencies.size), dtype=np.complex128)*np.nan else: data = np.atleast_3d(data) # Create Dataset. self._data = xarray.Dataset( {'observed': xarray.DataArray(data, dims=('src', 'rec', 'freq'))}, coords={'src': list(self.sources.keys()), 'rec': list(self.receivers.keys()), 'freq': list(self.frequencies)}, ) # Add attributes. self._data.src.attrs['long_name'] = 'Source dipole' self._data.src.attrs['src-dipoles'] = self.sources self._data.rec.attrs['long_name'] = 'Receiver dipole' self._data.rec.attrs['rec-dipoles'] = self.receivers self._data.freq.attrs['long_name'] = 'Source frequency' self._data.freq.attrs['units'] = 'Hz' def __repr__(self): return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {}\n\n" f"{}") def _repr_html_(self): return (f"<h4>{self.__class__.__name__}: {}</h4><br>" f"{}")
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Survey.""" return self.from_dict(self.to_dict(True))
[docs] def to_dict(self, copy=False): """Store the necessary information of the Survey in a dict.""" out = {'name':, '__class__': self.__class__.__name__} # Add sources. out['sources'] = {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in self.sources.items()} # Add receivers. if self.fixed: rec = {} for key, value in self.receivers.items(): rec[key] = {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in value.items()} else: rec = {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in self.receivers.items()} out['receivers'] = rec # Add frequencies. out['frequencies'] = self.frequencies # Add data. out['data'] = {} for key in out['data'][key] =[key].data # Add `noise_floor` and `relative error`. out['noise_floor'] = out['relative_error'] = # Fixed. out['fixed'] = int(self.fixed) if copy: return deepcopy(out) else: return out
[docs] @classmethod @utils._requires('xarray') def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into :class:`Survey` instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from :func:`Survey.to_dict`. The dictionary needs the keys `name`, `sources`, `receivers` `frequencies`, `data`, and `fixed`. Returns ------- obj : :class:`Survey` instance """ try: # Initiate survey. out = cls(name=inp['name'], sources=inp['sources'], receivers=inp['receivers'], frequencies=inp['frequencies'], fixed=bool(inp['fixed'])) # Backwards compatibility (emg3d < 0.13); remove eventually. if 'observed' in inp.keys(): inp['data'] = {'observed': inp['observed']} warnings.warn("Survey-dict is outdated; store with new " "version of `emg3d`.", FutureWarning) # Add all data. for key, value in inp['data'].items(): out._data[key] =*np.nan out._data[key][...] = value # v0.14.0 onwards. if 'noise_floor' in inp.keys(): out.noise_floor = inp['noise_floor'] out.relative_error = inp['relative_error'] return out except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Variable {e} missing in `inp`.") from e
[docs] def to_file(self, fname, name='survey', **kwargs): """Store Survey to a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str File name inclusive ending, which defines the used data format. Implemented are currently: - `.h5` (default): Uses `h5py` to store inputs to a hierarchical, compressed binary hdf5 file. Recommended file format, but requires the module `h5py`. Default format if ending is not provided or not recognized. - `.npz`: Uses `numpy` to store inputs to a flat, compressed binary file. Default format if `h5py` is not installed. - `.json`: Uses `json` to store inputs to a hierarchical, plain text file. name : str Name under which the survey is stored within the file. kwargs : Keyword arguments, optional Passed through to :func:``. """ from emg3d import io kwargs[name] = self # Add survey to dict. kwargs['collect_classes'] = False # Ensure classes are not collected. return, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @utils._requires('xarray') def from_file(cls, fname, name='survey', **kwargs): """Load Survey from a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str File name including extension. Used backend depends on the file extensions: - '.npz': numpy-binary - '.h5': h5py-binary (needs `h5py`) - '.json': json name : str Name under which the survey is stored within the file. kwargs : Keyword arguments, optional Passed through to :func:`io.load`. Returns ------- survey : :class:`Survey` The survey that was stored in the file. """ from emg3d import io out = io.load(fname, **kwargs) if 'verb' in kwargs and kwargs['verb'] < 0: return out[0][name], out[1] else: return out[name]
[docs] def select(self, sources=None, receivers=None, frequencies=None): """Return a survey with selectod sources, receivers, and frequencies. Parameters ---------- sources, receivers, frequencies : list Lists containing the wanted sources, receivers, and frequencies. Returns ------- subsurvey : :class:`emg3d.surveys.Survey` Survey with selected data. """ # Get a dict of the survey survey = self.to_dict() isrc, irec, ifreq = slice(None), slice(None), slice(None) # Replace noise floor and relative error. noise_floor = np.atleast_3d(self.noise_floor) relative_error = np.atleast_3d(self.relative_error) # Select sources. if sources is not None: if isinstance(sources, str): sources = [sources, ] isrc = [list(self.sources).index(s) for s in sources] survey['sources'] = {s: survey['sources'][s] for s in sources} # Adjust noise floor and relative error. if noise_floor.shape[0] > 1: noise_floor = noise_floor[isrc, :, :] if relative_error.shape[0] > 1: relative_error = relative_error[isrc, :, :] # Select receivers. if receivers is not None: if isinstance(receivers, str): receivers = [receivers, ] irec = [list(self.receivers).index(r) for r in receivers] survey['receivers'] = { r: survey['receivers'][r] for r in receivers} # Adjust noise floor and relative error. if noise_floor.shape[1] > 1: noise_floor = noise_floor[:, irec, :] if relative_error.shape[1] > 1: relative_error = relative_error[:, irec, :] # Select frequencies. if frequencies is not None: ifreq = np.isin(self.frequencies, frequencies) survey['frequencies'] = self.frequencies[ifreq] # Adjust noise floor and relative error. if noise_floor.shape[2] > 1: noise_floor = noise_floor[:, :, ifreq] if relative_error.shape[2] > 1: relative_error = relative_error[:, :, ifreq] # Replace data with selected data. for key in survey['data'].keys(): data =[key].data[isrc, :, :][:, irec, :][:, :, ifreq] survey['data'][key] = data survey['noise_floor'] = noise_floor survey['relative_error'] = relative_error # Return reduced survey. return Survey.from_dict(survey)
@property def shape(self): """Return nsrc x nrec x nfreq. Note that not all source-receiver-frequency pairs do actually have data. Check `size` to see how many data points there are. """ return @property def size(self): """Return actual data size (does NOT equal nsrc x nrec x nfreq).""" return int( @property def data(self): """Data, a :class:`xarray.DataSet` instance. Contains the :class:`xarray.DataArray` element `.observed`, but other data can be added. E.g., :class:`emg3d.simulations.Simulation` adds the `synthetic` array. """ return self._data @property def sources(self): """Source dict containing all source dipoles.""" return self._sources @property def receivers(self): """Receiver dict containing all receiver dipoles.""" return self._receivers @property def src_coords(self): """Return source coordinates. The returned format is `(x, y, z, azm, dip)`, a tuple of 5 tuples. """ return tuple(np.array([[s.xco, s.yco, s.zco, s.azm, s.dip] for s in self.sources.values()]).T) @property def rec_coords(self): """Return receiver coordinates. The returned format is `(x, y, z, azm, dip)`, a tuple of 5 tuples. If `fixed=True` it returns a dict with the offsets as keys, and for each offset it returns the corresponding receiver coordinates as just outlined. """ # Get receiver coordinates depending if fixed or not. if self.fixed: coords = {} for src in self.sources.keys(): coords[src] = tuple( np.array([[self.receivers[off][src].xco, self.receivers[off][src].yco, self.receivers[off][src].zco, self.receivers[off][src].azm, self.receivers[off][src].dip] for off in self.receivers.keys()]).T) else: coords = tuple(np.array([[r.xco, r.yco, r.zco, r.azm, r.dip] for r in self.receivers.values()]).T) return coords @property def rec_types(self): """Return receiver flags if electric, as tuple. Corresponds to ``rec_coords``. """ # Get receiver coordinates depending if fixed or not. if self.fixed: types = {} for src in self.sources.keys(): types[src] = tuple( [self.receivers[off][src].electric for off in list(self.receivers)]) else: types = tuple([r.electric for r in self.receivers.values()]) return types @property def frequencies(self): """Frequency array.""" return self._frequencies @property def observed(self): r"""Returns the observed data.""" return self._data.observed @observed.setter def observed(self, observed): """Update observed data.""" self._data['observed'][...] = observed @property def standard_deviation(self): r"""Returns the standard deviation of the data. The standard deviation can be set by providing an array of the same dimension as the data itself: .. code-block:: python survey.standard_deviation = ndarray # (nsrc, nrec, nfreq) Alternatively, one can set the `noise_floor` :math:`\epsilon_\text{nf}` and the `relative_error` :math:`\epsilon_\text{r}`: .. code-block:: python survey.noise_floor = float or ndarray # (> 0 or None) survey.relative error = float or ndarray # (> 0 or None) They must be either floats, or three-dimensional arrays of shape ``([nsrc or 1], [nrec or 1], [nfreq or 1])``; dimensions of one will be broadcasted to the corresponding size. E.g., for a dataset of arbitrary amount of sources and receivers with three frequencies you can define a purely frequency-dependent relative error via ``relative_error=np.array([err_f1, err_f2, err_f3])[None, None, :]``. The standard deviation :math:`\varsigma_i` of observation :math:`d_i` is then given in terms of the noise floor :math:`\epsilon_{\text{nf};i}` and the relative error :math:`\epsilon_{\text{re};i}` by .. math:: :label: std \varsigma_i = \sqrt{ \epsilon_{\text{nf}; i}^2 + \left(\epsilon_{\text{re}; i}|d_i|\right)^2 } \, . Note that a set standard deviation is prioritized over potentially also defined noise floor and relative error. To use the noise floor and the relative error after defining standard deviation directly you would have to reset it like .. code-block:: python survey.standard_deviation = None after which Equation :eq:`std` would be used again. """ # If `std` was set, return it, else compute it from noise_floor and # relative_error. if 'std' in self._data.keys(): return['std'] elif self.noise_floor is not None or self.relative_error is not None: # Initiate std (xarray of same type as the observed data) std = # Add noise floor if given. if self.noise_floor is not None: std += self.noise_floor**2 # Add relative error if given. if self.relative_error is not None: std += np.abs(self.relative_error***2 # Return. return np.sqrt(std) else: # If nothing is defined, return None return None @standard_deviation.setter def standard_deviation(self, std): """Update standard deviation.""" # If None it means basically to delete it; otherwise set it. if std is None and 'std' in del self._data['std'] elif std is not None: # Ensure all values are bigger than zero. if np.any(std <= 0.0): raise ValueError( "All values of `std` must be bigger than zero.") self._data['std'] = @property def noise_floor(self): r"""Returns the noise floor of the data. See :attr:`emg3d.surveys.Survey.standard_deviation` for more info. """ return @noise_floor.setter def noise_floor(self, noise_floor): """Update noise floor. See :attr:`Survey.standard_deviation` for more info. """ if noise_floor is not None: # Ensure all values are bigger than zero. if np.any(noise_floor <= 0.0): raise ValueError( "All values of `noise_floor` must be bigger than zero.") # Ensure it can be broadcast to data. try: _ = np.ones(self.shape)*noise_floor except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Shape of `noise_floor` is not broadcastable to data.\n" f"Shape of `noise_floor`: {np.shape(noise_floor)}; " f"`data`: {self.shape}." ) from e self._data.attrs['noise_floor'] = noise_floor @property def relative_error(self): r"""Returns the relative error of the data. See :attr:`emg3d.surveys.Survey.standard_deviation` for more info. """ return @relative_error.setter def relative_error(self, relative_error): """Update relative error. See :attr:`Survey.standard_deviation` for more info. """ if relative_error is not None: # Ensure all values are bigger than zero. if np.any(relative_error <= 0.0): raise ValueError( "All values of `relative_error` must be bigger than zero.") # Ensure it can be broadcast to data. try: _ = np.ones(self.shape)*relative_error except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Shape of `relative_error` is not broadcastable to data.\n" f"Shape of `relative_error`: {np.shape(relative_error)}; " f"`data`: {self.shape}." ) from e self._data.attrs['relative_error'] = relative_error def _dipole_info_to_dict(self, inp, name): """Create dict with provided source/receiver information.""" # Create dict depending if `inp` is list, tuple, or dict. if isinstance(inp, list): # List of Dipoles if self.fixed and name == 'receiver': # Streamer-type receivers. # Get dimensions. nd = len(inp) ns = len(self.sources) # Number of source position. nr = nd//ns # Number of receivers / source. dnr = len(str(nr-1)) # Max number of digits; rec. # Create name lists. rec_names = [f"{i:0{dnr}d}" for i in range(nr)] src_names = list(self.sources.keys()) # Ensure receivers are multiples of source positions. if nd % ns != 0: raise ValueError( "For fixed surveys, the number of receivers\n" "must be a multiple of number of sources.\n" f"Provided: #src: {ns}; #rec: {nd}.") # Assemble dict. out = {'Off'+name: {} for name in rec_names} for i, key in enumerate(out.keys()): for ii, src_name in enumerate(src_names): out[key][src_name] = inp[ii + i*ns] else: out = { d for d in inp} # Ensure that all names were unique: if len(out) != len(inp): raise ValueError( f"There are duplicate {name} names.\n" f"Provided {name}s: {len(inp)}; " f"unique names: {len(out)}.") elif isinstance(inp, tuple): # Tuple with coordinates # See if last tuple element is boolean, hence el/mag-flag. if isinstance(inp[-1], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): provided_elmag = isinstance(inp[-1][0], (bool, np.bool_)) else: provided_elmag = isinstance(inp[-1], (bool, np.bool_)) # Get max dimension. nd = max([np.array(n, ndmin=1).size for n in inp]) # Expand coordinates. coo = np.array([nd*[val, ] if np.array(val).size == 1 else val for val in inp], dtype=np.float64) # Extract el/mag flag or set to ones (electric) if not provided. if provided_elmag: elmag = coo[-1, :] coo = coo[:-1, :] else: elmag = np.ones(nd) # Create dipole names (number-strings). prefix = 'Tx' if name == 'source' else 'Rx' dnd = len(str(nd-1)) # Max number of digits. names = [f"{prefix}{i:0{dnd}d}" for i in range(nd)] # Create Dipole-dict. if self.fixed and name == 'receiver': # Streamer-type receivers. # Get dimensions. ns = len(self.sources) # Number of source position. nr = nd//ns # Number of receivers / source. dnr = len(str(nr-1)) # Max number of digits; rec. # Create name lists. rec_names = [f"{i:0{dnr}d}" for i in range(nr)] src_names = list(self.sources.keys()) # Ensure receivers are multiples of source positions. if nd % ns != 0: raise ValueError( "For fixed surveys, the number of receivers\n" "must be a multiple of number of sources.\n" f"Provided: #src: {ns}; #rec: {nd}.") # Assemble dict. out = {'Off'+rec_name: {} for rec_name in rec_names} for i, key in enumerate(out.keys()): for ii, src_name in enumerate(src_names): iii = ii + i*ns out[key][src_name] = Dipole( names[iii], coo[:, iii], elmag[iii]) else: # Default node-type src-rec comb. and src for streamer-type. out = {names[i]: Dipole(names[i], coo[:, i], elmag[i]) for i in range(nd)} elif isinstance(inp, dict): # Dict of de-serialized Dipoles. if self.fixed and name == 'receiver': out = {} for k, v in inp.items(): out[k] = {k2: Dipole.from_dict(v2) for k2, v2 in v.items()} else: out = {k: Dipole.from_dict(v) for k, v in inp.items()} else: raise TypeError( f"Input format of <{name}s> not recognized: {type(inp)}.") return out
# # Sources and Receivers # #
[docs]@dataclass(order=True, unsafe_hash=True) class PointDipole: """Infinitesimal small electric or magnetic point dipole. Defined by its coordinates (xco, yco, zco), its azimuth (azm), its dip, and its type (electric). Not meant to be used directly. Use :class:`Dipole` instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Dipole name. xco, yco, zco : float x-, y-, and z-coordinates (m). azm, dip : float Angles (in degrees °); coordinate system is right-handed with positive z up; East-North-Depth: - azimuth (°): horizontal deviation from x-axis, anti-clockwise. - +/-dip (°): vertical deviation from xy-plane down/up-wards. electric : bool Electric dipole if True, magnetic dipole otherwise. Default is True. """ __slots__ = ['name', 'xco', 'yco', 'zco', 'azm', 'dip', 'electric'] name: str xco: float yco: float zco: float azm: float dip: float electric: bool
[docs]class Dipole(PointDipole): """Finite length dipole or point dipole. Expansion of the basic :class:`PointDipole` to allow for finite length dipoles, and to provide coordinate inputs in the form of (x, y, z, azimuth, dip) or (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1). Adds attributes `is_finite`, `electrode1`, `electrode2`, `length`, and `coordinates` to the class. For *point dipoles*, this gives it a length of unity (1 m), takes its coordinates as center, and computes the two electrode positions. For *finite length dipoles* it sets the coordinates to its center and computes its length, azimuth, and dip. Finite length dipoles and point dipoles have therefore the exactly same signature, and can only be distinguished by the attribute `is_finite`. Parameters ---------- name : str Dipole name. coordinates : tuple of floats Source coordinates, one of the following: - (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1): finite length dipole, - (x, y, z, azimuth, dip): point dipole. The coordinates x, y, and z are in meters (m), the azimuth and dip in degree (°). Angles (coordinate system is right-handed with positive z up; East-North-Depth): - azimuth (°): horizontal deviation from x-axis, anti-clockwise. - +/-dip (°): vertical deviation from xy-plane down/up-wards. electric : bool Electric dipole if True, magnetic dipole otherwise. Default is True. """ # These are the only kwargs that do not raise a warning. # These are also the only ones which are (de-)serialized. accepted_keys = ['strength', ] def __init__(self, name, coordinates, electric=True, **kwargs): """Check coordinates and kwargs.""" # Add additional info to the dipole. for key in self.accepted_keys: if key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs.pop(key)) if kwargs: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected **kwargs: {list(kwargs.keys())}") # Conversion to float-array fails if there are lists and tuples within # the tuple, or similar. This should also catch many wrong inputs. coords = np.array(coordinates, dtype=np.float64) # Check size => finite or point dipole? if coords.size == 5: self.is_finite = False elif coords.size == 6: self.is_finite = True # Ensure the two poles are distinct. if np.allclose(coords[::2], coords[1::2]): raise ValueError( "The two poles are identical, use the format\n" "(x, y, z, azimuth, dip) instead.\n" f"Provided coordinates: {coordinates}.") else: raise ValueError( "Dipole coordinates are wrong defined. They must be\n" "defined either as a point, (x, y, z, azimuth, dip), or\n" "as two poles, (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1), all floats.\n" f"Provided coordinates: {coordinates}.") # Angles: Very small angles are set to zero, because, e.g., # cos(pi/2) is roughly 6.12e-17, not 0. # Get xco, yco, zco, azm, and dip. if self.is_finite: # Get the two separate electrodes. self.electrode1 = tuple(coords[::2]) self.electrode2 = tuple(coords[1::2]) # Compute center. xco, yco, zco = np.sum(coords.reshape(3, -1), 1)/2 # Get lengths in each direction. dx, dy, dz = np.diff(coords.reshape(3, -1)).ravel() # Length of bipole. self.length = np.linalg.norm([dx, dy, dz], axis=0) # Horizontal deviation from x-axis. azm = np.round(np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dy, dx)), 5) # Vertical deviation from xy-plane down. dip = np.round(np.rad2deg(np.pi/2-np.arccos(dz/self.length)), 5) else: # Get coordinates, angles, and set length. xco, yco, zco, azm, dip = tuple(coords) self.length = 1.0 # Get lengths in each direction (total length is 1). dx = np.round(np.cos(np.deg2rad(azm))*np.cos(np.deg2rad(dip)), 5) dy = np.round(np.sin(np.deg2rad(azm))*np.cos(np.deg2rad(dip)), 5) dz = np.round(np.sin(np.deg2rad(dip)), 5) # Get the two separate electrodes. self.electrode1 = (xco-dx/2, yco-dy/2, zco-dz/2) self.electrode2 = (xco+dx/2, yco+dy/2, zco+dz/2) super().__init__(name, xco, yco, zco, azm, dip, bool(electric)) def __repr__(self): return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}({}, " f"{['H', 'E'][self.electric]}, " f"{{{self.xco:,.1f}m; {self.yco:,.1f}m; {self.zco:,.1f}m}}, " f"θ={self.azm:.1f}°, φ={self.dip:.1f}°, " f"l={self.length:,.1f}m)") @property def coordinates(self): """Return coordinates. Returns ------- coords : tuple Coordinates in the format (x, y, z, azimuth, dip) or (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1). This format is used in many other routines. """ if self.is_finite: return (self.electrode1[0], self.electrode2[0], self.electrode1[1], self.electrode2[1], self.electrode1[2], self.electrode2[2]) else: return (self.xco, self.yco, self.zco, self.azm, self.dip) def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Dipole.""" return self.from_dict(self.to_dict(True)) def to_dict(self, copy=False): """Store the necessary information of the Dipole in a dict.""" out = {'name':, 'coordinates': self.coordinates, 'electric': self.electric, '__class__': self.__class__.__name__} # Add accepted kwargs. for key in self.accepted_keys: if hasattr(self, key): out[key] = getattr(self, key) if copy: return deepcopy(out) else: return out @classmethod def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into :class:`Dipole` instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from :func:`Dipole.to_dict`. The dictionary needs the keys `name`, `coordinates`, and `electric`. Returns ------- obj : :class:`Dipole` instance """ try: kwargs = {k: v for k, v in inp.items() if k in cls.accepted_keys} return cls(name=inp['name'], coordinates=inp['coordinates'], electric=inp['electric'], **kwargs) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Variable {e} missing in `inp`.") from e