Source code for emg3d.electrodes

Electrodes define any type of sources and receivers used in a survey.
# Copyright 2018-2021 The emsig community.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import sindg, cosdg

from emg3d import fields, utils

__all__ = ['Wire', 'Point', 'Dipole', 'Source', 'TxElectricDipole',
           'TxMagneticDipole', 'TxElectricWire', 'RxElectricPoint',
           'RxMagneticPoint', 'rotation', 'point_to_dipole', 'dipole_to_point',

[docs]class Wire: """A wire consists of an arbitrary number of electrodes. .. note:: Use any of the Tx*/Rx* classes to create sources and receivers, not this class. Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Electrode locations of shape (n, 3), where n is the number of electrodes: ``[[x1, y1, z1], [...], [xn, yn, zn]]``. """ # Attributes which are stored/required with to_dict/from_dict. _serialize = {'coordinates'} def __init__(self, coordinates): """Initiate an electrode.""" # Cast and check dimension and shape. self._points = np.asarray(np.atleast_2d(coordinates), dtype=float) if not (self._points.ndim == 2 and self._points.shape[1] == 3): raise ValueError( "`coordinates` must be of shape (x, 3), provided: " f"{coordinates}" ) def __eq__(self, electrode): """Compare two electrodes.""" # Check if same Type. equal = self.__class__.__name__ == electrode.__class__.__name__ # Check input. if equal: for name in self._serialize: equal *= np.allclose(getattr(self, name), getattr(electrode, name)) return bool(equal) def __repr__(self): """Simple representation.""" s0 = (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"{self._repr_add if hasattr(self, '_repr_add') else ''}\n") s1 = (f" center={{{[0]:,.1f}; " f"{[1]:,.1f}; {[2]:,.1f}}} m; ") s2 = (f"n={self.segment_n}; l={self.length:,.1f} m") return s0 + s1 + s2 if len(s1+s2) < 80 else s0 + s1 + "\n " + s2
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Survey.""" return self.from_dict(self.to_dict(True))
[docs] def to_dict(self, copy=False): """Store the necessary information of the Electrode in a dict. Parameters ---------- copy : bool, default: False If True, returns a deep copy of the dict. Returns ------- out : dict Dictionary containing all information to re-create the Electrode. """ out = { '__class__': self.__class__.__name__, **{prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in self._serialize}, } if copy: return deepcopy(out) else: return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into its class instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from the classes' ``to_dict``. Returns ------- electrode : {Tx*, Rx*} A source or receiver instance. """ return cls(**{k: v for k, v in inp.items() if k != '__class__'})
@property def points(self): """Electrode locations (n, 3).""" return self._points @property def coordinates(self): """Electrode coordinate as accepted by its class.""" if hasattr(self, '_coordinates'): return self._coordinates else: return self._points @property def xtype(self): """Flag of the type of electrodes. In reality, all electrodes are electric. But we do idealize some loops as theoretical "magnetic dipoles" (TxMagneticDipole, RxMagneticPoint). ``xtype`` is a flag for this. """ if not hasattr(self, '_xtype'): if 'Magnetic' in self.__class__.__name__: self._xtype = 'magnetic' else: # Default self._xtype = 'electric' return self._xtype @property def center(self): """Center point of all unique electrodes.""" if not hasattr(self, '_center'): self._center = np.unique(self.points, axis=0).mean(axis=0) return self._center @property def length(self): """Total length of all dipole segments formed by the electrodes.""" if not hasattr(self, '_length'): lengths = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(self.points, axis=0), axis=1) self._segment_lengths = lengths self._length = lengths.sum() return self._length @property def segment_lengths(self): """Length of each individual dipole segment in the wire.""" if not hasattr(self, '_segment_lengths'): _ = self.length # Sets length and segment_lengths return self._segment_lengths @property def segment_n(self): """Number of dipole segments in the wire.""" return len(self.segment_lengths) @property def _prefix(self): """Prefix used for collecting Tx/Rx in Surveys.""" name = self.__class__.__name__ return name[:2] + ''.join(c for c in name if c.isupper())[1:]
[docs]class Point(Wire): """A point electrode is defined by its center, azimuth, and elevation. A ``Point`` is a special case of a ``Wire`` that consists of only one electrode, and has therefore no length (infinitesimal small dipole). It is principally used by receivers to sample the field at a given point. .. note:: Use any of the Tx*/Rx* classes to create sources and receivers, not this class. Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Point defined as (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation) """ def __init__(self, coordinates): """Initiate an electric point.""" if len(coordinates) != 5: raise ValueError( "Point coordinates are wrong defined. They must be " "defined as (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation)." f"Provided coordinates: {coordinates}." ) # Cast and store input coordinates. self._coordinates = np.asarray(coordinates, dtype=np.float64).squeeze() # Provide center to `Electrode`. super().__init__(coordinates[:3]) def __repr__(self): """Simple representation.""" s0 = (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"{self._repr_add if hasattr(self, '_repr_add') else ''}\n") s1 = (f" x={[0]:,.1f} m, " f"y={[1]:,.1f} m, z={[2]:,.1f} m, ") s2 = f"θ={self.azimuth:.1f}°, φ={self.elevation:.1f}°" return s0 + s1 + s2 if len(s1+s2) < 80 else s0 + s1 + "\n " + s2 @property def azimuth(self): """Anticlockwise rotation (°) from x-axis towards y-axis.""" return self._coordinates[3] @property def elevation(self): """Anticlockwise (upwards) rotation (°) from the xy-plane.""" return self._coordinates[4]
[docs]class Dipole(Wire): """A dipole consists of two electrodes in a straight line. A ``Dipole`` is a special case of a ``Wire`` that consists of exactly two electrodes. A dipole has therefore an azimuth and an elevation. It corresponds to one segment in a wire. .. note:: Use any of the Tx*/Rx* classes to create sources and receivers, not this class. Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Dipole coordinates. Three formats are accepted: - [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]; - (x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2); - (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation); this format takes also the ``length`` parameter. length : float, default: 1.0 Length of the dipole (m). This parameter is only used if the provided coordinates are in the format (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). """ def __init__(self, coordinates, length=1.0): """Initiate an electric dipole.""" # Cast coordinates. coordinates = np.asarray(coordinates, dtype=np.float64).squeeze() # Check which format was provided. is_point = coordinates.shape == (5, ) is_flat = coordinates.shape == (6, ) is_dipole = coordinates.shape == (2, 3) # Store depending on format. if is_point: # Add length to attributes which have to be serialized. self._serialize = {'length'} | self._serialize # If magnetic, get the loop which area corresponds to length. if self.xtype == 'magnetic': points = point_to_square_loop(coordinates, length) # If electric, get the dipole. else: points = point_to_dipole(coordinates, length) # Store length and original input coordinates. self._length = length self._coordinates = coordinates elif is_flat or is_dipole: if is_flat: # Re-arrange for points. points = np.array([coordinates[::2], coordinates[1::2]]) # Store original input. self._coordinates = coordinates else: # Input is already in the format for Electrode. points = coordinates # If magnetic, get the loop which area corresponds to its length. if self.xtype == 'magnetic': azimuth, elevation, length = dipole_to_point(points) center = tuple(np.sum(points, 0)/2) coo = (*center, azimuth, elevation) points = point_to_square_loop(coo, length) # Store original input. self._coordinates = coordinates # Ensure the two poles are distinct. if np.allclose(points[0, :], points[1, :]): raise ValueError( "The two electrodes are identical, use the format " "(x, y, z, azimuth, elevation) instead. " f"Provided coordinates: {coordinates}." ) else: raise ValueError( "Coordinates are wrong defined. They must be defined either " "as a point, (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation), or as two points, " "(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2) or [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]. " f"Provided coordinates: {coordinates}." ) super().__init__(points) def __repr__(self): """Simple representation.""" s0 = (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"{self._repr_add if hasattr(self, '_repr_add') else ''}\n") # Point dipole. if self.coordinates.size == 5: s1 = (f" center={{{[0]:,.1f}; " f"{[1]:,.1f}; {[2]:,.1f}}} m; ") s2 = (f"θ={self.azimuth:.1f}°, φ={self.elevation:.1f}°; " f"l={self.length:,.1f} m") # Finite dipole. else: s1 = (f" e1={{{self.points[0, 0]:,.1f}; " f"{self.points[0, 1]:,.1f}; {self.points[0, 2]:,.1f}}} m; ") s2 = (f"e2={{{self.points[1, 0]:,.1f}; " f"{self.points[1, 1]:,.1f}; {self.points[1, 2]:,.1f}}} m") return s0 + s1 + s2 if len(s1+s2) < 80 else s0 + s1 + "\n " + s2 @property def azimuth(self): """Anticlockwise rotation (°) from x-axis towards y-axis.""" if not hasattr(self, '_azimuth'): if len(self.coordinates) == 5: out = self._coordinates[3:] else: out = dipole_to_point(self._points)[:2] self._azimuth, self._elevation = out return self._azimuth @property def elevation(self): """Anticlockwise (upwards) rotation (°) from the xy-plane.""" if not hasattr(self, '_elevation'): _ = self.azimuth # Sets azimuth and elevation return self._elevation
[docs]class Source(Wire): """A source adds strength to a Wire instance. .. note:: Use any of the Tx* classes to create sources, not this class. Parameters ---------- strength : {float, complex} Source strength (A). """ # Add strength to attributes which have to be serialized. _serialize = {'strength'} | Wire._serialize def __init__(self, strength, **kwargs): """Initiate an electric source.""" # Store strength, add a repr-addition. self._strength = strength self._repr_add = f"{self.strength:,.1f} A;" super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def strength(self): """Source strength (A).""" return self._strength
[docs] def get_field(self, grid, frequency): """Returns source field for given grid and frequency.""" return fields.get_source_field(grid, self, frequency)
[docs]@utils._known_class class TxElectricDipole(Source, Dipole): """Electric dipole source, two electrodes connected by a wire. Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Dipole coordinates. Three formats are accepted: - [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]; - (x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2); - (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation); this format takes also the ``length`` parameter. strength : float, default: 1.0 Source strength (A). length : float, default: 1.0 Length of the dipole (m). This parameter is only used if the provided coordinates are in the format (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). """ def __init__(self, coordinates, strength=1.0, length=1.0): """Initiate an electric dipole source.""" super().__init__( coordinates=coordinates, strength=strength, length=length)
[docs]@utils._known_class class TxMagneticDipole(Source, Dipole): """Magnetic dipole source using a square loop perpendicular to the dipole. The magnetic dipole source simulates a magnetic dipole with an electric square loop perpendicular and at the center of the dipole. The area of the loop corresponds to the dipole length, to represent the same strength. Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Dipole coordinates. Three formats are accepted: - [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]; - (x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2); - (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation); this format takes also the ``length`` parameter. strength : float, default: 1.0 Source strength (A). length : float, default: 1.0 Length of the dipole (m). This parameter is only used if the provided coordinates are in the format (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). """ def __init__(self, coordinates, strength=1.0, length=1.0): """Initiate a magnetic source.""" super().__init__( coordinates=coordinates, strength=strength, length=length)
[docs]@utils._known_class class TxElectricWire(Source, Wire): """Electric wire source consisting of a series of dipoles. Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Electrode locations of shape (n, 3), where n is the number of electrodes: ``[[x1, y1, z1], [...], [xn, yn, zn]]``. strength : float, default: 1.0 Source strength (A). """ def __init__(self, coordinates, strength=1.0): """Initiate an electric wire source.""" super().__init__(coordinates=coordinates, strength=strength)
# RECEIVERS class Receiver(Wire): """A receiver can be positioned absolutely or relative to source.. .. note:: Use any of the Rx* classes to create receivers, not this class. Parameters ---------- relative : bool If False, the coordinates are absolute coordinates. If True, the coordinates define the offset from the source center. Note that ``relative=True`` makes only sense in combination with sources, such as is the case in a :class:`emg3d.surveys.Survey`. """ # Add relative to attributes which have to be serialized. _serialize = {'relative'} | Wire._serialize def __init__(self, relative, **kwargs): """Initiate a receiver.""" # Store relative, add a repr-addition. self._relative = relative self._repr_add = f"{['absolute', 'relative'][self.relative]};" super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def relative(self): """True if coordinates are relative to source, False if absolute.""" return self._relative def center_abs(self, source): """Returns points as absolute positions.""" if self.relative: return + else: return def coordinates_abs(self, source): """Returns coordinates as absolute positions.""" if not hasattr(self, 'azimuth'): return self.center_abs(source) else: return (*self.center_abs(source), self.azimuth, self.elevation)
[docs]@utils._known_class class RxElectricPoint(Receiver, Point): """Electric point receiver (point sampling the field). Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Point defined as (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation) relative : bool, default: False If False, the coordinates are absolute coordinates. If True, the coordinates define the offset from the source center. Note that ``relative=True`` makes only sense in combination with sources, such as is the case in a :class:`emg3d.surveys.Survey`. """ def __init__(self, coordinates, relative=False): """Initiate an electric point receiver.""" super().__init__(coordinates=coordinates, relative=relative)
[docs]@utils._known_class class RxMagneticPoint(Receiver, Point): """Magnetic point receiver (point sampling the field). Parameters ---------- coordinates : array_like Point defined as (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation) relative : bool, default: False If False, the coordinates are absolute coordinates. If True, the coordinates define the offset from the source center. Note that ``relative=True`` makes only sense in combination with sources, such as is the case in a :class:`emg3d.surveys.Survey`. """ def __init__(self, coordinates, relative=False): """Initiate a magnetic point receiver.""" super().__init__(coordinates=coordinates, relative=relative)
[docs]def point_to_dipole(point, length, deg=True): """Return coordinates of dipole points defined by center, angles, length. Spherical to Cartesian. Parameters ---------- point : tuple Point coordinates in the form of (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). length : float Dipole length (m). deg : bool, default: True Angles are in degrees if True, radians if False. Returns ------- dipole : ndarray Coordinates of shape (2, 3): [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]. """ # Get coordinates relative to centrum. xyz = rotation(point[3], point[4], deg=deg)*length/2 # Add half a dipole on both sides of the center. return point[:3] + np.array([-xyz, xyz])
[docs]def dipole_to_point(dipole, deg=True): """Return azimuth and elevation for given electrode pair. Cartesian to spherical. Parameters ---------- dipole : ndarray Dipole coordinates of shape (2, 3): [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2]]. deg : bool, default: True Return angles in degrees if True, radians if False. Returns ------- azimuth : float Anticlockwise angle from x-axis towards y-axis. elevation : float Anticlockwise (upwards) angle from the xy-plane towards z-axis. length : float Dipole length (m). """ # Get distances between coordinates. dx, dy, dz = np.diff(dipole.T).squeeze() length = np.linalg.norm([dx, dy, dz]) # Get angles from complex planes. azimuth = np.angle(dx + 1j*dy, deg=deg) # same as: np.arctan2(dy, dx) elevation = np.angle(np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) + 1j*dz, deg=deg) # (dz, dxy) return azimuth, elevation, length
[docs]def point_to_square_loop(source, area): """Return points of a loop of area perpendicular to source dipole. Parameters ---------- source : tuple Source dipole coordinates in the form of (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). area : float Area of the square loop (m^2). Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of shape (5, 3), corresponding to the x/y/z-coordinates for the five points describing a closed rectangle perpendicular to the dipole, of side-length length. """ half_diag = np.sqrt(area/2) xyz_hor = rotation(source[3]+90.0, 0.0)*half_diag xyz_ver = rotation(source[3], source[4]+90.0)*half_diag points = source[:3] + np.stack( [xyz_hor, xyz_ver, -xyz_hor, -xyz_ver, xyz_hor]) return points
[docs]def rotation(azimuth, elevation, deg=True): """Rotation factors for RHS coordinate system with positive z upwards. The rotation factors multiplied with the length yield the corresponding Cartesian coordinates. (The rotation factors correspond to the rotation of a unit radius of length 1.) Definition of spherical coordinates: - azimuth θ: anticlockwise from x-axis towards y-axis, (-180°, +180°]. - elevation φ: anticlockwise (upwards) from the xy-plane towards z-axis [-90°, +90°]. - radius (m). Definition of Cartesian coordinates: - x is Easting; - y is Northing; - z is positive upwards (RHS). Parameters ---------- azimuth : float Anticlockwise angle from x-axis towards y-axis. elevation : float Anticlockwise (upwards) angle from the xy-plane towards z-axis. deg : bool, default: True Angles are in degrees if True, radians if False. Returns ------- rot : ndarray Rotation factors (x, y, z). """ if deg: cos, sin = cosdg, sindg else: cos, sin = np.cos, np.sin return np.array([cos(azimuth)*cos(elevation), sin(azimuth)*cos(elevation), sin(elevation)])