Source code for emg3d.meshes

Everything related to meshes appropriate for the multigrid solver.
# Copyright 2018-2021 The emsig community.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import mu_0

from emg3d import maps, utils

    import discretize
except ImportError:
    discretize = None

__all__ = ['TensorMesh', 'BaseMesh', 'construct_mesh', 'origin_and_widths',
           'good_mg_cell_nr', 'skin_depth', 'wavelength', 'cell_width']

[docs]class BaseMesh: """Minimal TensorMesh for internal multigrid computation. The base mesh has everything that is needed within :func:`emg3d.solver.solve`, but nothing more. Parameters ---------- h : [array_like, array_like, array_like] Cell widths in x, y, and z directions. origin : array_like Origin (x, y, z). Examples -------- .. ipython:: In [1]: import emg3d ...: import numpy as np In [2]: # Create a simple grid, 8 cells of length 100 m in each ...: # direction, centered around the origin. ...: hx = np.ones(8)*100 ...: grid = emg3d.meshes.BaseMesh( ...: [hx, hx, hx], origin=(-400, -400, -400)) ...: grid # QC grid """ def __init__(self, h, origin, **kwargs): """Initialize the mesh.""" # Store origin. self.origin = np.array(origin) # Width of cells, cast to arrays. self.h = [np.array(h[0]), np.array(h[1]), np.array(h[2])] # Node related properties. shape_nodes = (self.h[0].size+1, self.h[1].size+1, self.h[2].size+1) self.shape_nodes = shape_nodes self.nodes_x = np.r_[0., self.h[0].cumsum()] + self.origin[0] self.nodes_y = np.r_[0., self.h[1].cumsum()] + self.origin[1] self.nodes_z = np.r_[0., self.h[2].cumsum()] + self.origin[2] # Cell related properties. shape_cells = (self.h[0].size, self.h[1].size, self.h[2].size) self.shape_cells = shape_cells self.n_cells = self.cell_centers_x = (self.nodes_x[1:] + self.nodes_x[:-1])/2 self.cell_centers_y = (self.nodes_y[1:] + self.nodes_y[:-1])/2 self.cell_centers_z = (self.nodes_z[1:] + self.nodes_z[:-1])/2 # Edge related properties. self.shape_edges_x = (shape_cells[0], shape_nodes[1], shape_nodes[2]) self.shape_edges_y = (shape_nodes[0], shape_cells[1], shape_nodes[2]) self.shape_edges_z = (shape_nodes[0], shape_nodes[1], shape_cells[2]) self.n_edges_x = self.n_edges_y = self.n_edges_z = self.n_edges = self.n_edges_x + self.n_edges_y + self.n_edges_z # Face related properties. self.shape_faces_x = (shape_nodes[0], shape_cells[1], shape_cells[2]) self.shape_faces_y = (shape_cells[0], shape_nodes[1], shape_cells[2]) self.shape_faces_z = (shape_cells[0], shape_cells[1], shape_nodes[2]) self.n_faces_x = self.n_faces_y = self.n_faces_z = self.n_faces = self.n_faces_x + self.n_faces_y + self.n_faces_z def __repr__(self): """Simple representation.""" return (f"TensorMesh: {self.shape_cells[0]} x {self.shape_cells[1]} x " f"{self.shape_cells[2]} ({self.n_cells:,})") @property def cell_volumes(self): """Construct cell volumes of the 3D model as 1D array.""" if getattr(self, '_cell_volumes', None) is None: self._cell_volumes = ( self.h[0][None, None, :]*self.h[1][None, :, None] * self.h[2][:, None, None]).ravel() return self._cell_volumes
[docs]@utils._known_class class TensorMesh(discretize.TensorMesh if discretize else BaseMesh): """A slightly modified version of :class:`discretize.TensorMesh`. Adds a few custom attributes (``__eq__``, ``copy``, and ``{to;from}_dict``) to :class:`discretize.TensorMesh`. It falls back to a minimal :class:`emg3d.meshes.BaseMesh` if discretize is not installed. Nothing fancy is possible with the minimal TensorMesh, particularly *no* plotting. Parameters ---------- h : [array_like, array_like, array_like] Cell widths in x, y, and z directions. origin : array_like Origin (x, y, z). """ def __eq__(self, mesh): """Compare two meshes. The provided ``mesh`` can be either an emg3d or a discretize TensorMesh instance. """ # Check if mesh is of the same instance. equal = mesh.__class__.__name__ == self.__class__.__name__ # Check dimensions. if equal: equal *= len(mesh.shape_cells) == len(self.shape_cells) # Check shape. if equal: equal *= np.all(self.shape_cells == mesh.shape_cells) # Check distances and origin. if equal: equal *= np.allclose(self.h[0], mesh.h[0], atol=0) equal *= np.allclose(self.h[1], mesh.h[1], atol=0) equal *= np.allclose(self.h[2], mesh.h[2], atol=0) equal *= np.allclose(self.origin, mesh.origin, atol=0) return bool(equal)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the TensorMesh.""" return self.from_dict(self.to_dict(True))
[docs] def to_dict(self, copy=False): """Store the necessary information in a dict for serialization. Parameters ---------- copy : bool, default: False If True, returns a deep copy of the dict. Returns ------- out : dict Dictionary containing all information to re-create the TensorMesh. """ out = { 'hx': self.h[0], 'hy': self.h[1], 'hz': self.h[2], 'origin': self.origin, '__class__': self.__class__.__name__ } if copy: return deepcopy(out) else: return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from :func:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh.to_dict`. The dictionary needs the keys ``hx``, ``hy``, ``hz``, and ``origin``. Returns ------- mesh : TensorMesh A :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. """ inp = {k: v for k, v in inp.items() if k != '__class__'} return cls(h=[inp.pop('hx'), inp.pop('hy'), inp.pop('hz')], **inp)
[docs]def construct_mesh(frequency, properties, center, domain=None, vector=None, seasurface=None, **kwargs): r"""Return a TensorMesh for given parameters. Designing an appropriate grid is the most time-consuming part of any 3D modelling: - Cell sizes should be small enough to represent changes in the model as well as to minimize interpolation errors in the fields. - The computational domain has to be big enough to avoid effects from the boundary condition. - The total number of cells should be small to speed up computation. These are in itself contradictory requirements, and they additionally depend all on the subsurface properties, the frequency under consideration, and the survey type. This function is a helper routine to construct an appropriate grid. However, there is no guarantee that it is the best or even a good grid. The constructed grid is frequency- and property-dependent. Some details are explained in other functions: - The minimum cell width :math:`\Delta_\text{min}` is a function of ``frequency``, ``properties[0]``, ``min_width_pps``, and ``min_width_limits``, see Equation :eq:`mincellwidth`. - The skin depth :math:`\delta` is a function of ``frequency`` and ``properties``, see Equation :eq:`skindepth`. - The wavelength :math:`\lambda` is a function of ``frequency`` and ``properties``, see Equation :eq:`wavelength`. The relation of the survey domain, computational domain, and buffer zone is shown in :numref:`Figure %s <AutoGrid>` for a x-z-section; the y-direction behaves the same as the x-direction (the figures are only visible in the web version of the API docs on .. figure:: ../_static/construct_mesh.png :align: center :alt: Sketch for automatic gridding. :name: AutoGrid Relation between survey domain (Ds, ``domain``), computational domain (Dc), and buffer zone. The survey domain should contain all sources (red stars) and receivers (blue triangles) as well as any important feature that should be represented in the data. The buffer zone is calculated as a function of wavelength with the provided property in the given direction. The buffer zone around the survey domain is by default one wavelength. This means that the signal has to travel two wavelengths to get from the end of the survey domain to the end of the computational domain and back. This approach is quite conservative and on the safe side. You can reduce the buffer thickness if you know what you are doing. There are three parameters which influence the thickness of the buffer for a given frequency: ``properties``, which is used to calculate the skin depth and the wavelength, ``lambda_factor`` (default is 1) which sets how many times the wavelength is the thickness of the buffer (relative factor), and ``max_buffer``, which is an absolute maximum for the buffer thickness. A graphical illustration is given in :numref:`Figure %s <Buffer>`. .. figure:: ../_static/construct_mesh2.png :align: center :alt: Sketch for the buffer zone. :name: Buffer The thickness of the buffer zone (B) for (I) ``lambda_from_center=False`` (default) and for (II) ``lambda_from_center=True``. The ``lambda_factor`` (:math:`\lambda_{fact}`) is a simple scaling factor for the wavelength :math:`\lambda`. The ``max_buffer`` is an absolute limitation. Parameters ---------- frequency : float Frequency (Hz) to calculate skin depth; both the minimum cell width and the extent of the buffer zone, and therefore of the computational domain, are a function of skin depth. properties : {float, array_like} Properties to calculate the skin depths, which in turn are used to calculate the minimum cell width (usually at source location) and the extent of the buffer around the survey domain. The properties can be either resistivities, conductivities, or the logarithm (natural or base 10) thereof. By default it assumes resistivities, but it can be changed with the parameter ``mapping``. Five formats are recognized for properties: it can either be a float or a list of 2, 3, 4, or 7 floats. Depending on the format these properties are used to calculate the following parameters: - ``p``: min_width and buffer in all directions; - ``[p1, p2]``: - ``p1`` : min_width, - ``p2`` : buffer in all directions; - ``[p1, p2, p3]``: - ``p1`` : min_width, - ``p2`` : buffer in negative z-direction, - ``p3`` : buffer in all other directions; - ``[p1, p2, p3, p4]``: - ``p1`` : min_width, - ``p2`` : buffer in horizontal directions, - ``p3``; ``p4`` : buffer in negative; positive z-direction. - ``[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7]``: - ``p1`` : min_width, - ``p2``; ``p3`` : buffer in negative; positive x-direction, - ``p4``; ``p5`` : buffer in negative; positive y-direction, - ``p6``; ``p7`` : buffer in negative; positive z-direction. center : array_like Center coordinates (x, y, z). The mesh is centered around this point, which means that here is the smallest cell. Usually this is the source location. domain : {tuple, list, dict, None}, optional Contains the survey-domain limits. This domain should include all source and receiver positions as well as any important feature of the model. Format: ``([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], [zmin, zmax])`` or ``{'x': [xmin, xmax], 'y': [ymin, ymax], 'z': [zmin, zmax]}``. It can be None, or individual lists can be None (e.g., ``(None, None, [zmin, zmax])``), in which case you have to provide either the corresponding ``distance`` or ``vector``, which is then assumed to span exactly the domain. If only one list is provided it is applied to all dimensions. distance : {tuple, list, dict, None}, optional An alternative to ``domain``: Instead of defining the domain in absolute values, they are defined here as distance from the center. Format: ``([xl, xr], [yl, yr], [zd, zu])`` or ``{'x': [xl, xr], 'y': [yl, yr], 'z': [zd, zu]}``. From this the domain is given as ``([cx-xl, cx+xr], [cy-yl, cy+yr], [cz-zd, cz+zu])``, where ``center=(cx, cy, cz)``. vector : {tuple, ndarray, dict, None}, optional Contains vectors of mesh-edges that should be used. If provided, the vector *must* at least include all of the survey domain. If ``domain`` is not provided, it is defined as the minimum/maximum of the provided vector. Format: ``(xvector, yvector, zvector)`` or ``{'x': xvector, 'y': yvector, 'z': zvector}``. It can be None, or individual ndarrays can be None (e.g., ``(xvector, yvector, None)``), in which case you have to provide a ``domain`` or ``distance``. If only one ndarray is provided it is applied to all dimensions. seasurface : float, default: None Air-sea interface. This has only to be set in the marine case, when the mesh in z-direction is sought for (and the interface is not contained in ``vector``). If set, it will ensure that at the sea surface is an actual boundary. It has to be bigger than the lower limit of the survey domain. stretching : {tuple, list, dict}, default: [1.0, 1.5] Maximum stretching factors in the form of ``[max Ds, max Dc]``: the first value is the maximum stretching for the survey domain (default is 1.0), the second value is the maximum stretching for the buffer zone (default is 1.5). If a list is provided the same is used for all three dimension. Alternatively a tuple of three lists can be provided, ``(x, y, z)`` or ``{'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}``. Note that the first value has no influence on dimensions where a ``vector`` is provided. min_width_limits : {float, list, tuple, dict, None}, default: None Passed through to :func:`cell_width` as ``limits``. A tuple of three or a dict with ``x;y;z`` can be provided for direction dependent values. Note that this value has no influence on dimensions where a ``vector`` is provided. min_width_pps : {float, tuple, dict}, default: 3.0 Passed through to :func:`cell_width` as ``pps``. A tuple of three or a dict with ``x;y;z`` can be provided for direction dependent values. Note that this value has no influence on dimensions where a ``vector`` is provided. lambda_factor : float, default: 1.0 The buffer is taken as one wavelength from the survey domain. This can be regarded as quite conservative (but safe). The parameter ``lambda_factor`` can be used to reduce (or increase) this factor. max_buffer : float, default: 100_000 Maximum thickness of the buffer zone around survey domain. If ``lambda_from_center=True``, this is the maximum distance from the center to the end of the computational domain. lambda_from_center : bool, default: False Flag how to compute the extent of the computational mesh as a function of wavelength: - False (default): The distance from the edge of the survey domain to the edge of the computational domain is one wavelength. - True: The distance from the center to the edge of the computational domain and back to the end of the survey domain is two wavelengths. mapping : {str, Map}, default: 'Resistivity' Defines what type the input ``property_{x;y;z}``-values correspond to. By default, they represent resistivities (Ohm.m). The implemented mappings are: - ``'Resistivity'``; ρ (Ω m); - ``'Conductivity'``; σ (S/m); - ``'LgResistivity'``; log_10(ρ); - ``'LgConductivity'``; log_10(σ); - ``'LnResistivity'``; log_e(ρ); - ``'LnConductivity'``; log_e(σ). cell_numbers : array_like, optional List of possible numbers of cells. See :func:`good_mg_cell_nr`. Default is ``good_mg_cell_nr(1024, 5, 3)``, which corresponds to numbers 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 80, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 320, 384, 512, 640, 768, 1024. verb : int, default: 0 If 1 verbose, if 0 silent. The info is added either way to the returned mesh as ``mesh.construct_mesh_info``. Returns ------- grid : TensorMesh Resulting mesh, a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. """ kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs) # To not change a provided dict. verb = kwargs.get('verb', 0) distance = kwargs.pop('distance', None) # Initiate direction-specific dicts, add unambiguous args. kwargs['frequency'] = frequency kwargs['verb'] = -1 # Run x/y/z first, print/collect kwargs['raise_error'] = False # info, then raise if necessary. xparams = {'center': center[0]} yparams = {'center': center[1]} zparams = {'center': center[2], 'seasurface': seasurface} # Add properties. if isinstance(properties, (int, float)): properties = np.array([properties]) if len(properties) == 3: xparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[2], properties[2]] yparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[2], properties[2]] zparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[1], properties[2]] elif len(properties) == 4: xparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[1], properties[1]] yparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[1], properties[1]] zparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[2], properties[3]] elif len(properties) == 7: xparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[1], properties[2]] yparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[3], properties[4]] zparams['properties'] = [properties[0], properties[5], properties[6]] else: kwargs['properties'] = properties def _put_in_dicts(dicts, value, name): """Loop over dicts and put corresponding values.""" for i, data in enumerate(dicts): if value[i] is not None: data[name] = value[i] # Add optionally direction specific args. for name, value in zip(['domain', 'vector', 'distance'], [domain, vector, distance]): if value is None or isinstance(value, np.ndarray): kwargs[name] = value elif isinstance(value, dict): _put_in_dicts([xparams, yparams, zparams], (value['x'], value['y'], value['z']), name) elif len(value) == 3: _put_in_dicts([xparams, yparams, zparams], value, name) else: kwargs[name] = value # Add optionally direction specific kwargs. for name in ['stretching', 'min_width_limits', 'min_width_pps']: value = kwargs.pop(name, None) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, (int, float)): kwargs[name] = np.array([value]) elif isinstance(value, dict): _put_in_dicts([xparams, yparams, zparams], (value['x'], value['y'], value['z']), name) elif len(value) == 3: _put_in_dicts([xparams, yparams, zparams], value, name) else: kwargs[name] = value # Get origins and widths in all directions. x0, hx, xinfo = origin_and_widths(**kwargs, **xparams) y0, hy, yinfo = origin_and_widths(**kwargs, **yparams) z0, hz, zinfo = origin_and_widths(**kwargs, **zparams) # Throw message if no solution was found. if any([out is None for out in [x0, y0, z0]]): raise RuntimeError("No suitable grid found; relax your criteria.") # Create mesh. mesh = TensorMesh(h=[hx, hy, hz], origin=np.array([x0, y0, z0])) # Collect info. info = (f"\n == GRIDDING IN X ==\n{xinfo}\n" f"\n == GRIDDING IN Y ==\n{yinfo}\n" f"\n == GRIDDING IN Z ==\n{zinfo}\n") mesh.construct_mesh_info = info if verb > 0: print(info) return mesh
[docs]def origin_and_widths(frequency, properties, center, domain=None, vector=None, seasurface=None, **kwargs): r"""Return origin and cell widths for given parameters. Calculate and return the starting point (origin) and cell widths given the input parameters. The output can be used as input (for one dimension) to create a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh`. The function is used by :func:`construct_mesh` once in each direction. .. note:: The parameters are described in :func:`construct_mesh`. Described here are only the differences. It is recommended to use directly :func:`construct_mesh`. Parameters ---------- verb : int, default: 0 If 1 verbose, if 0 silent, if -1 it returns the info as string instead of printing it. raise_error : bool, default: True If True, an error is raised if no suitable grid is found. Otherwise it just returns None's (used by ``construct_mesh``). Returns ------- origin : float Origin of the mesh. widths : ndarray Cell widths of mesh. info : str, returned if verb<0 Info. """ # Get all kwargs. distance = kwargs.pop('distance', None) stretching = kwargs.pop('stretching', [1.0, 1.5]) min_width_limits = kwargs.pop('min_width_limits', None) min_width_pps = kwargs.pop('min_width_pps', 3) lambda_factor = kwargs.pop('lambda_factor', 1.0) max_buffer = kwargs.pop('max_buffer', 100000) lambda_from_center = kwargs.pop('lambda_from_center', False) pmap = kwargs.pop('mapping', 'Resistivity') cell_numbers = kwargs.pop('cell_numbers', good_mg_cell_nr()) raise_error = kwargs.pop('raise_error', True) verb = kwargs.pop('verb', 0) # Ensure no kwargs left. if kwargs: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected **kwargs: {list(kwargs.keys())}.") # Get property map from string. if isinstance(pmap, str): pmap = getattr(maps, 'Map'+pmap)() # Properties. cond = pmap.backward(np.array(properties, ndmin=1, dtype=float)) cond_arr = np.array([ cond[0], cond[min(cond.size-1, 1)], cond[min(cond.size-1, 2)]]) # Get skin depth. skind = skin_depth(frequency, cond_arr) # Minimum cell width. dmin = cell_width(skind[0], min_width_pps, min_width_limits) # Survey domain: if not provided get from vector or distance. # Priority: domain > vector > distance. if domain is None and vector is None and distance is None: raise ValueError( "At least one of `domain`, `distance`, " "and `vector` must be provided." ) elif domain is None: if vector is None: domain = np.array([center-abs(distance[0]), center+abs(distance[1])]) else: domain = np.array([vector.min(), vector.max()], dtype=float) else: domain = np.array(domain, dtype=np.float64) if vector is not None: if domain[0] < vector.min() or domain[1] > vector.max(): raise ValueError( "Provided vector MUST at least include " "all of the survey domain." ) # Seasurface related checks. if seasurface is not None: # Check that seasurface > center. if seasurface <= center: raise ValueError("The `seasurface` must be bigger than `center`.") # If center is close to seasurface, set it to seasurface. if abs(seasurface - center) < dmin: center = seasurface # Computation domain; big enough to avoid boundary effects. # To avoid boundary effects we want the signal to travel two wavelengths # from the source to the boundary and back to the receiver. # => 2*pi*sd ~ 6.3*sd = one wavelength => signal is ~ 0.2 %. # Two wavelengths we can safely assume it is zero. wlength = lambda_factor*wavelength(skind[1:]) if lambda_from_center: # Center to edges of domain. in_domain = abs(domain - center) # Required buffer, additional to domain. d_buff = np.max([np.zeros(2), (2*wlength - in_domain)/2], axis=0) # Add buffer to domain. comp_domain = np.array([domain[0]-d_buff[0], domain[1]+d_buff[1]]) # Restrict total domain to max_buffer. comp_domain[0] = max(comp_domain[0], center-max_buffer) comp_domain[1] = min(comp_domain[1], center+max_buffer) else: dbuffer = np.min([wlength, np.ones(2)*max_buffer], axis=0) comp_domain = np.array([domain[0]-dbuffer[0], domain[1]+dbuffer[1]]) # Initiate flag if terminated. finished = False # Initiate alpha variables for survey and computation domains. sa, ca = 1.0, 1.0 # Loop over possible cell numbers from small to big. for nx in np.unique(cell_numbers): # Loop over possible alphas for domain. nsa = max(1, min(100, int((stretching[0] - 1) / 0.001))) for sa in np.linspace(1.0, stretching[0], nsa): if vector is None: # Get current stretched grid cell sizes. thxl = dmin*sa**np.arange(nx) # Left of origin. thxr = dmin*sa**np.arange(nx) # Right of origin. # Adjust stretching for seasurface if required. if seasurface is not None and seasurface > center: t_nx = np.r_[center, center+np.cumsum(thxr)] ii = np.argmin(abs(t_nx-seasurface)) thxr[:ii] *= abs(seasurface-center)/np.sum(thxr[:ii]) # Fill from center to left and right domain. nl = np.sum((center-np.cumsum(thxl)) > domain[0]) + 1 nr = np.sum((center+np.cumsum(thxr)) < domain[1]) + 1 # Create the current hx-array. hx = np.r_[thxl[:nl][::-1], thxr[:nr]] # Get actual domain: asurv_domain = [center - np.sum(thxl[:nl]), center + np.sum(thxr[:nr])] else: # Store actual domain, current hx-array, and number of cells. asurv_domain = [vector[0], vector[-1]] hx = np.diff(vector) # Expand for seasurface if necessary. if seasurface is not None and seasurface > asurv_domain[-1]: thxr = hx[-1]*sa**np.arange(nx) sdepth = seasurface - asurv_domain[-1] # Get number of element, round down, and stretch. ii = np.argmax(np.cumsum(thxr) > sdepth) thxr = thxr[:ii] # Restrict. thxr *= abs(seasurface-asurv_domain[-1])/np.sum(thxr) # Adjust actual domain, hx, and count. asurv_domain[1] += sum(thxr) hx = np.r_[hx, thxr] # Remaining number of cells nx_remain = nx - hx.size # Not good, try next. if nx_remain <= 0: continue # Store for verbosity hxo = hx # Loop over possible alphas for buffer. nca = max(1, min(100, int((stretching[1] - sa) / 0.001))) for ca in np.linspace(sa, stretching[1], nca): # Get current stretched grid cell sizes. thxl = hx[0]*ca**np.arange(1, nx_remain+1) # Left of survey. thxr = hx[-1]*ca**np.arange(1, nx_remain+1) # Right of survey. # Fill from survey to left and right domain. nl = np.sum((asurv_domain[0] - np.cumsum(thxl)) > comp_domain[0]) + 1 nr = np.sum((asurv_domain[1] + np.cumsum(thxr)) < comp_domain[1]) + 1 # Get remaining number of cells. nx_remain2 = nx_remain - nl - nr if nx_remain2 < 0: # Not good, try next. continue # Create hx-array. nl += int(np.floor(nx_remain2/2)) # If uneven, add one cell nr += int(np.ceil(nx_remain2/2)) # more on the right. hx = np.r_[thxl[:nl][::-1], hx, thxr[:nr]] # Compute origin. x0 = float(asurv_domain[0]-np.sum(thxl[:nl])) # Mark it as finished and break out of the loop. finished = True break if finished: break if finished: break # Raise Error or return Nones if not finish. if not finished: msg = "No suitable grid found; relax your criteria." # Throw message if no solution was found. if raise_error: raise RuntimeError(msg) else: x0, hx, info = None, None, msg else: # Collect info about final grid. # Check max stretching. sa_adj = np.max([hxo[1:]/hxo[:-1], hxo[:-1]/hxo[1:]]) sa_limit = min(1.5, stretching[0]+0.25) # Display precision. prec = int(np.ceil(max(0, -np.log10(min(hx))+1))) info = f"Skin depth [m] : {skind[0]:.{prec}f}" if cond.size > 1: info += f" / {skind[1]:.{prec}f}" if cond.size > 2: info += f" / {skind[2]:.{prec}f}" info += " [corr. to `properties`]\n" info += ( f"Survey dom. DS [m] : " f"{domain[0]:.{prec}f} - {domain[1]:.{prec}f}\n" # f"Comp. dom. DC [m] : {comp_domain[0]:.{prec}f} - " f"{comp_domain[1]:.{prec}f}\n" # f"Final extent [m] : {x0:.{prec}f} - {x0+np.sum(hx):.{prec}f}\n" # f"Cell widths [m] : {min(hxo):.{prec}f} / {max(hxo):.{prec}f} " f"/ {max(hx):.{prec}f} [min(DS) / max(DS) / max(DC)]\n" # f"Number of cells : {nx} ({hxo.size} / " f"{nx-hxo.size-nx_remain2} / {nx_remain2}) " f"[Total (DS/DC/remain)]\n" # f"Max stretching : {sa:.3f} ({sa_adj:.3f}) / {ca:.3f}" " [DS (seasurface) / DC]") if sa_adj > sa_limit: info += (f"\nNote: Stretching in DS >> {sa}.\nThe reason " "is usually the interplay of center/domain/seasurface.") if verb > 0: print(info) # Return required info. if verb < 0: return x0, hx, info else: return x0, hx
[docs]def good_mg_cell_nr(max_nr=1024, max_lowest=5, min_div=3): r"""Return "good" cell numbers for the multigrid method. "Good" cell numbers are numbers which can be divided by two as many times as possible. At the end there should be 2 or a small odd number. The function adds all numbers .. math:: p\ 2^n &\leq M \ , \text{ for} p &= {2, 3, ..., p_\text{max}} \ ; n &= {n_\text{min}, n_\text{min}+1, ..., \infty} \ , where :math:`M, p_\text{max}, n_\text{min}` correspond to ``max_nr``, ``max_lowest``, and ``min_div``, respectively. Parameters ---------- max_nr : int, default: 1024 Maximum number of cells. max_lowest : int, default: 5 Maximum permitted lowest number p for p*2^n. {2, 3, 5, 7} are good upper limits in order to avoid too big lowest grids in the multigrid method. min_div : int, default: 3 Minimum times the number can be divided by two. Returns ------- numbers : ndarray Array containing all possible cell numbers from lowest to highest. """ # 2 + odd numbers till 20. lowest = np.array([2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19], dtype=np.int64) # Sanity check; 19 is already ridiculously high. if max_lowest > lowest[-1]: raise ValueError( f"Maximum lowest is {max_lowest}, please use a value < 20." ) # Restrict to max_lowest. lowest = lowest[lowest <= max_lowest] # Get possible values. # Currently restr. to lowest*2**29 (for lowest=2 => 1,073,741,824 cells). numbers = lowest[:, None]*2**np.arange(min_div, 30) # Get unique values. numbers = np.unique(numbers) # Restrict to max_nr and return. return numbers[numbers <= max_nr]
[docs]def skin_depth(frequency, conductivity, mu_r=1.0): r"""Return skin depth as a function of frequency and conductivity. The skin depth :math:`\delta` (m) is given by .. math:: :label: skindepth \delta = \sqrt{\frac{2}{\omega\sigma\mu}}\ , where :math:`\omega=2\pi f` is angular frequency of frequency :math:`f` (Hz), :math:`\sigma` is conductivity (S/m), and :math:`\mu=\mu_\rm{r}\mu_0` is magnetic permeability (H/m). Parameters ---------- frequency : float Frequency (Hz). conductivity : float Conductivity (S/m). mu_r : float, default: 1.0 Relative magnetic permeability (-). Returns ------- skindepth : float Skin depth (m). """ skindepth = 1/np.sqrt(np.pi*abs(frequency)*conductivity*mu_r*mu_0) # For Laplace-domain computations. if frequency < 0: skindepth /= np.sqrt(2*np.pi) return skindepth
[docs]def wavelength(skin_depth): r"""Return wavelength as a function of skin depth. The wavelength :math:`\lambda` (m) is given by .. math:: :label: wavelength \lambda = 2\pi\delta\ , where the skin depth :math:`\delta` is a function of frequency and conductivity and is given by :func:`skin_depth`, Equation :eq:`skindepth`. Parameters ---------- skin_depth : {float, ndarray} Skin depth (m). Returns ------- wavelength : {float, ndarray} Wavelength (m). """ return 2*np.pi*skin_depth
[docs]def cell_width(skin_depth, pps=3, limits=None): r"""Return cell width as function of points per skin depth. The cell width :math:`\Delta` is defined by the desired points per skin depth, .. math:: :label: mincellwidth \Delta = \Delta_\text{min} \le \frac{\delta}{\text{pps}} \le \Delta_\text{max} \ , to ensure that there are ``pps`` cells per skin depth (unless restricted by ``limits``). The skin depth :math:`\delta` is a function of frequency and conductivity and is given by :func:`skin_depth`, Equation :eq:`skindepth`. Parameters ---------- skin_depth : float Skin depth (m). pps : float Points per skin depth. limits : {None, float, array_like}, default: None Limits on cell width: - ``None``: No limits. - ``float``: Simply returns the ``limits`` as cell width. - ``[min, max]``: Cell width is limited to this range. Returns ------- cell_width : float Cell width (m). """ # Calculate cell width. cell_width = skin_depth/pps # Respect user limits. if limits is not None: limits = np.array(limits, ndmin=1) if limits.size == 1: cell_width = limits # Ignores skin depth and pps. else: cell_width = np.clip(cell_width, *limits) # Restrict. return cell_width