Source code for emg3d.models

Everything to store electromagnetic material properties for the solver.
# Copyright 2018-2021 The emsig community.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# the License.

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import epsilon_0

from emg3d import maps, meshes, utils

__all__ = ['Model', 'VolumeModel']

[docs]@utils._known_class class Model: r"""A model containing the electromagnetic properties of the Earth. A model provides the required model parameters to the solver. The x-, y-, and z-directed electrical properties are by default resistivities. However, they can be defined as resistivities, :math:`\rho\ (\Omega\,\mathrm{m})`, or conductivities, :math:`\sigma\ (\mathrm{S/m})`, either on a linear or on a logarithmic scale (log or ln), by choosing the appropriate ``mapping``. Relative magnetic permeability :math:`\mu_\mathrm{r}` is by default set to one and electric permittivity :math:`\varepsilon_\mathrm{r}` is by default set to zero, but they can also be provided (isotropically). Keep in mind that the multigrid method as implemented in emg3d works for the diffusive approximation. When the displacement part in Maxwell's equations becomes too dominant it will start to fail (high frequencies or very high electric permittivity). Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh The grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. property_{x;y;z} : {None, array_like}, default: 1 (x), None (y, z) Electrical material property in x-, y-, and z-directions. The properties are stored as Fortran-ordered arrays with the shape given by ``grid.shape``. The provided value must be broadcastable to that shape. By default, property refers to electrical resistivity. However, this can be changed with an appropriate ``mapping`` (the internals of emg3d work, irrelevant of the map, with electrical conductivities). The properties have to be of finite value, bigger than zero (on linear scale). The four supported anisotropy cases are: - ``x;y=None;z=None``: isotropic (``y=z=x``); - ``x;y=None;z``: vertical transverse isotropy VTI (``y=x``); - ``x;y;z=None``: horizontal transverse isotropy HTI (``z=x``); - ``x;y;z``: triaxial anisotropy. If a property is not initiated it cannot be set later on (e.g., if a VTI model is created, it is not possible to set ``property_y`` later on, instead, a new model has to be initiated). mu_r, epsilon_r : {None, array_like}, default: None Relative magnetic permeability (-) and relative electric permittivity (-), respectively, both isotropic. The properties are stored as Fortran-ordered arrays with the shape given by ``grid.shape``. The provided value must be broadcastable to that shape. The properties have to be of finite value, bigger than zero. The relative magnetic permeability is assumed to be 1 if not provided. The relative electric permittivity is assumed to be 0 if not provided, which ignores the displacement part completely (diffusive approximation) mapping : str, default: 'Resistivity' Defines what type the electrical input ``property_{x;y;z}``-values correspond to. The implemented types are: - ``'Resistivity'``; ρ (Ω m); - ``'Conductivity'``; σ (S/m); - ``'LgResistivity'``; log_10(ρ); - ``'LgConductivity'``; log_10(σ); - ``'LnResistivity'``; log_e(ρ); - ``'LnConductivity'``; log_e(σ). """ def __init__(self, grid, property_x=1., property_y=None, property_z=None, mu_r=None, epsilon_r=None, mapping='Resistivity'): """Initiate a new model.""" # Store grid. self.grid = grid # Alias shape_cells and n_cells to shape and size. self.shape = self.grid.shape_cells self.size = self.grid.n_cells # Get and store map. = getattr(maps, 'Map'+mapping)() # Initiate and store all parameters. self._property_x = self._init_parameter(property_x, 'property_x') self._property_y = self._init_parameter(property_y, 'property_y') self._property_z = self._init_parameter(property_z, 'property_z') self._mu_r = self._init_parameter(mu_r, 'mu_r',) self._epsilon_r = self._init_parameter(epsilon_r, 'epsilon_r') self._properties = ['property_x', 'property_y', 'property_z', 'mu_r', 'epsilon_r'] # Store case. if self._property_y is None and self._property_z is None: = 'isotropic' elif self._property_z is None: = 'HTI' elif self._property_y is None: = 'VTI' else: = 'triaxial' def __repr__(self): """Simple representation.""" return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {}; " f"{}{'' if self.mu_r is None else '; mu_r'}" f"{'' if self.epsilon_r is None else '; epsilon_r'}" f"; {self.shape[0]} x {self.shape[1]} x {self.shape[2]} " f"({self.size:,})") def __add__(self, model): """Add two models.""" # Ensure model is a Model instance. if model.__class__.__name__ != 'Model': return NotImplemented # Check input. self._operator_test(model) # Apply operator. kwargs = self._apply_operator(model, np.add) # Return new Model instance. return Model(grid=self.grid,, **kwargs) def __sub__(self, model): """Subtract two models.""" # Ensure model is a Model instance. if model.__class__.__name__ != 'Model': return NotImplemented # Check input. self._operator_test(model) # Apply operator. kwargs = self._apply_operator(model, np.subtract) # Return new Model instance. return Model(grid=self.grid,, **kwargs) def __eq__(self, model): """Compare two models.""" # Check if model is a Model instance. equal = model.__class__.__name__ == 'Model' # Check input. if equal: try: self._operator_test(model) except ValueError: equal = False # Compare values if not None. if equal: for prop in self._properties: val = getattr(self, prop) if val is not None: equal *= np.allclose(val, getattr(model, prop)) return bool(equal)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Model.""" return self.from_dict(self.to_dict(True))
[docs] def to_dict(self, copy=False): """Store the necessary information in a dict for serialization. Parameters ---------- copy : bool, default: False If True, returns a deep copy of the dict. Returns ------- out : dict Dictionary containing all information to re-create the Model. """ out = { '__class__': self.__class__.__name__, # v ensure emg3d-TensorMesh 'grid': meshes.TensorMesh(self.grid.h, self.grid.origin).to_dict(), **{prop: getattr(self, prop) for prop in self._properties}, 'mapping':, } if copy: return deepcopy(out) else: return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into :class:`emg3d.models.Model` instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from :func:`emg3d.models.Model.to_dict`. The dictionary needs the keys ``property_x``, ``property_y``, ``property_z``, ``mu_r``, ``epsilon_r``, ``grid``, and ``mapping``; ``grid`` itself is also a dict which needs the keys ``hx``, ``hy``, ``hz``, and ``origin``. Returns ------- model : Model A :class:`emg3d.models.Model` instance. """ inp = {k: v for k, v in inp.items() if k != '__class__'} MeshClass = getattr(meshes, inp['grid']['__class__']) return cls(grid=MeshClass.from_dict(inp.pop('grid')), **inp)
# ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES @property def property_x(self): r"""Electrical property in x-direction.""" return self._property_x @property_x.setter def property_x(self, property_x): r"""Update electrical property in x-direction.""" self._check_positive_finite(property_x, 'property_x') self._property_x[:] = np.asfortranarray(property_x, dtype=np.float64) @property def property_y(self): r"""Electrical property in y-direction.""" return self._property_y @property_y.setter def property_y(self, property_y): r"""Update electrical property in y-direction.""" self._check_positive_finite(property_y, 'property_y') self._property_y[:] = np.asfortranarray(property_y, dtype=np.float64) @property def property_z(self): r"""Electrical property in z-direction.""" return self._property_z @property_z.setter def property_z(self, property_z): r"""Update electrical property in z-direction.""" self._check_positive_finite(property_z, 'property_z') self._property_z[:] = np.asfortranarray(property_z, dtype=np.float64) @property def mu_r(self): r"""Relative magnetic permeability.""" return self._mu_r @mu_r.setter def mu_r(self, mu_r): r"""Update relative magnetic permeability.""" self._check_positive_finite(mu_r, 'mu_r') self._mu_r[:] = np.asfortranarray(mu_r, dtype=np.float64) @property def epsilon_r(self): r"""Relative electric permittivity.""" return self._epsilon_r @epsilon_r.setter def epsilon_r(self, epsilon_r): r"""Update relative electric permittivity.""" self._check_positive_finite(epsilon_r, 'epsilon_r') self._epsilon_r[:] = np.asfortranarray(epsilon_r, dtype=np.float64) # INTERPOLATION
[docs] def interpolate_to_grid(self, grid, **interpolate_opts): """Interpolate the model to a new grid. Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh Grid of the new model; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. interpolate_opts : dict Passed through to :func:`emg3d.maps.interpolate`. Defaults are ``method='volume'``, ``log=True``, and ``extrapolate=True``. Returns ------- obj : Model A new :class:`emg3d.models.Model` instance on ``grid``. """ # Get solver options, set to defaults if not provided. g2g_inp = { 'method': 'volume', 'extrapolate': True, 'log': not'L'), **({} if interpolate_opts is None else interpolate_opts), 'grid': self.grid, 'xi': grid, } # Interpolate property_{x;y;z}; mu_r; and epsilon_r; add to dict. model_inp = {} for prop in self._properties: var = getattr(self, prop) if var is None: model_inp[prop] = None else: model_inp[prop] = maps.interpolate(values=var, **g2g_inp) # Assemble new model. return Model(grid,, **model_inp)
# INTERNAL UTILITIES def _init_parameter(self, values, name): """Initiate parameter by casting and broadcasting.""" # If None, exit. if values is None: return None # Cast it to an array of floats, in Fortran order. values = np.asfortranarray(values, dtype=np.float64) # If 1D array of self.size, reshape it. if values.size == self.size: values = values.reshape(self.shape, order='F') # If not of shape self.shape, broadcast it. elif values.shape != self.shape: values = np.ones(self.shape, order='F')*values # Check >0 and finite. self._check_positive_finite(values, name) return values def _check_positive_finite(self, values, name): """Check parameter values are positive (on linear scale) and finite.""" # If it is None, it cannot be set. if hasattr(self, '_'+name) and getattr(self, '_'+name) is None: raise ValueError( f"Model was initiated without `{name}`; cannot set values." ) # Get mapped values; checks are carried out on conductivities. if 'property_' in name: mapped = else: mapped = values # Check they are positive. if not np.all(np.real(mapped) > 0.0): raise ValueError(f"`{name}` must be all bigger than zero.") # Check |val| < inf. if not np.all(np.isfinite(mapped)): raise ValueError(f"`{name}` must be all finite.") def _operator_test(self, model): """Check if ``self`` and ``model`` are consistent for operations.""" # Ensure the two instances have the same grid. if self.grid != model.grid: raise ValueError("Models have different grids.") # Ensure the two instances have the same case. if != raise ValueError("Models have different anisotropy.") # Ensure both or none has mu_r: if (self.mu_r is None) != (model.mu_r is None): raise ValueError("One model has mu_r, the other not.") # Ensure both or none has epsilon_r: if (self.epsilon_r is None) != (model.epsilon_r is None): raise ValueError("One model has epsilon_r, the other not.") # Ensure the two instances have the same mapping: if != raise ValueError("Models have different mappings.") def _apply_operator(self, model, operator): """Apply the provided operator to self and model.""" # Apply operator to property_{x;y;z}; mu_r; and epsilon_r; add to dict. kwargs = {} for prop in self._properties: val = getattr(self, prop) if val is None: kwargs[prop] = None else: kwargs[prop] = operator(val, getattr(model, prop)) return kwargs
[docs]class VolumeModel: r"""Return simplified model with volume-averaged eta_{x;y;z}; zeta. Takes a model and a source field and returns the volume-averaged eta and zeta values. This is used internally by the solver. .. math:: \eta_{\{x,y,z\}} = -V\mathrm{i}\omega\mu_0 \left(\sigma_{\{x,y,z\}} + \mathrm{i}\omega\varepsilon\right) .. math:: \zeta = V\mu_\mathrm{r}^{-1} Parameters ---------- model : Model Model to transform to volume-averaged values. sfield : Field A VolumeModel is frequency-dependent. The frequency-information is taken from the provided source field. """ def __init__(self, model, sfield): """Initiate a new model with volume-averaged properties.""" # Store case and minimal TensorMesh. = self.grid = meshes.BaseMesh(model.grid.h, model.grid.origin) # Get volume for volume-averaged values. vol = self.grid.cell_volumes.reshape(model.shape, order='F') # Compute and store eta. for name in model._properties[:3]: prop = getattr(model, name) if prop is None: eta = None else: # Get conductivities. cond = # Diffusive approximation. if model.epsilon_r is None: eta = -sfield.smu0*vol*cond # Complete version. else: eta = -sfield.smu0*vol*( cond + sfield.sval*epsilon_0*model.epsilon_r) setattr(self, '_eta_' + name[-1], eta) # Compute and store zeta. zeta = vol if model.mu_r is not None: zeta /= model.mu_r self._zeta = zeta @property def eta_x(self): r"""Volume-averaged eta in x-direction.""" return self._eta_x @property def eta_y(self): r"""Volume-averaged eta in y-direction.""" if in ['HTI', 'triaxial']: return self._eta_y else: return self._eta_x @property def eta_z(self): r"""Volume-averaged eta in z-direction.""" if in ['VTI', 'triaxial']: return self._eta_z else: return self._eta_x @property def zeta(self): r"""Volume-averaged, isotropic zeta.""" return self._zeta