Source code for

Utility functions for writing and reading data.
# Copyright 2018-2021 The emsig community.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

import os
import json
import warnings
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np

    import h5py
except ImportError:
    h5py = None

from emg3d import meshes, utils

__all__ = ['save', 'load']

[docs]def save(fname, **kwargs): """Save simulations, surveys, meshes, models, fields, and more to disk. Serialize and save data to disk in different formats (see parameter description of ``fname`` for the supported file formats). Any other (non-emg3d) object can be added too, as long as it knows how to serialize itself. The serialized instances will be de-serialized if loaded with :func:``. Parameters ---------- fname : str File name with absolute or relative path including suffix, which defines the used data format. Implemented are currently: - ``.h5``: Uses h5py to store inputs to a hierarchical, compressed binary HDF5 file. Recommended file format, but requires the module ``h5py``. - ``.npz``: Uses numpy to store inputs to a flat, compressed binary file. - ``.json``: Uses json to store inputs to a hierarchical, plain text file. compression : {int, str}, default: 'gzip' Passed through to h5py. json_indent : {int, None}, default: 2 Passed through to json. verb : int, default: 1 Verbose if 1, if 0 silent; if -1 it returns the info as string instead of printing it. kwargs : optional Data to save using its key as name. Note that the provided data cannot contain the before described parameters as keys. Returns ------- info : str, returned if verb<0 Info-string. """ # Get and remove optional kwargs. compression = kwargs.pop('compression', 'gzip') json_indent = kwargs.pop('json_indent', 2) verb = kwargs.pop('verb', 1) # Add meta-data to kwargs kwargs['_date'] = kwargs['_version'] = f"emg3d v{utils.__version__}" kwargs['_format'] = "1.0" # File format; version of emg3d when changed. # Get hierarchical dictionary with serialized and sorted KNOWN_CLASSES. data = _dict_serialize(kwargs) # Ensure fname is absolute. fname = os.path.abspath(fname) # Save NumPy. if fname.endswith('.npz'): np.savez_compressed(fname, **_dict_flatten(data)) # Save HDF5 elif fname.endswith('.h5'): _hdf5_dump(fname, data=data, compression=compression) # Save JSON elif fname.endswith('.json'): with open(fname, "w") as f: json.dump(_dict_dearray_decomp(data), f, indent=json_indent) # Unknown, throw error else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown extension '.{fname.split('.')[-1]}'.") # Print file info. info = (f"Data saved to «{fname}»\n[{kwargs['_version']} " f"(format {kwargs['_format']}) on {kwargs['_date']}].") if verb > 0: print(info) elif verb < 0: return info
[docs]def load(fname, **kwargs): """Load simulations, surveys, meshes, models, fields, and more from disk. Load data and de-serialize known instances. Parameters ---------- fname : str File name with absolute or relative path including suffix, which defines the used data format. Implemented are currently: - ``'.npz'``: NumPy-binary; - ``'.h5'``: HDF5-binary (requires ``h5py``); - ``'.json'``: JSON plain text file. verb : int, default: 1 Verbose if 1, if 0 silent; if -1 it returns the info as string instead of printing it. Returns ------- out : dict A dictionary containing the data stored in ``fname``; info : str, returned if verb<0 Info-string. """ # Get kwargs. verb = kwargs.pop('verb', 1) # allow_pickle is undocumented, but kept, just in case... allow_pickle = kwargs.pop('allow_pickle', False) # Ensure no kwargs left. if kwargs: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected **kwargs: {list(kwargs.keys())}.") # Ensure fname is absolute. fname = os.path.abspath(fname) # Load NumPy. if fname.endswith('.npz'): with np.load(fname, allow_pickle=allow_pickle) as dat: data = {key: dat[key] for key in dat.files} data = _dict_unflatten(data) # Un-flatten # Load HDF5 elif fname.endswith('.h5'): data = _hdf5_load(fname) # Load JSON elif fname.endswith('.json'): with open(fname, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) data = _dict_array_comp(data) # compose arrays / complex data # Unknown, throw error else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown extension '.{fname.split('.')[-1]}'.") # De-serialize data. _nonetype_to_none(data) _dict_deserialize(data) # Check if file was (supposedly) created by emg3d. info = f"Data loaded from «{fname}»" try: version = data['_version'] date = data['_date'] form = data['_format'] # Print file info. info += f"\n[{version} (format {form}) on {date}]." except KeyError: info += "\n[version/format/date unknown; not created by emg3d]." if verb > 0: print(info) if verb < 0: data = (data, info) return data
def _dict_serialize(inp): """Serialize emg3d-classes and other objects in inp-dict. Returns a serialized dictionary <out> of <inp>, where all members of `emg3d.utils._KNOWN_CLASSES` are serialized with their respective `to_dict()` methods. Any other (non-emg3d) object can be added too, as long as it knows how to serialize itself. There are some limitations: 1. Key names are converted to strings. 2. None values are converted to 'NoneType'. 3. TensorMesh instances from discretize will be stored as if they would be simpler emg3d.TensorMesh instances. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Input dictionary to serialize. Returns ------- out : dict Serialized <inp>-dict. """ # Initiate output dictionary. out = {} # Loop over items. for key, value in inp.items(): # Serialize known classes. if isinstance(value, tuple(utils._KNOWN_CLASSES.values())): # Workaround for discretize.TensorMesh (store as emg3d.TensorMesh) if hasattr(value, 'face_areas'): value = meshes.TensorMesh(value.h, value.origin) # Serialize. value = value.to_dict() # If value is a dict we use recursion if isinstance(value, dict): value = _dict_serialize(value) # Limitation 1: None -> 'NoneType' elif value is None: value = 'NoneType' # Store value # Limitation 2: Cast keys -> str(key) out[str(key)] = value return out def _dict_deserialize(inp): """De-serialize emg3d-classes and other objects in inp-dict. De-serializes in-place dictionary <inp>, where all members of `emg3d.utils._KNOWN_CLASSES` are de-serialized with their respective `from_dict()` methods. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Input dictionary to de-serialize. """ # Loop over items. for key, value in inp.items(): # If it is a dict, de-serialize if known class or recursion. if isinstance(value, dict): # If it has a __class__-key, de-serialize. if '__class__' in value.keys(): # De-serialize, overwriting all the existing entries. try: inst = utils._KNOWN_CLASSES[value['__class__']] inp[key] = inst.from_dict(value) continue except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError) as e: # Gracefully fail. msg = f"emg3d: Could not de-serialize <{key}>: {e}" warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) # In no __class__-key or de-serialization fails, use recursion. _dict_deserialize(value) def _nonetype_to_none(inp): """Recursively replace side-effects in inp-dict from storing to disc. Changes: - Replaces ``'NoneType'`` by ``None``. - Casts back ``np.bool_`` to ``bool`` (because ``bool`` is converted to ``np.bool_`` for some file formats). """ for k, v in inp.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): _nonetype_to_none(v) elif isinstance(v, str) and v == 'NoneType': inp[k] = None elif isinstance(v, np.bool_): inp[k] = bool(v) elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.dtype == np.bool_: inp[k] = bool(np.squeeze(v)) def _dict_flatten(data): """Return flattened dict of input dict <data>. After Parameters ---------- data : dict Input dict to flatten. Returns ------- out : dict Flattened dict. """ def expand(key, value): """Expand list.""" if isinstance(value, dict): return [(key+'>'+k, v) for k, v in _dict_flatten(value).items()] else: return [(key, value)] return dict([item for k, v in data.items() for item in expand(k, v)]) def _dict_unflatten(data): """Return un-flattened dict of input dict <data>. After Parameters ---------- data : dict Input dict to un-flatten. Returns ------- out : dict Un-flattened dict. """ # Initialize output dict. out = {} # Loop over items. for key, value in data.items(): # Split the keys. parts = key.split(">") # Initiate tmp dict. tmp = out # Loop over key-parts. for part in parts[:-1]: # If sub-key does not exist yet, initiate sub-dict. if part not in tmp: tmp[part] = {} # Add value to subdict. tmp = tmp[part] # Convert numpy strings to str. if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype.type == np.str_: value = str(value) # Store actual value of this key. tmp[parts[-1]] = value return out def _dict_dearray_decomp(data): """Return dict where arrays are replaced by lists, complex by real numbers. Parameters ---------- data : dict Input dict to de-compose and de-array. Returns ------- out : dict As input, but arrays are moved to lists, and complex number to real numbers like [real, imag]. """ # Output dict. out = {} # Loop over keys. for key, value in data.items(): # Recursion. if isinstance(value, dict): value = _dict_dearray_decomp(value) # Decompose complex values. if np.iscomplexobj(value): key += '__complex' value = np.stack([np.asarray(value).real, np.asarray(value).imag]) # Convert arrays to lists. if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): key += '__array-' value = value.tolist() # Store this key-value-pair. out[key] = value return out def _dict_array_comp(data): """Return dict where lists/complex are moved back to arrays. Parameters ---------- data : dict Input dict to compose. Returns ------- out : dict As input, but lists are again arrays and complex data are complex again. """ # Output dict. out = {} # Loop over keys. for key, value in data.items(): # Recursion. if isinstance(value, dict): value = _dict_array_comp(value) # Get arrays back. if '__array' in key: arraytype = key.split('__')[-1] dtype = getattr(np, arraytype[6:]) value = np.asarray(value, dtype=dtype, order='F') key = key.replace(key[-len(arraytype)-2:], '') # Compose complex numbers. if '__complex' in key: value = np.asarray(value)[0, ...] + 1j*np.asarray(value)[1, ...] key = key.replace('__complex', '') # Store this key-value-pair. out[key] = value return out @utils._requires('h5py') def _hdf5_dump(fname, data, compression): """Adds dictionary entries recursively to hdf5 file fname. Parameters ---------- fname : str Absolute path/name of a HDF5-file, ending in .h5. (In recursion it is an HDF5-file handle). data : dict Dictionary containing the data. compression : {str, int} Passed through to h5py. """ if isinstance(fname, str): with h5py.File(fname, "w") as h5file: _hdf5_dump(h5file, data, compression) else: # Loop over items. for key, value in data.items(): # Use recursion if value is a dict, creating a new group. if isinstance(value, dict): _hdf5_dump(fname.create_group(key), value, compression) elif np.ndim(value) > 0: # Use compression where possible... fname.create_dataset(key, data=value, compression=compression) else: # else store without compression. fname.create_dataset(key, data=value) @utils._requires('h5py') def _hdf5_load(fname): """Return data from fname in a dict. Parameters ---------- fname : file Absolute path/name of a HDF5-file, ending in .h5. Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary containing the data. """ if isinstance(fname, str): with h5py.File(fname, "r") as h5file: data = _hdf5_load(h5file) return data else: # Initiate dictionary. data = {} # Loop over items. for key, value in fname.items(): # If it is a dataset add value to key, else use recursion. if isinstance(value, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset): value = value[()] # h5py>=3.0 changed strings to byte strings. if isinstance(value, bytes): data[key] = value.decode("utf-8") elif (isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype == 'object' and isinstance(value[0], bytes)): data[key] = [x.decode("utf-8") for x in value] else: data[key] = value elif isinstance(value, data[key] = _hdf5_load(value) return data