Source code for emg3d.maps

Mapping routines to map to and from linear conductivities (what is used
internally) to other representations such as resistivities or logarithms

Interpolation routines mapping values between different grids.
# Copyright 2018-2022 The emsig community.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator, interpnd, interp1d

from emg3d.utils import _requires
from emg3d.core import _numba_setting

    import discretize
except ImportError:
    discretize = None

__all__ = ['BaseMap', 'MapConductivity', 'MapLgConductivity',
           'MapLnConductivity', 'MapResistivity', 'MapLgResistivity',
           'MapLnResistivity', 'interpolate', 'interp_spline_3d',
           'interp_volume_average', 'interp_edges_to_vol_averages',

def __dir__():
    return __all__

[docs]class BaseMap: """Maps variable `x` to computational variable `σ` (conductivity). Subclass this BaseMap to create new maps. A map class must start with ``Map`` followed by a name, e.g., ``MapProperty``. To be able to load custom maps using ```` define the map before you load the files, and register the map by putting the decorator ``emg3d.maps.register_map``. This will enable the I/O to properly instantiate your custom maps. .. code-block:: python @emg3d.maps.register_map class MapProperty(emg3d.maps.BaseMap): '''Description''' def __init__(self): super().__init__('property') def forward(self, conductivity): return # Mapping from your property to conductivity. def backward(self, mapped): return # Mapping from conductivity to your property. def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): gradient *= # Chain rule of your backward mapping. """ def __init__(self, description): """Initiate the map.""" = self.__class__.__name__[3:] # Class name without `Map` self.description = description def __repr__(self): return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.description}\n" " Maps investigation variable `x` to\n" " computational variable `σ` (conductivity).")
[docs] def forward(self, conductivity): """Conductivity to mapping.""" raise NotImplementedError("Forward map not implemented.")
[docs] def backward(self, mapped): """Mapping to conductivity.""" raise NotImplementedError("Backward map not implemented.")
[docs] def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): """Chain rule to map gradient from conductivity to mapping space.""" raise NotImplementedError("Derivative chain not implemented.")
[docs]class MapConductivity(BaseMap): """Maps `σ` to computational variable `σ` (conductivity). - forward: x = σ - backward: σ = x """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('conductivity')
[docs] def forward(self, conductivity): return conductivity
[docs] def backward(self, mapped): return mapped
[docs] def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): pass
[docs]class MapLgConductivity(BaseMap): """Maps `log_10(σ)` to computational variable `σ` (conductivity). - forward: x = log_10(σ) - backward: σ = 10^x """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('log_10(conductivity)')
[docs] def forward(self, conductivity): return np.log10(conductivity)
[docs] def backward(self, mapped): return 10**mapped
[docs] def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): gradient *= self.backward(mapped)*np.log(10)
[docs]class MapLnConductivity(BaseMap): """Maps `log_e(σ)` to computational variable `σ` (conductivity). - forward: x = log_e(σ) - backward: σ = exp(x) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('log_e(conductivity)')
[docs] def forward(self, conductivity): return np.log(conductivity)
[docs] def backward(self, mapped): return np.exp(mapped)
[docs] def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): gradient *= self.backward(mapped)
[docs]class MapResistivity(BaseMap): """Maps `ρ` to computational variable `σ` (conductivity). - forward: x = ρ = σ^-1 - backward: σ = ρ^-1 = x^-1 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('resistivity')
[docs] def forward(self, conductivity): return 1.0/conductivity
[docs] def backward(self, mapped): return 1.0/mapped
[docs] def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): gradient *= -self.backward(mapped)**2
[docs]class MapLgResistivity(BaseMap): """Maps `log_10(ρ)` to computational variable `σ` (conductivity). - forward: x = log_10(ρ) = log_10(σ^-1) - backward: σ = ρ^-1 = 10^-x """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('log_10(resistivity)')
[docs] def forward(self, conductivity): return np.log10(1.0/conductivity)
[docs] def backward(self, mapped): return 10**-mapped
[docs] def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): gradient *= -self.backward(mapped)*np.log(10)
[docs]class MapLnResistivity(BaseMap): """Maps `log_e(ρ)` to computational variable `σ` (conductivity). - forward: x = log_e(ρ) = log_e(σ^-1) - backward: σ = ρ^-1 = exp(-x) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('log_e(resistivity)')
[docs] def forward(self, conductivity): return np.log(1.0/conductivity)
[docs] def backward(self, mapped): return np.exp(-mapped)
[docs] def derivative_chain(self, gradient, mapped): gradient *= -self.backward(mapped)
[docs]def interpolate(grid, values, xi, method='linear', extrapolate=True, log=False, **kwargs): """Interpolate values from one grid to another grid or to points. Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh Input grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. values : ndarray A model property such as ``Model.property_x``, or a field such as ``Field.fx`` (``ndim=3``; the dimension in each direction must either correspond to the number of nodes or cell centers in the corresponding direction). xi : {TensorMesh, tuple, ndarray} Output coordinates; possibilities: - A grid (:class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh`): interpolation from one grid to another. - A tuple (array_like, array_like, array_like) containing x-, y-, and z-coordinates. The length of each can be either one or the number of coordinates, the size-one elements will be expanded internally to the length of the coordinates. E.g., ``(x, [y0, y1, y2], z)`` will be expanded to ``([x, x, x], [y0, y1, y2], [z, z, z])``. - Arbitrary point coordinates as ``ndarray`` of shape ``(..., 3)``, e.g., ``array([[x0, y0, z0], ..., [xN, yN, zN]))``. method : {'nearest', 'linear', 'volume', 'cubic'}, default: 'linear' The method of interpolation to perform. - ``'nearest', 'linear'``: Fastest methods; work for model properties and fields living on edges or faces. Carried out with :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`. - ``'cubic'``: Cubic spline interpolation using :func:`emg3d.maps.interp_spline_3d`. - ``'volume'``: Volume average interpolation using :func:`emg3d.maps.interp_volume_average`. Volume average interpolation ensures that the total sum of the interpolated quantity stays constant. The result can be quite different if you provide resistivity, conductivity, or the logarithm of any of the two. The recommended way is to use ``log=True``, in which case the output is the same for conductivities and resistivities. This method is only implemented for quantities living on cell centers, not on edges/faces (hence not for fields); and only for grids as input to ``xi``. extrapolate : bool, default: True This parameter controls the default parameters provided to the interpolation routines. - ``'nearest', 'linear'``: If True, values outside of the domain are extrapolated (``bounds_error=False, fill_value=None``); if False, values outside are set to 0.0 (``bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0``) - ``'cubic'``: If True, values outside of the domain are extrapolated using nearest interpolation (``mode='nearest'``); if False, values outside are set to 0.0 (``mode='constant', cval=0.0``). - ``'volume'``: Always uses nearest interpolation for points outside of the provided grid, independent of the choice of ``extrapolate``. log : bool, default: False If True, the interpolation is carried out on a log10-scale; this corresponds to ``10**interpolate(grid, np.log10(values), ...)``. kwargs : dict, optional Will be forwarded to the corresponding interpolation algorithm, if they accept additional keywords. This can be used, e.g., to change the behaviour outlined in the parameter ``extrapolate``. Returns ------- values_x : ndarray Values corresponding to the new grid. """ # Take log10 if set. if log: values = np.log10(values) # Get points in the right shape. points, new_points, shape = _points_from_grids(grid, values, xi, method) # Carry out the actual interpolation. if method == 'volume': # Pre-allocate output. values_x = np.zeros(shape, order='F', dtype=values.dtype) interp_volume_average( nodes_x=points[0], nodes_y=points[1], nodes_z=points[2], values=values, new_nodes_x=new_points[0], new_nodes_y=new_points[1], new_nodes_z=new_points[2], new_values=values_x, new_vol=xi.cell_volumes.reshape(shape, order='F')) elif method == 'cubic': # Note: SciPy v1.9 (07/2022) introduced cubic spline for # RegularGridInterpolator; replace this eventually. opts = { 'mode': 'nearest' if extrapolate else 'constant', **({} if kwargs is None else kwargs), } values_x = interp_spline_3d( points=points, values=values, xi=new_points, **opts) else: # 'nearest'/'linear' (will raise ValueError if unknown method). opts = { 'bounds_error': False, 'fill_value': None if extrapolate else 0.0, **({} if kwargs is None else kwargs), } values_x = RegularGridInterpolator( points=points, values=values, method=method, **opts)(xi=new_points) # Return to linear if log10 was applied. if log: values_x = 10**values_x # Reshape and return. return values_x.reshape(shape, order='F')
def _points_from_grids(grid, values, xi, method): """Return `points` and `new_points` from original grid and new grid/points. Returns ``points``, ``new_points``, and ``shape`` to use with :func:`emg3d.maps.interp_volume_average`, :func:`emg3d.maps.interp_spline_3d`, and :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`. For the input parameters, see :func:`emg3d.maps.interpolate`. Returns ------- points : (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) Tuple containing the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the input values. new_points : {(ndarray, ndarray, ndarray); ndarray} Depends on the ``method``: - If ``method='volume'``: (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) Tuple containing the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the output values. - Else: ndarray Coordinates in an ndarray of shape (..., 3): ``array([[x1, y1, z1], ..., [xn, yn, zn]])``. shape : tuple Final shape of the output values. """ # Specific checks for method='volume'. if method == 'volume': msg = "``method='volume'`` is only implemented for " # 'xi' must be a TensorMesh. if not hasattr(xi, 'nodes_x'): msg += "TensorMesh instances as input for ``xi``." raise ValueError(msg) # Shape of the values must correspond to shape of cells. if grid.shape_cells != values.shape: msg += "cell-centered properties; required shape = " raise ValueError(msg + f"{grid.shape_cells}.") # General dimensionality check. else: electric = [grid.shape_edges_x, grid.shape_faces_y, grid.shape_edges_z] magnetic = [grid.shape_faces_x, grid.shape_edges_y, grid.shape_faces_z] centered = [grid.shape_cells, ] if values.shape not in np.r_[electric, magnetic, centered]: msg = ("``values`` must be a 3D ndarray living on cell centers, " "edges, or faces of the ``grid``.") raise ValueError(msg) # Get electric flag (living on edges vs living on faces). electric = values.shape not in [grid.shape_faces_x, grid.shape_edges_y, grid.shape_faces_z] # Check if 'xi' is a TensorMesh. xi_is_grid = hasattr(xi, 'nodes_x') # # Get points from input # # # 1. Get required tuples from input grids. points = tuple() if xi_is_grid: new_points = tuple() shape = tuple() # Loop over dimensions to get the vectors corresponding to input data. for i, coord in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']): # Cell nodes. comp_shape = [grid.shape_cells[i], grid.shape_nodes[i]][electric] if method == 'volume' or values.shape[i] == comp_shape: prop = ['cell_centers_', 'nodes_'][electric] pts = getattr(grid, prop + coord) if xi_is_grid: new_pts = getattr(xi, prop + coord) # Cell centers. else: prop = ['nodes_', 'cell_centers_'][electric] pts = getattr(grid, prop + coord) if xi_is_grid: new_pts = getattr(xi, prop + coord) # Add to points. points += (pts, ) if xi_is_grid: new_points += (new_pts, ) shape += (len(new_pts), ) # After this step the points/new_points are: # points: (x-points, y-points, z-points) # new_points: (new-x-points, new-y-points, new-z-points) # if xi_is_grid # 'volume' takes new_points as tuples. However, the other methods take an # (..., 3) ndarray of the coordinates. if method != 'volume': # # Convert points to correct format # # if xi_is_grid: xx, yy, zz = np.broadcast_arrays( new_points[0][:, None, None], new_points[1][:, None], new_points[2]) new_points = np.r_[xx.ravel('F'), yy.ravel('F'), zz.ravel('F')] new_points = new_points.reshape(-1, 3, order='F') else: # Replicate the same expansion of xi as used in # RegularGridInterpolator, so the input xi can be quite flexible. new_points = interpnd._ndim_coords_from_arrays( xi, ndim=3) shape = new_points.shape[:-1] new_points = new_points.reshape(-1, 3, order='F') # After this step the new_points are: # new_points: array([[x1, y1, z1], ..., [xn, yn, zn]]) else: shape = xi.shape_cells return points, new_points, shape
[docs]def interp_spline_3d(points, values, xi, **kwargs): """Interpolate values in 3D with a cubic spline. This functionality is best accessed through :func:`emg3d.maps.interpolate` by setting ``method='cubic'``. 3D cubic spline interpolation is achieved by mapping the ``points`` to regular indices and interpolate with cubic splines (:class:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`) the ``xi`` to this artificial coordinate system. The ``values`` can then be interpolated from ``points`` to ``xi`` on this transformed coordinate system using cubic spline interpolation through :func:`scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates`. Parameters ---------- points : (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray) The points defining the regular grid in (x, y, z) direction. values : ndarray The data on the regular grid in three dimensions (nx, ny, nz). xi : ndarray Coordinates (x, y, z) of new points, shape ``(..., 3)``. kwargs : dict, optional Passed through to :func:`scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates`. Potentially valuable keywords to pass are - ``order``: which has to be in the range of 0-5, default: 3; - ``mode``: default is ``'constant'``, options include ``'nearest'``; - ``cval``: the value to fill past edges if ``mode='constant'``, default is 0.0. Returns ------- values_x : ndarray Values corresponding to ``xi``. """ # `map_coordinates` uses the indices of the input data (our values) as # coordinates. We have therefore to transform our desired output # coordinates to this artificial coordinate system too. coords = np.empty(xi.T.shape) for i in range(3): coords[i] = interp1d(points[i], np.arange(len(points[i])), kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')(xi[:, i]) # `map_coordinates` only works for real data; split it up if complex. # Note: SciPy 1.6 (12/2020) introduced complex-valued # ndimage.map_coordinates; replace eventually. values_x = map_coordinates(values.real, coords, **kwargs) if 'complex' in imag = map_coordinates(values.imag, coords, **kwargs) values_x = values_x + 1j*imag return values_x
[docs]@nb.njit(**_numba_setting) def interp_volume_average( nodes_x, nodes_y, nodes_z, values, new_nodes_x, new_nodes_y, new_nodes_z, new_values, new_vol): """Interpolate properties from `grid` to `new_grid` using volume averages. This functionality is best accessed through :func:`emg3d.maps.interpolate` by setting ``method='volume'``. Interpolation using the volume averaging technique. The original implementation (see ``emg3d v0.7.1``) followed [PlDM07]_. Joseph Capriotti took that algorithm and made it much faster for implementation in *discretize*. The current implementation is a translation of that from Cython to Numba, heavily simplified for the 3D use case in *emg3d*. The result is added to ``new_values``. Parameters ---------- nodes_{x;y;z} : ndarray The nodes in x-, y-, and z-directions for the original grid, ``grid.nodes_{x;y;z}``, from a :func:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. values : ndarray Values corresponding to original grid (of shape ``grid.shape_cells``). new_nodes_{x;y;z} : ndarray The nodes in x-, y-, and z-directions for the new grids, ``new_grid.nodes_{x;y;z}``, from a :func:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. new_values : ndarray Array where values corresponding to the new grid will be added (of shape ``new_grid.shape_cells``). new_vol : ndarray The cell volumes of the new grid (``new_grid.cell_volumes``). """ # Get the weights and indices for each direction. wx, ix_in, ix_out = _volume_average_weights(nodes_x, new_nodes_x) wy, iy_in, iy_out = _volume_average_weights(nodes_y, new_nodes_y) wz, iz_in, iz_out = _volume_average_weights(nodes_z, new_nodes_z) # Loop over the elements and sum up the contributions. for iz, w_z in enumerate(wz): izi = iz_in[iz] izo = iz_out[iz] for iy, w_y in enumerate(wy): iyi = iy_in[iy] iyo = iy_out[iy] w_zy = w_z*w_y for ix, w_x in enumerate(wx): ixi = ix_in[ix] ixo = ix_out[ix] new_values[ixo, iyo, izo] += w_zy*w_x*values[ixi, iyi, izi] # Normalize by new volume. new_values /= new_vol
@nb.njit(**_numba_setting) def _volume_average_weights(x_i, x_o): """Return weights for volume averaging technique. Parameters ---------- x_i, x_o : ndarray The nodes in x-, y-, or z-directions for the input (x_i) and output (x_o) grids. Returns ------- hs : ndarray Weights for the mapping of x_i to x_o. ix_i, ix_o : ndarray Indices to map x_i to x_o. """ # Get unique nodes. xs = np.unique(np.concatenate((x_i, x_o))) n1, n2, nh = len(x_i), len(x_o), len(xs)-1 # Get weights and indices for the two arrays. # - wx corresponds to np.diff(xs) where x_i and x_o overlap; zero outside. # - x_i[ix_i] can be mapped to x_o[ix_o] with the corresponding weight. wx = np.empty(nh) # Pre-allocate weights. ix_i = np.zeros(nh, dtype=np.int32) # Pre-allocate indices for x_i. ix_o = np.zeros(nh, dtype=np.int32) # Pre-allocate indices for x_o. center = 0.0 i1, i2, i, ii = 0, 0, 0, 0 for i in range(nh): center = 0.5*(xs[i]+xs[i+1]) if x_o[0] <= center and center <= x_o[n2-1]: wx[ii] = xs[i+1]-xs[i] while i1 < n1-1 and center >= x_i[i1]: i1 += 1 while i2 < n2-1 and center >= x_o[i2]: i2 += 1 ix_i[ii] = min(max(i1-1, 0), n1-1) ix_o[ii] = min(max(i2-1, 0), n2-1) ii += 1 return wx[:ii], ix_i[:ii], ix_o[:ii]
[docs]@nb.njit(**_numba_setting) def interp_edges_to_vol_averages(ex, ey, ez, volumes, ox, oy, oz): r"""Interpolate fields defined on edges to volume-averaged cell values. Parameters ---------- ex, ey, ez : ndarray Electric fields in x-, y-, and z-directions from a :func:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance (``field.f{x;y;z}``). volumes : ndarray Cell volumes of the corresponding grid (``field.grid.cell_volumes``). ox, oy, oz : ndarray Output arrays where the results are placed (of shape ``field.grid.shape_cells``). """ # Get dimensions nx, ny, nz = volumes.shape # Loop over dimensions. for iz in range(nz+1): izm = max(0, iz-1) izp = min(nz-1, iz) for iy in range(ny+1): iym = max(0, iy-1) iyp = min(ny-1, iy) for ix in range(nx+1): ixm = max(0, ix-1) ixp = min(nx-1, ix) # Multiply field by volume/4. if ix < nx: ox[ix, iym, izm] += volumes[ix, iym, izm]*ex[ix, iy, iz]/4 ox[ix, iyp, izm] += volumes[ix, iyp, izm]*ex[ix, iy, iz]/4 ox[ix, iym, izp] += volumes[ix, iym, izp]*ex[ix, iy, iz]/4 ox[ix, iyp, izp] += volumes[ix, iyp, izp]*ex[ix, iy, iz]/4 if iy < ny: oy[ixm, iy, izm] += volumes[ixm, iy, izm]*ey[ix, iy, iz]/4 oy[ixp, iy, izm] += volumes[ixp, iy, izm]*ey[ix, iy, iz]/4 oy[ixm, iy, izp] += volumes[ixm, iy, izp]*ey[ix, iy, iz]/4 oy[ixp, iy, izp] += volumes[ixp, iy, izp]*ey[ix, iy, iz]/4 if iz < nz: oz[ixm, iym, iz] += volumes[ixm, iym, iz]*ez[ix, iy, iz]/4 oz[ixp, iym, iz] += volumes[ixp, iym, iz]*ez[ix, iy, iz]/4 oz[ixm, iyp, iz] += volumes[ixm, iyp, iz]*ez[ix, iy, iz]/4 oz[ixp, iyp, iz] += volumes[ixp, iyp, iz]*ez[ix, iy, iz]/4
@_requires('discretize') def _interp_volume_average_adj(oval, ogrid, nval, ngrid): """In-place adjoint of volume averaging. .. todo:: Also replace ``interp_volume_average`` by corresponding function from ``discretize``. Ideally, everything should be accessible through ``interpolate``, with an ``adjoint`` flag. In the future, everything could be done by ``discretize``; however, currently it does not have cubic interpolation. Parameters ---------- oval : ndarray Arrays of the original grid, to which the results are added (of shape ``(3, *ogrid.shape_cells)``). ogrid : TensorMesh Original grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. nval : ndarray Arrays of the new grid (of shape ``(3, *ngrid.shape_cells)``), which are adjoint-interpolated to the original grid. ngrid : TensorMesh New grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. """ P = discretize.utils.volume_average(ogrid, ngrid) shape = ogrid.shape_cells oval[0, ...] += (P.T * nval[0, ...].ravel('F')).reshape(shape, order='F') oval[1, ...] += (P.T * nval[1, ...].ravel('F')).reshape(shape, order='F') oval[2, ...] += (P.T * nval[2, ...].ravel('F')).reshape(shape, order='F') # INDEX TRICKS
[docs]def ellipse_indices(coo, p0, p1, radius, factor=1., minor=1., check_foci=True): r"""Return bool which points fall within a general ellipse. The general ellipse is given by .. math:: :label: ellipse A (x-x_0)^2 + B (x-x_0) (y-y_0) + C (y-y_0)^2 = 1 \ , where .. math:: A &= \cos^2\theta / a^2 + \sin^2\theta / b^2 \ , \\ B &= 2 \cos\theta \sin\theta (1/a^2 - 1/b^2) \ , \\ C &= \sin^2\theta / a^2 + \cos^2\theta / b^2 \ . \\ Here, - :math:`(x_0;y_0)` is the center, the midpoint between the two provided points ``p0`` and ``p1``; - :math:`a` is the *semi-major axis*, defined as .. math:: :label: major a = \max(f c, c + r)\ , where :math:`c` is the distance between the center and either of the points ``{p0;p1}``, :math:`r` is the provided ``radius``, and :math:`f` the provided ``factor``; - :math:`b` is the *semi-minor axis*, defined as :math:`b = m a`, where :math:`m` is provided as ``minor``; - :math:`\theta` is the angle between the two points. The following figure explains it graphically (only visible in the web version of the API docs on .. figure:: ../_static/ellipse.svg :align: center :alt: Sketch for ellipse indices. :name: ellipse Definition of the ellipse as a function of two points (black dots), a certain radius :math:`r` around them, a factor :math:`f`, and a minor factor :math:`m`. Parameters ---------- coo : tuple of two ndarrays Tuple of two arrays defining the points in x and y: - If two vectors are given (of same or different size), they are taken as the x- and y-values of a regular grid. - If two 2D-arrays are given of the same shape, they are taken as the (regular or irregular) x- and y-values. p0, p1 : array_like (x, y)-coordinates of two points. radius : float Radius of the circle around the points that should be included in the ellipse. This defines also the minimum value for the major and minor axes of the ellipse. factor : float, default: 1.0 The semi-major axis length is defined as a = max(f c, c + r), where f is this factor. minor : float, default: 1.0 The semi-minor axis is defined as the semi-major axis multiplied by ``minor``, usually a value <= 1.0, where 1.0 defines a circle. The enforced lower limit of the minor axis is the radius. The provided ``minor`` might be overruled if ``check_foci=True``. check_foci : bool, default: True If True, it is ensured that {p0;p1} are at least as far from the center as the foci of the ellipse; ``minor`` is adjusted accordingly if necessary. Returns ------- ind : ndarray Boolean with same shape as the provided coordinates containing True where (x;y) are inside or on the ellipse, and False otherwise. """ # Center coordinates cx = (p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2.0 cy = (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2.0 # Adjacent and opposite sides dx = (p1[0] - p0[0]) / 2.0 dy = (p1[1] - p0[1]) / 2.0 # c: linear eccentricity dxy = np.linalg.norm([dx, dy]) # Angles if dy == 0.0: cos, sin = 1.0, 0.0 else: cos, sin = dx/dxy, dy/dxy # a: semi-major axis minimum_axis = 1e-9 major = max(dxy * factor, dxy + radius, minimum_axis) # b: semi-minor axis minor = max(minor * major, radius, minimum_axis) if check_foci: minor = max(minor, np.sqrt(abs(major**2 - dxy**2)), minimum_axis) # Return indices falling within or on a general ellipse. X, Y = coo[0] - cx, coo[1] - cy A = (cos/major)**2 + (sin/minor)**2 B = 2*cos*sin*(major**-2 - minor**-2) C = (sin/major)**2 + (cos/minor)**2 if X.ndim == 1: return A*X[:, None]**2 + B*np.outer(X, Y) + C*Y[None, :]**2 <= 1.0 else: return A*X**2 + B*X*Y + C*Y**2 <= 1.0