Installation ============ You can install emg3d either via ``conda``: .. code-block:: console conda install -c conda-forge emg3d or via ``pip``: .. code-block:: console pip install emg3d Minimum requirements are Python version 3.7 or higher and the modules ``scipy`` and ``numba``. Various other packages are recommended or required for some advanced functionalities, namely: - ``xarray``: For the :class:`emg3d.surveys.Survey` and :class:`emg3d.simulations.Simulation` classes (model many sources and frequencies at once). - ``discretize``: For advanced meshing tools (fancy mesh-representations and plotting utilities). - ``matplotlib``: To use the plotting utilities within ``discretize``. - ``h5py``: Save and load data in the HDF5 format. - ``empymod``: Time-domain modelling (:class:`emg3d.time.Fourier`). - ``scooby``: For the version and system report (:class:`emg3d.utils.Report`). - ``tqdm``: For nice progress bars when computing many sources and frequencies. All soft dependencies are also available both on ``conda-forge`` and ``pip``. To get therefore the complete experience use one of the following options: .. code-block:: console conda install -c conda-forge emg3d empymod discretize xarray matplotlib h5py tqdm scooby or via ``pip``: .. code-block:: console pip install emg3d empymod discretize xarray matplotlib h5py tqdm scooby If you are new to Python we recommend using a Python distribution, which will ensure that all dependencies are met, specifically properly compiled versions of ``NumPy`` and ``SciPy``; we recommend using `Anaconda `_. If you install Anaconda you can simply start the *Anaconda Navigator*, add the channel ``conda-forge`` and ``emg3d`` will appear in the package list and can be installed with a click. Using NumPy and SciPy with the Intel Math Kernel Library (*mkl*) can significantly improve computation time. You can check if ``mkl`` is used via ``conda list``: The entries for the BLAS and LAPACK libraries should contain something with ``mkl``, not with ``openblas``. To enforce it you might have to create a file ``pinned``, containing the line ``libblas[build=*mkl]`` in the folder ``path-to-your-conda-env/conda-meta/``.