Source code for emg3d.fields

Everything that is related to fields: storing the electric field, obtaining the
magnetic field, generating the source field; obtaining the fields at receiver
# Copyright 2018 The emsig community.
# This file is part of emg3d.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import mu_0

from emg3d.core import _numba_setting
from emg3d import maps, meshes, models, utils, electrodes

__all__ = ['Field', 'get_source_field', 'get_receiver', 'get_magnetic_field']

def __dir__():
    return __all__

[docs]@utils._known_class class Field: r"""A Field contains the x-, y-, and z- directed electromagnetic fields. A Field is a simple container that has a 1D array ``Field.field`` containing the x-, y-, and z-directed fields one after the other. The field can be any field, such as an electric field, a magnetic field, or a source field (which is an electric field). The particular fields can be accessed via the ``Field.f{x;y;z}`` attributes, which are 3D arrays corresponding to the shape of the edges (electric fields) or the faces (magnetic fields) in this direction; sort-order is Fortran-like ('F'). Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh The grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. data : ndarray, default: None The actual data, a ``ndarray`` of size ``grid.n_edges`` (electric fields) or ``grid.n_faces`` (magnetic fields). If ``None``, it is initiated with zeros. frequency : {float, None}, default: None Field frequency (Hz), used to compute the Laplace parameter ``s``. Either positive or negative: - ``frequency > 0``: Frequency domain, hence :math:`s = \mathrm{i}\omega = 2\mathrm{i}\pi f` (complex); - ``frequency < 0``: Laplace domain, hence :math:`s = f` (real). This is primarily important for source fields. However, frequency information is also required to obtain the magnetic field from an electric field. dtype : dtype, default: complex Data type of the initiated field; only used if both ``frequency`` and ``data`` are None. electric : bool, default: True If electric, the properties live on the edges of the grid, if magnetic, they live on the faces. """ def __init__(self, grid, data=None, frequency=None, dtype=None, electric=True): """Initiate a new Field instance.""" # Get dtype. if frequency is not None: # Frequency is top priority. if frequency > 0: dtype = np.complex128 elif frequency < 0: dtype = np.float64 else: raise ValueError( "`frequency` must be f>0 (frequency domain) or f<0 " f"(Laplace domain). Provided: {frequency} Hz." ) elif data is not None: # Data is second priority. dtype = data.dtype elif dtype is None: # Default. dtype = np.complex128 # Store grid, frequency, and electric. self.grid = grid self._frequency = frequency self.electric = electric # Store field. if data is None: field = np.zeros(self._get_prop('n'), dtype=dtype, order='F') else: field = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) self._field = utils.EMArray(field) def __repr__(self): """Simple representation.""" return (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"{['magnetic', 'electric'][self.electric]}; " f"{self.grid.shape_cells[0]} x {self.grid.shape_cells[1]} x " f"{self.grid.shape_cells[2]}; {self.field.size:,}") def __eq__(self, field): """Compare two fields.""" equal = self.__class__.__name__ == field.__class__.__name__ equal *= self.grid == field.grid equal *= self._frequency == field._frequency equal *= self.electric == field.electric if equal: equal *= np.allclose(self._field, field._field, atol=0, rtol=1e-10) return bool(equal)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Field.""" return self.from_dict(self.to_dict(copy=True))
[docs] def to_dict(self, copy=False): """Store the necessary information of the Field in a dict. Parameters ---------- copy : bool, default: False If True, returns a deep copy of the dict. Returns ------- out : dict Dictionary containing all information to re-create the Field. """ out = { '__class__': self.__class__.__name__, # v ensure emg3d-TensorMesh 'grid': meshes.TensorMesh(self.grid.h, self.grid.origin).to_dict(), 'data': self._field, 'frequency': self._frequency, 'electric': self.electric, } if copy: return deepcopy(out) else: return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, inp): """Convert dictionary into :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. Parameters ---------- inp : dict Dictionary as obtained from :func:`emg3d.fields.Field.to_dict`. The dictionary needs the keys ``field``, ``frequency``, ``grid``, and ``electric``; ``grid`` itself is also a dict which needs the keys ``hx``, ``hy``, ``hz``, and ``origin``. Returns ------- field : Field A :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. """ inp = {k: v for k, v in inp.items() if k != '__class__'} MeshClass = getattr(meshes, inp['grid']['__class__']) return cls(grid=MeshClass.from_dict(inp.pop('grid')), **inp)
@property def field(self): """Entire field as 1D array [fx, fy, fz].""" return self._field @field.setter def field(self, field): """Update field as 1D array [fx, fy, fz].""" self._field[:] = field @property def fx(self): """Field in x direction. Shape: - electric: (grid.cell_centers_x, grid.nodes_y, grid.nodes_z) - magnetic: (grid.nodes_x, grid.cell_centers_y, grid.cell_centers_z) """ i1 = self._get_prop('n', 'x') shape = self._get_prop('shape', 'x') return self._field[:i1].reshape(shape, order='F') @fx.setter def fx(self, fx): """Update field in x-direction.""" i1 = self._get_prop('n', 'x') self._field[:i1] = fx.ravel('F') @property def fy(self): """Field in y direction. Shape: - electric: (grid.nodes_x, grid.cell_centers_y, grid.nodes_z) - magnetic: (grid.cell_centers_x, grid.nodes_y, grid.cell_centers_z) """ i0, i1 = self._get_prop('n', 'x'), self._get_prop('n', 'z') shape = self._get_prop('shape', 'y') return self._field[i0:-i1].reshape(shape, order='F') @fy.setter def fy(self, fy): """Update field in y-direction.""" i0, i1 = self._get_prop('n', 'x'), self._get_prop('n', 'z') self._field[i0:-i1] = fy.ravel('F') @property def fz(self): """Field in z direction. Shape: - electric: (grid.nodes_x, grid.nodes_y, grid.cell_centers_z) - magnetic: (grid.cell_centers_x, grid.cell_centers_y, grid.nodes_z) """ i0 = self._get_prop('n', 'z') shape = self._get_prop('shape', 'z') return self._field[-i0:].reshape(shape, order='F') @fz.setter def fz(self, fz): """Update electric field in z-direction.""" i0 = self._get_prop('n', 'z') self._field[-i0:] = fz.ravel('F') @property def frequency(self): """Frequency (Hz).""" if self._frequency is None: return None else: return abs(self._frequency) @property def smu0(self): """s*mu_0; mu_0 = magn permeability of free space [H/m].""" if getattr(self, '_smu0', None) is None: if self.sval is not None: self._smu0 = self.sval*mu_0 else: self._smu0 = None return self._smu0 @property def sval(self): """Laplace parameter; s=iw in f-domain and s=f in Laplace-domain.""" if getattr(self, '_sval', None) is None: if self._frequency is not None: if self._frequency < 0: # Laplace domain; s. self._sval = np.array(-self._frequency) else: # Frequency domain; s = iw = 2i*pi*f. self._sval = np.array(2j*np.pi*self._frequency) else: self._sval = None return self._sval def _get_prop(self, pre=None, post=None): """Returns `edges` or `faces` property depending on `electric`.""" name = '' if pre is None else pre + '_' name += 'edges' if self.electric else 'faces' name += '' if post is None else '_' + post return getattr(self.grid, name) # INTERPOLATION
[docs] def interpolate_to_grid(self, grid, **interpolate_opts): """Interpolate the field to a new grid. If the provided grid is identical to the grid of the field, it returns the actual field (not a copy). Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh New grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. interpolate_opts : dict Passed through to :func:`emg3d.maps.interpolate`. Defaults are ``method='cubic'``, ``log=False``, and ``extrapolate=False``. Returns ------- field : Field A new :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance on ``grid``. """ # If grids are identical, return field. if grid == self.grid: return self # Get solver options, set to defaults if not provided. g2g_inp = { 'method': 'cubic', 'extrapolate': False, 'log': False, **({} if interpolate_opts is None else interpolate_opts), 'grid': self.grid, 'xi': grid, } # Interpolate f{x;y;z}. field = np.r_[maps.interpolate(values=self.fx, **g2g_inp).ravel('F'), maps.interpolate(values=self.fy, **g2g_inp).ravel('F'), maps.interpolate(values=self.fz, **g2g_inp).ravel('F')] # Assemble and return new field. return Field(grid, field, frequency=self._frequency)
[docs] def get_receiver(self, receiver, method='cubic'): """Return the field (response) at receiver coordinates. Note that in order to avoid boundary effects from the PEC boundary the outermost cells are neglected. Field values for coordinates outside of the grid are set to NaN's. However, take into account that for good results all receivers should be far away from the boundary. Parameters ---------- receiver : {Rx*, list, tuple} Receiver coordinates. The following formats are accepted: - ``Rx*`` instance, any receiver object from :mod:`emg3d.electrodes`. - ``list``: A list of ``Rx*`` instances. - ``tuple``: ``(x, y, z, azimuth, elevation)``; receiver coordinates and angles (m, °). All values can either be a scalar or having the same length as number of receivers. Note that the actual receiver type of the ``Rx*`` instances has no effect here, it just takes the coordinates from the receiver instances. method : str, default: 'cubic' Interpolation method to obtain the response at receiver location; 'cubic' or 'linear'. Returns ------- responses : EMArray Responses at receiver. """ return get_receiver(self, receiver, method)
[docs]def get_source_field(grid, source, frequency, **kwargs): r"""Return source field for provided source and frequency. The source term is given in Equation 2 of [Muld06]_, .. math:: -\mathrm{i} \omega \mu_0 \mathbf{J}_\mathrm{s} \, . - In the case of dipoles and wires, the source is distributed onto the cells as fraction of the source length. - In the case of points, the adjoint of the trilinear interpolation is used to distribute it to the grid edges. Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh Model grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. source : {Tx*, tuple, list, ndarray) Any source object from :mod:`emg3d.electrodes` (recommended usage). If it is a list, tuple, or ndarray it is in the case of a dipole put through to :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxElectricDipole` or, if ``electric=False``, to :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxMagneticDipole`. If it has more than two points it is put through to :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxElectricWire`. Consult the documentation of the respective classes for the format, but it is recommended to provide directly the classes. frequency : {float, None} Source frequency (Hz), used to compute the Laplace parameter ``s``. Either positive or negative: - ``frequency > 0``: Frequency domain, hence :math:`s = \mathrm{i}\omega = 2\mathrm{i}\pi f` (complex); - ``frequency < 0``: Laplace domain, hence :math:`s = f` (real). - ``frequency == None``: Returns the real-valued, frequency-independent source vector. This basically excludes the multiplication by :math:`-\mathrm{i}\omega\mu_0`. strength : {float, complex}, default: 1.0 Source strength (A), put through to :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxElectricDipole` or, if ``electric=False``, to :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxMagneticDipole`. | *Only used if the provided source is not a source instance.* length : float, default: 1.0 Dipole length (m), put through to :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxElectricDipole` or, if ``electric=False``, to :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxMagneticDipole`. | *Only used if the provided source is not a source instance.* electric : bool, default: True If True, :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxElectricDipole` is used to get the source instance, else :class:`emg3d.electrodes.TxMagneticDipole`. | *Only used if the provided source is not a source instance.* Returns ------- sfield : Field Source field (or source vector, if ``frequency=None``), a :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. Examples -------- .. ipython:: In [1]: import emg3d ...: import numpy as np In [2]: # Create a simple grid, 8 cells of length 100 m in each ...: # direction, centered around the origin. ...: hx = np.ones(8)*100 ...: grid = emg3d.TensorMesh([hx, hx, hx], origin=(-400, -400, -400)) ...: grid # For QC In [3]: # Create an electric dipole source from ...: # x1=y1=z1=0 to x2=100, y2=z2=0; strength=100 A. ...: source = emg3d.TxElectricDipole( ...: [[0, 0, 0], [100, 0, 0]], strength=100) ...: source # For QC In [4]: # Get the corresponding source field for f=0.5 Hz. ...: sfield = emg3d.get_source_field(grid, source, frequency=0.5) ...: sfield # For QC """ # Convert tuples, lists, and ndarrays to Source instances. if isinstance(source, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): # Get optional kwargs and cast source. inp = {'strength': kwargs.get('strength', 1.0)} source = np.asarray(source) if source.size == 5: inp['length'] = kwargs.get('length', 1.0) # Call Tx*-class depending on provided source shape and `electric`. if source.size > 6: source = electrodes.TxElectricWire(source, **inp) elif kwargs.get('electric', True): source = electrodes.TxElectricDipole(source, **inp) else: source = electrodes.TxMagneticDipole(source, **inp) # Get vector field if isinstance(source, electrodes.TxElectricPoint): vfield = _point_vector(grid, source.coordinates) elif isinstance(source, electrodes.TxMagneticPoint): vfield = _point_vector_magnetic(grid, source.coordinates, frequency) else: vfield = _dipole_vector(grid, source.points) # Initiate field with the total vector field. sfield = Field(grid, data=vfield.field, frequency=frequency) # Multiply by source strength sfield.field *= source.strength # Multiply by -i*w*mu_0 to obtain the full source term. if frequency is not None: # Not if the vector is wanted. sfield.field *= -sfield.smu0 return sfield
[docs]def get_receiver(field, receiver, method='cubic'): """Return the field (response) at receiver coordinates. Note that in order to avoid boundary effects from the PEC boundary the outermost cells are neglected. Field values for coordinates outside of the grid are set to NaN's. However, take into account that for good results all receivers should be far away from the boundary. Parameters ---------- field : Field The electric or magnetic field; a :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. receiver : {Rx*, list, tuple} Receiver coordinates. The following formats are accepted: - ``Rx*`` instance, any receiver object from :mod:`emg3d.electrodes`. - ``list``: A list of ``Rx*`` instances. - ``tuple``: ``(x, y, z, azimuth, elevation)``; receiver coordinates and angles (m, °). All values can either be a scalar or having the same length as number of receivers. Note that the actual receiver type of the ``Rx*`` instances has no effect here, it just takes the coordinates from the receiver instances. method : str, default: 'cubic' Interpolation method to obtain the response at receiver location; 'cubic' or 'linear'. Returns ------- responses : EMArray Responses at receiver. """ # Rx* instance. if hasattr(receiver, 'coordinates'): coordinates = receiver.coordinates # List of Rx* instances. elif hasattr(tuple(receiver)[0], 'coordinates'): nrec = len(receiver) coordinates = np.zeros((nrec, 5)) for i, r in enumerate(receiver): coordinates[i, :] = r.coordinates coordinates = tuple(coordinates.T) # Tuple of coordinates. else: coordinates = receiver # Check receiver dimension. if len(coordinates) != 5: raise ValueError( "`receiver` needs to be in the form " "(x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). " f"Length of provided `receiver`: {len(coordinates)}." ) # Grid. grid = field.grid # Pre-allocate the response. _, xi, shape = maps._points_from_grids( grid, field.fx, coordinates[:3], 'cubic') resp = np.zeros(xi.shape[0], dtype=field.field.dtype) # Get weighting factors per direction. factors = electrodes.rotation(*coordinates[3:]) # Add the required responses. opts = {'method': method, 'extrapolate': False, 'log': False} # Set receivers outside of grid to NaN (they should be FAR from boundary). if method == 'linear': opts['fill_value'] = np.nan else: opts['cval'] = np.nan for i, ff in enumerate((field.fx, field.fy, field.fz)): if np.any(abs(factors[i]) > 1e-10): resp += factors[i]*maps.interpolate(grid, ff, xi, **opts) # PEC: If receivers are in the outermost cell, set them to NaN. # Note: Receivers should be MUCH further away from the boundary. ind = ((xi[:, 0] < grid.nodes_x[1]) | (xi[:, 0] > grid.nodes_x[-2]) | (xi[:, 1] < grid.nodes_y[1]) | (xi[:, 1] > grid.nodes_y[-2]) | (xi[:, 2] < grid.nodes_z[1]) | (xi[:, 2] > grid.nodes_z[-2])) resp[ind] = np.nan # Return response. return utils.EMArray(resp.reshape(shape, order='F'))
[docs]def get_magnetic_field(model, efield): r"""Return magnetic field corresponding to provided electric field. Retrieve the magnetic field :math:`\mathbf{H}` from the electric field :math:`\mathbf{E}` using Farady's law, given by .. math:: \nabla \times \mathbf{E} = \rm{i}\omega\mu\mathbf{H} . Note that the magnetic field is defined on the faces of the grid, unlike the electric field which is defined on the edges. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model; a :class:`emg3d.models.Model` instance. efield : Field The electric field; a :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. Returns ------- hfield : Field The magnetic field; a :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. """ # Initiate magnetic field with zeros. hfield = Field(efield.grid, frequency=efield._frequency, electric=False) # Get volume-averaged mu_r divided by s*mu_0. vmodel = models.VolumeModel(model, efield) zeta = vmodel.zeta / efield.smu0 # Compute magnetic field. _edge_curl_factor( hfield.fx, hfield.fy, hfield.fz, efield.fx, efield.fy, efield.fz, efield.grid.h[0], efield.grid.h[1], efield.grid.h[2], zeta) return hfield
def _point_vector(grid, coordinates): """Get point source using the adjoint of the trilinear interpolation. Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh The grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. coordinates : array_like Source coordinates in the format (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). Returns ------- vfield : Field Source field, a :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. """ # Ensure source is within nodes. outside = ( coordinates[0] < grid.nodes_x[0] or coordinates[0] > grid.nodes_x[-1] or coordinates[1] < grid.nodes_y[0] or coordinates[1] > grid.nodes_y[-1] or coordinates[2] < grid.nodes_z[0] or coordinates[2] > grid.nodes_z[-1] ) if outside: raise ValueError(f"Provided source outside grid: {coordinates}.") def point_source(xx, yy, zz, coo, s): """Set point dipole source.""" nx, ny, nz = s.shape # Get indices of cells in which source resides. ix = max(0, np.where(coo[0] < np.r_[xx, np.infty])[0][0]-1) iy = max(0, np.where(coo[1] < np.r_[yy, np.infty])[0][0]-1) iz = max(0, np.where(coo[2] < np.r_[zz, np.infty])[0][0]-1) def get_index_and_strength(ic, nc, csrc, cc): """Return index and field strength in c-direction.""" if ic == nc-1: ic1 = ic rc = 1.0 ec = 1.0 else: ic1 = ic+1 rc = (csrc-cc[ic])/(cc[ic1]-cc[ic]) ec = 1.0-rc return rc, ec, ic1 rx, ex, ix1 = get_index_and_strength(ix, nx, coo[0], xx) ry, ey, iy1 = get_index_and_strength(iy, ny, coo[1], yy) rz, ez, iz1 = get_index_and_strength(iz, nz, coo[2], zz) s[ix, iy, iz] = ex*ey*ez s[ix1, iy, iz] = rx*ey*ez s[ix, iy1, iz] = ex*ry*ez s[ix1, iy1, iz] = rx*ry*ez s[ix, iy, iz1] = ex*ey*rz s[ix1, iy, iz1] = rx*ey*rz s[ix, iy1, iz1] = ex*ry*rz s[ix1, iy1, iz1] = rx*ry*rz # Initiate zero source field. vfield = Field(grid, dtype=float) # Return source-field depending. vec1 = (grid.cell_centers_x, grid.nodes_y, grid.nodes_z) vec2 = (grid.nodes_x, grid.cell_centers_y, grid.nodes_z) vec3 = (grid.nodes_x, grid.nodes_y, grid.cell_centers_z) point_source(*vec1, coordinates[:3], vfield.fx) point_source(*vec2, coordinates[:3], vfield.fy) point_source(*vec3, coordinates[:3], vfield.fz) # Multiply by fraction in each direction. srcdir = electrodes.rotation(*coordinates[3:]) vfield.fx *= srcdir[0] vfield.fy *= srcdir[1] vfield.fz *= srcdir[2] return vfield @utils._requires('discretize') def _point_vector_magnetic(grid, coordinates, frequency): """Get magnetic point source using discretize functionality. Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh The grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. coordinates : array_like Source coordinates in the format (x, y, z, azimuth, elevation). frequency : float Source frequency (Hz). Returns ------- vfield : Field Source field, a :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. """ # Use discretize to get the source field for a magnetic point. coords = np.array(coordinates) rot = electrodes.rotation(coords[3], coords[4]) interp = ( rot[0]*grid.get_interpolation_matrix(coords[:3], 'faces_x') + rot[1]*grid.get_interpolation_matrix(coords[:3], 'faces_y') + rot[2]*grid.get_interpolation_matrix(coords[:3], 'faces_z') ) # Compute the magnetic vector. vfield = Field(grid, frequency=frequency) vfield.field = -(grid.edge_curl.T @ interp.T).toarray().ravel() # Divide by s*mu_0. if frequency is not None: vfield.field /= -vfield.smu0 return vfield def _dipole_vector(grid, points, decimals=9): """Get n-segment dipole source by distributing them to the relevant cells. Parameters ---------- grid : TensorMesh The grid; a :class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh` instance. points : ndarray Source coordinates of shape (2, N): [[x1, y1, z1], ..., [xN, yN, zN]] (m). decimals : int, default: 9 Grid nodes and source coordinates are rounded to given number of decimals. Default is nanometers. Returns ------- vfield : Field Source field, a :class:`emg3d.fields.Field` instance. """ vfield = Field(grid, dtype=float) # Recursively loop through segments. if points.shape[0] != 2: # Add each segments' vector field to total vector field. for p0, p1 in zip(points[:-1, :], points[1:, :]): vfield.field += _dipole_vector( grid, points=np.r_[[p0, p1]], decimals=decimals ).field return vfield # Round nodes and source coordinates (to avoid floating point issues etc). nodes_x = np.round(grid.nodes_x, decimals) nodes_y = np.round(grid.nodes_y, decimals) nodes_z = np.round(grid.nodes_z, decimals) points = np.round(np.asarray(points, dtype=float), decimals) # Ensure source is within nodes. outside = ( min(points[:, 0]) < nodes_x[0] or max(points[:, 0]) > nodes_x[-1] or min(points[:, 1]) < nodes_y[0] or max(points[:, 1]) > nodes_y[-1] or min(points[:, 2]) < nodes_z[0] or max(points[:, 2]) > nodes_z[-1] ) if outside: raise ValueError(f"Provided source outside grid: {points}.") # Dipole lengths in x-, y-, and z-directions, and overall. dxdydz = points[1, :] - points[0, :] length = np.linalg.norm(dxdydz) # Ensure finite length dipole is not a point dipole. if length < 1e-15: raise ValueError(f"Provided finite dipole has no length: {points}.") # Inverse source lengths. id_xyz = dxdydz.copy() id_xyz[id_xyz != 0] = 1/id_xyz[id_xyz != 0] # Cell fractions. a1 = (nodes_x - points[0, 0]) * id_xyz[0] a2 = (nodes_y - points[0, 1]) * id_xyz[1] a3 = (nodes_z - points[0, 2]) * id_xyz[2] # Get range of indices of cells in which points resides. def min_max_ind(vector, i): """Return [min, max]-index of cells in which points resides.""" vmin = min(points[:, i]) vmax = max(points[:, i]) return [max(0, np.where(vmin < np.r_[vector, np.infty])[0][0]-1), max(0, np.where(vmax < np.r_[vector, np.infty])[0][0]-1)] rix = min_max_ind(nodes_x, 0) riy = min_max_ind(nodes_y, 1) riz = min_max_ind(nodes_z, 2) # Loop over these indices. for iz in range(riz[0], min(riz[1]+1, a3.size-1)): for iy in range(riy[0], min(riy[1]+1, a2.size-1)): for ix in range(rix[0], min(rix[1]+1, a1.size-1)): # Determine centre of gravity of line segment in cell. aa = np.vstack([[a1[ix], a1[ix+1]], [a2[iy], a2[iy+1]], [a3[iz], a3[iz+1]]]) aa = np.sort(aa[dxdydz != 0, :], 1) al = max(0, aa[:, 0].max()) # Left and right ar = min(1, aa[:, 1].min()) # elements. # Characteristics of this cell. xmin = points[0, :] + al*dxdydz xmax = points[0, :] + ar*dxdydz x_c = (xmin + xmax) / 2.0 x_len = np.linalg.norm(xmax - xmin) / length # Contribution to edge (coordinate xyz) rx = (x_c[0] - nodes_x[ix]) / grid.h[0][ix] ex = 1 - rx ry = (x_c[1] - nodes_y[iy]) / grid.h[1][iy] ey = 1 - ry rz = (x_c[2] - nodes_z[iz]) / grid.h[2][iz] ez = 1 - rz # Add to field (only if segment inside cell). if min(rx, ry, rz) >= 0 and np.max(np.abs(ar-al)) > 0: vfield.fx[ix, iy, iz] += ey*ez*x_len vfield.fx[ix, iy+1, iz] += ry*ez*x_len vfield.fx[ix, iy, iz+1] += ey*rz*x_len vfield.fx[ix, iy+1, iz+1] += ry*rz*x_len vfield.fy[ix, iy, iz] += ex*ez*x_len vfield.fy[ix+1, iy, iz] += rx*ez*x_len vfield.fy[ix, iy, iz+1] += ex*rz*x_len vfield.fy[ix+1, iy, iz+1] += rx*rz*x_len vfield.fz[ix, iy, iz] += ex*ey*x_len vfield.fz[ix+1, iy, iz] += rx*ey*x_len vfield.fz[ix, iy+1, iz] += ex*ry*x_len vfield.fz[ix+1, iy+1, iz] += rx*ry*x_len # Ensure unity (should not be necessary). for field in [vfield.fx, vfield.fy, vfield.fz]: sum_s = abs(field.sum()) if abs(sum_s-1) > 1e-6: # Normalize and warn. msg = f"emg3d: Normalizing Source: {sum_s:.10f}." warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) field /= sum_s # Multiply by distance in each direction to obtain length. vfield.fx *= dxdydz[0] vfield.fy *= dxdydz[1] vfield.fz *= dxdydz[2] return vfield @nb.njit(**_numba_setting) def _edge_curl_factor(mx, my, mz, ex, ey, ez, hx, hy, hz, zeta): r"""Curl of values living on edges yielding values on faces. Used by :func:`emg3d.fields.get_magnetic_field` to compute the magnetic field from the electric field. The result is put into ``{mx;my;mz}``. Parameters ---------- mx, my, mz : ndarray Pre-allocated zero magnetic field (defined on the faces) in x-, y-, and z-directions (:class:`emg3d.fields.Field`). ex, ey, ez : ndarray Electric fields in x-, y-, and z-directions (:class:`emg3d.fields.Field`). hx, hy, hz : ndarray Cell widths in x-, y-, and z-directions (:class:`emg3d.meshes.TensorMesh`). zeta : ndarray Factor by which nabla x E will be divided. Shape of ``efield.grid.shape_cells``. In the case of Farady's law this is (smu)^-1, volume-averaged. """ # Get dimensions nx = len(hx) ny = len(hy) nz = len(hz) # Loop over dimensions; x-fastest, then y, z for iz in range(nz): izm = max(0, iz-1) izp = iz+1 for iy in range(ny): iym = max(0, iy-1) iyp = iy+1 for ix in range(nx): ixm = max(0, ix-1) ixp = ix+1 # Nabla x E. fx = ((ez[ix, iyp, iz] - ez[ix, iy, iz])/hy[iy] - (ey[ix, iy, izp] - ey[ix, iy, iz])/hz[iz]) fy = ((ex[ix, iy, izp] - ex[ix, iy, iz])/hz[iz] - (ez[ixp, iy, iz] - ez[ix, iy, iz])/hx[ix]) fz = ((ey[ixp, iy, iz] - ey[ix, iy, iz])/hx[ix] - (ex[ix, iyp, iz] - ex[ix, iy, iz])/hy[iy]) # Average zeta for dual-grid # (factor 2 in d?/zeta_? cancels out). dx = hx[ixm] + hx[ix] dy = hy[iym] + hy[iy] dz = hz[izm] + hz[iz] zeta_x = zeta[ixm, iy, iz] + zeta[ix, iy, iz] zeta_y = zeta[ix, iym, iz] + zeta[ix, iy, iz] zeta_z = zeta[ix, iy, izm] + zeta[ix, iy, iz] # Divide by zeta (averaged over the two cells) and store. if ix != 0: mx[ix, iy, iz] = fx * zeta_x / (dx * hy[iy] * hz[iz]) if iy != 0: my[ix, iy, iz] = fy * zeta_y / (hx[ix] * dy * hz[iz]) if iz != 0: mz[ix, iy, iz] = fz * zeta_z / (hx[ix] * hy[iy] * dz)