
class emg3d.surveys.Survey(name, sources, receivers, frequencies, data=None, fixed=0)[source]

Bases: object

Create a survey with sources, receivers, and data.

A survey contains all the sources with their frequencies, receivers, and corresponding data.

Underlying the survey-class is an xarray, which is basically a regular ndarray with axis labels and more. The module xarray is a soft dependency, and has to be installed manually to use the Survey functionality.

This class was developed with a node-based, marine CSEM survey layout in mind. It is therefore optimised for and mostly tested with that setup. This means for a number of receivers which measure for all source positions. The general layout of the data for such a survey is (S, R, F), where S is the number of sources, R the number of receivers, and F the number of frequencies:

     Rx1 Rx2  .  RxR /   f2
    ┌───┬───┬───┬───┐   /   .
Tx1 │   │   │   │   │──┐   /   fF
    ├───┼───┼───┼───┤  │──┐   /
Tx2 │   │   │   │   │──┤  │──┐
    ├───┼───┼───┼───┤  │──┤  │
 .  │   │   │   │   │──┤  │──┤
    ├───┼───┼───┼───┤  │──┤  │
TxS │   │   │   │   │──┤  │──┤
    └───┴───┴───┴───┘  │──┤  │
       └───┴───┴───┴───┘  │──┤
          └───┴───┴───┴───┘  │

However, the class can also be used for a CSEM streamer-style survey layout (by setting fixed=True), where there is a moving source with one or several receivers at a fixed offset. The layout of the data is then also (S, R, F), but here S is the number of locations of the only source, R is the number of receiver-offsets, and F is the number of frequencies:

         Offs1     .   OffsR    /   .
       ┌─────────┬───┬─────────┐   /   fF
TxPos1 │ Rx1-TP1 │ . │ RxR-TP1 │──┐   /
       ├─────────┼───┼─────────┤  │──┐
TxPos2 │ Rx1-TP2 │ . │ RxR-TP2 │──┤  │
       ├─────────┼───┼─────────┤  │──┤
 .     │ .       │ . │ .       │──┤  │
       ├─────────┼───┼─────────┤  │──┤
TxPosS │ Rx1-TPS │ . │ RxR-TPS │──┤  │
       └─────────┴───┴─────────┘  │──┤
          └─────────┴───┴─────────┘  │

This means that even though there is only one source, there are actually S source dipoles, as each position is treated as a different dipole. The number of receiver dipoles in this case is SxR. This setup can also be used for airborne EM.

name : str

Name of the survey

sources, receivers : tuple, list, or dict

Sources and receivers.

  • Tuples: Coordinates in one of the two following formats:

    • (x, y, z, azimuth, dip) [m, m, m, °, °];
    • (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) [m, m, m, m, m, m].

    Dimensions will be expanded (hence, if n dipoles, each parameter must have length 1 or n). These dipoles will be named sequential with Tx### and Rx###.

    The tuple can additionally contain an additional element at the end (after dip or z1), electric, a boolean of length 1 or n, that indicates if the dipoles are electric or magnetic.

  • List: A list of Dipole-instances. The names of all dipoles in the list must be unique.

  • Dictionary: A dict of de-serialized Dipole-instances; mainly used for loading from file.

frequencies : ndarray

Source frequencies (Hz).

data : ndarray or None

The observed data (dtype=np.complex128); must have shape (nsrc, nrec, nfreq) or, if fixed=True, (nsrc, noff, nfreq). If None, it will be initiated with NaN’s.

fixed : bool

Node-based CSEM survey (fixed=False; default) or streamer-type CSEM survey (fixed=True). In the streamer-type survey, the number of receivers supplied must be a multiple of the source positions. In this case, the receivers are grouped into offsets.

Attributes Summary

data Data, a xarray.DataSet instance.
frequencies Frequency array.
rec_coords Return receiver coordinates.
receivers Receiver dict containing all receiver dipoles.
shape Return nsrc x nrec x nfreq.
size Return actual data size (does NOT equal nsrc x nrec x nfreq).
sources Source dict containing all source dipoles.
src_coords Return source coordinates.

Methods Summary

copy() Return a copy of the Survey.
from_dict(inp) Convert dictionary into Survey instance.
from_file(fname[, verb]) Load Survey from a file.
to_dict([copy]) Store the necessary information of the Survey in a dict.
to_file(fname[, compression, json_indent, verb]) Store Survey to a file.

Attributes Documentation


Data, a xarray.DataSet instance.

Contains the xarray.DataArray element .observed, but other data can be added. E.g., emg3d.simulations.Simulation adds the synthetic array.


Frequency array.


Return receiver coordinates.

The returned format is (x, y, z, azm, dip), a tuple of 5 tuples. If fixed=True it returns a dict with the offsets as keys, and for each offset it returns the corresponding receiver coordinates as just outlined.


Receiver dict containing all receiver dipoles.


Return nsrc x nrec x nfreq.

Note that not all source-receiver-frequency pairs do actually have data. Check size to see how many data points there are.


Return actual data size (does NOT equal nsrc x nrec x nfreq).


Source dict containing all source dipoles.


Return source coordinates.

The returned format is (x, y, z, azm, dip), a tuple of 5 tuples.

Methods Documentation


Return a copy of the Survey.

classmethod from_dict(inp)[source]

Convert dictionary into Survey instance.

inp : dict

Dictionary as obtained from Survey.to_dict(). The dictionary needs the keys name, sources, receivers frequencies, observed, and fixed.

obj : Survey instance
classmethod from_file(fname, verb=1)[source]

Load Survey from a file.

fname : str

File name including extension. Used backend depends on the file extensions:

  • ‘.npz’: numpy-binary
  • ‘.h5’: h5py-binary (needs h5py)
  • ‘.json’: json
verb : int

Silent if 0, verbose if 1.

survey : Survey

The survey that was stored in the file.


Store the necessary information of the Survey in a dict.

to_file(fname, compression='gzip', json_indent=2, verb=1)[source]

Store Survey to a file.

fname : str

File name inclusive ending, which defines the used data format. Implemented are currently:

  • .h5 (default): Uses h5py to store inputs to a hierarchical, compressed binary hdf5 file. Recommended file format, but requires the module h5py. Default format if ending is not provided or not recognized.
  • .npz: Uses numpy to store inputs to a flat, compressed binary file. Default format if h5py is not installed.
  • .json: Uses json to store inputs to a hierarchical, plain text file.
compression : int or str, optional

Passed through to h5py, default is ‘gzip’.

json_indent : int or None

Passed through to json, default is 2.

verb : int

Silent if 0, verbose if 1.